About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 One Of My Very Own







"How about we take this to the bedroom?" my wife whispers to her family-sized bag of peanut M&Ms.




I couldn't agree more.


Probably a big mix of mask-wearing, schools being closed, everyone cleaning everything, and generally avoiding others. But still impressive.


I'm afraid I'm guy #2.



Driving an old car.

Drinking in the park.

Being a regular at your lawyer's office.

Having someone drive you places.

Living in a hotel.

Sitting on the porch.

Eating things you shoot.

Marrying a cousin.

Day drinking.

Not wearing socks.

Vagina-scented candles - one purchased, the other a consequence of your naughtiness.

During her menopause, my wife stood inches from my face and yelled at me for what seemed like an hour. Then she looked to her left, seemed to have trouble focusing, then looked me in the face and said, "Sorry." Then she just walked away.


Yeah, big bothers are the greatest builders of crap detectors.







I taught Dylann Roof. He was a strange kid. He wore the same orange shirt every day...Every. Day.


It's as if Republicans' only goal is to oppose anything the Democrats want to do regardless of their true previously stated opinions.


Nowhere is my last statement illustrated better than in the mask debate. I am convinced that if the liberals had come out against the masks then conservatives would be all for them.



A good way to get out of a conversation is to take off one of your socks and try to hand it to the person talking.



Arlington Row in England

If you want it to last, build with stone.


They have another of these...


I wondered how it turned then I figured it was just a pull handle.


Rotting USSR shuttles

This is what happens when you don't take care of your government.


Reminded me of this...


Bat is not so much swimming as flying through the water...


I stood up under one of those one time. It was in awe.




Welbike. British bike fitted in an airdrop canister.


This jig both centers and plumbs the drill bits on most thicknesses of wood...

I would like two voids like the ones it has only shifted 90degrees so I could see a mark on the wood where the hole should go.



I just want to know why my clothes only get stuck on the doorknob when I'm in a bad mood.



The new socks that he knitted himself...

He learned how to do that during his staythefuckathome.





Joe Whale is a 9-year-old boy who got into trouble at school for "doodling" in class. Instead of forbidding him to draw, his parents enrolled him in art classes.

A restaurant found out about the boy's talent and hired him to decorate it.


It was stated that this is much harder than it looks.


He fucking made it!


He did not make it.


He’s rubbing a lint roller over people during a pandemic.

I haven't a clue as to why.


Service troops spend a lot of time pranking one another.


Yeah, that's what you want to do...fuck with the cops.


This is a 1000 level Wanted Level


I have had the privilege of knowing two professional comedians. They are a breed apart. I once told one of them the funniest joke I had ever heard and she just looked off in the distance, nodded her head, and said, "That's really funny." And she wasn't even smiling.


Conflict Resolution...his way...


Strip Beer Pong brings out your very best game...

She's a real good sport!


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.


Twister Pro?




Vintage 60s toy commercial featuring a very young Kurt Russell.


I have done that a million times. But I glued the sponge to a brick-sized piece of plywood onto which I screwed a screen door handle.

And I always scratched "Last Brick" into the very last one.


Behind The Scenes - The Exorcist


First Pizza Party in space...

Subir la cuesta




Write that shit down.





Probably faked.





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B11: it has the voids to see the marks. The guy in the video is using the tool incorrectly. It needs to be rotated so that those voids line up with the side of the board.

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