One Of My Very Own
Talk about having a bad day!
The ship Ever Given is still stuck in the Suez Canal. Your package is going to be late.
How the hell is that even possible?
And what is the backhoe going to do about it?
It was stated that 50 ships a day clear the canal and every day these ships are stuck in a massive traffic jam.
Is he saying there is NOTHING that can be done to curtail mass murderers?
I don't want anybody rounding up all my guns, but let me tell you a story my father told me.
I asked why the new shotgun he bought me only held three shells. He explained that it was to give the game a better chance of survival.
Well, maybe we shouldn't allow 30+ shot clips FOR EXACTLY THE SAME REASON.
Also, Mr. Cruz, we are all open to any and all ideas you have to AT LEAST lessen the carnage.
It has been proven that young man is responsible for 87.6% of Qanon content.
Oh, shit.
I thought it dead on.
A friend of my wife's said, "I would have made the Dean's List except for a D that asshole professor gave me." Then she added, "And I fucked him, too."
You have to wonder what kind of skank pussy that bitch had.

I was faced with a problem I had never faced before. I kept learning about the problem and changed my tactics as I gained knowledge.
That is EXACTLY what Fauci did. When this started he didn't even know covid was air born. And every time he learned something new about the virus he changed his advice - just like he was supposed to.
That is not a weakness. That is science at its best.
ADDED LATER: I heard today that the suggestion to change the 6' separation in schools to 3' was changed because they found out the 6' didn't work anyway. Anybody know anything about that?
The older I get the more I can relate to the witches in fairy tales who move out into the woods and kill anyone who bothers them.
I have a friend who planted six of those on each side of his sidewalk when he first bought his house in the 70s. They are about that big now and walking down the sidewalk is like walking in a steep canyon.
That makes me twitch.
Those must be two very busy men.
When your master turns toward the vet instead of the dog park.
"Yeah, great idea, Sally. Sell seashells. On the seashore. Where there are thousands of seashells. For free. Idiot."
And they are blaming Joe for the wall around the Capitol...the wall erected to keep out Trump supporters.
Katalin Karikó, inventor of the mRNA Vaccine tech that is saving billions of lives around the globe.
Just in case you are not a fan of women in STEM.
Born in Poland in 1871, to Jewish parents, became a naturalized citizen of Germany in 1899. Murdered and thrown into the Landwehrkanal in Berlin at age 47 for her connection to the Spartacus Uprising of 1919. Luxemburg pushed the role of women within the internationalist socialist movement of Europe of the early 20th century. In doing that she often opposed existing male forces (in particular Leninist) and didn't fear her enemies while publishing multiple books and papers calling for social reform. She may be a divisive figure but she fortified the role of women in modern politics with her legendary strong will and narrative brilliance. All that at barely 5 feet tall.
Gewoon Bloot ("Simply Naked") is a new Dutch children's television show featuring a panel of adults who get butt naked and answer questions from kids aged 10 to 12. The program is meant to encourage body positivity. The topics range from "being ashamed of certain body parts or shaving versus waxing." The show hasn't yet aired publicly but, surprise, it's causing quite a controversy. Kids who have previewed the program had mixed reviews.
You might as well prepare yourself for electric vehicles because oil is on the way out.
Some people think that idea makes about as much sense as this:
But my golf cart does that. When coasting the batteries recharge. It also aids in breaking.
"Hyperaccumulator" plants grow in metal-rich soil—and suck a huge amount of metal out of the ground. If you cut open the leaf of a hyperaccumulator plant, you get blue-green sap, because it's fully 25% nickel. That's an astonishingly high concentration; it's higher than the ore that goes into a nickel smelter. This leads to a fun idea: What if, instead of mining rare minerals the traditional way—digging into the ground, a technique that requires tons of energy and damages the local ecosystem—you farmed them?
Why Isn't Fish Considered Meat During Lent?
Legend has it that centuries ago a medieval pope with connections to Europe's fishing business banned red meat on Fridays to give his buddies' industry a boost. But that story isn't true. Sunday school teachers have a more theological answer: Jesus fasted for 40 days and died on a Friday. Catholics honor both occasions by making a small sacrifice: avoiding animal flesh one day out of the week. That explanation is dandy for a homily, but it doesn't explain why only red meat and poultry are targeted and seafood is fine.
For centuries, the reason evolved with the fast. In the beginning, some worshippers only ate bread. But by the Middle Ages, they were avoiding meat, eggs, and dairy. By the 13th century, the meat-fish divide was firmly established—and Saint Thomas Aquinas gave a lovely answer explaining why: sex, simplicity, and farts.
Learn what car your boss drives so you don’t give her the finger in the parking garage. I know that now.
Where are the teeth?!
Vegetarian vamp?
"What the fuck does that mean?" asked the white person.
A Sad Tale
The 36 years old driver was suspected of being under the influence of drugs.

The Green door is between the Black door and the White door and the Grey door is between White and Red doors. From this we have:
Black; Green; White; Grey; Red.
Blue is two doors from White and next to the Black door, so now we have:
Blue; Black; Green; White; Grey; Red.
We know we start with a Blue door and not the Red, because we are told the Red door isn't first in the row.
The Brown door is last in the row, giving the complete sequence:
Blue; Black; Green; White; Grey; Red; Brown.
A15 Is it just me? The first thing I would check is to see if the bulb is burned out.
D6 backlash from this
Dear Inchworm A15,
I neglected to mention that the lamp post has six bulbs and the chances they all went out at the same time is remote.
Dear Mr. Harris,
Be nice or your comments will never see the light of day.
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