About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






The Egyptian crew that freed the EVER GIVEN from the Suez Canal.

It was today that I learned that EVERGREEN is the name of the company that owns the ship named EVER GIVEN.

I had a nightmare during a nap. I dreamed that I just thought I was napping but really I was in a drug-induced coma with tubes in my lungs. Then panicked when I thought I wouldn't be able to wake up.

I had that dream yesterday. Today I'm scheduled for my second covid vaccine shot.



My wife and I play this fun game during quarantine. It's called "Why are you doing it that way?" and there are no winners.







They opened at 11am, but what a wonderful effort anyway.


Inheritance Tax Forgiveness - Another favor for the rich given by the legislators who were bought with campaign contributions by those same rich people...



Don't focus on the Transformer morphing in the street but rather the man strolling along ignoring the whole spectacle.


Jytte was only 16 when she decided to hike in Denmark, only with the company of her dog Lassie. She was out on her hike to seek inspiration for a youth book. Jytte went viral in a 52-year-old news report from 1969. When the reporter asked if the 16-year-old wanderer has prepared for trouble, he gets a rather tangible answer.


I am going to do this with my grandson the very next time I get to see him.


So, would you curse your bad luck of getting your motorcycle damaged or rejoice in your good luck of not being crushed? 

I'm the latter type of guy.


What's all the wing-flapping about? To get the man's attention?


My kids performed similar feats on their big wheel.


Elan, verve, or brio?


How about this one?



I wear a stethoscope so that in a medical emergency I can teach people a valuable lesson about assumptions.



Imagine if the last of the Confederate Army had taken refuge on an American island off the coast then a foreign government had continued to arm them for 7 decades. Do you think the US would allow that?


Where did the students go, China?

Fuck the CCP.



1911: Step right up for a trip to Mars! Don’t go to that Musk guy, he charges way too much.


Graffiti found in Pompeii's ruins


Did you notice the weird arrangement of the illustrations?

So, I fixed it.


See anything...odd?


Well, I looked it up and the parallels are uncanny.

They sound just as snooty as American Karens.


A flood or tsunami?



Why would he do that? Do you think they were noisy?


Did you notice the giant ringlets?

Its power is stunning...


The last time he asked, "Where would you like to eat lunch, Honey?"


Did you know that in Europe most semi-trailers are soft-sided? I guess it could make offloading the cargo easier, but there is a price to pay.



I was pretty happy with my SAT scores but my dad kept pointing out the scores of other kids so I send him a list of the salaries of my friends' parents.



These sculptures are just asking for it.


I'm pretty fucking good at crosswords. Yesterday I came across a word I have never seen.

Element 39: YTTRIUM

I was hung up on the second letter which I KNEW had to be a vowel.




I asked my wife why bras had a wire and she didn't know. I told her if I was asked to wear a wire under my ball sack I would sure as shit want to know why.


Herd Behavior is fascinating to me.

In many ways, it acts as a single organism.


I watched that movie just to see how bad a movie could be. I was not disappointed. It was the worst movie ever committed to celluloid.


Strange photo this...

There is a website with dozens of photos of Tom Selleck in scenes with a sandwich.


Can we safely assume this guy sells flags?


The Golden-Tailed Gecko

Imagine when we finally meet an alien and they look just like us and all of the sudden they shoot crap like that out of their nose or some shit.


One of the first jokes...

The oldest written joke in recorded history is from about 3 centuries earlier, from 1900 BC in Sumer. "Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap".




Giant salamander


I seem to recall that it's an American breed.


One would think they would know not to park under the eave after heavy snow.


Lo, the miracles we wield...


My nephew once told me that in other countries they just kill murderers and such so the jails are not overcrowded. And even though that may be true I still think we Americans are over-criminalized.

And those that should be jailed use their power to avoid it.





It's for all you Trump Nazis.





It's that girl with the big feet again...




Anonymous said...

puzzle time:


Anonymous said...


Steve said...



Burgervan said...

My lesson would be. just do what You want to do. I believe in existence. look after all you care about. everything else is whatever you might care for!

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