One Of My Very Own
We are three days into a discussion about if getting a toaster oven would be worth sacrificing the counter space. Marriage is wild, Y'all.
This is wrong, of course, but they had to paint such signs in London to warn the American visitors.
Let's just chalk that up to lack of supervision.
At least he tried.
Don't Swim With Anyone With Their Dick Out?
I understand errors but how did that pass through so many hands without someone noticing.
I would think the old track would be sold for scrap.
And it fetches the hat.
When you try sneaking by construction...
Buy a lottery ticket!
That thing could have killed somebody.
How was a thing like that approved for use by children?
Watch carefully...
And he sat there rehashing every decision he had ever made that led him to that moment in his life.
I pretend annoying people on the internet are children who don't know better. It helps me try to be forgiving and kind.
All things Ralph...
Inside reactor 4 of Chernobyl NPP that exploded on April 26, 1986.
And just like that, a whole industry was brought to its knees. Pity that.
Clean hands, clean phone
Artificial horizon (or attitude indicator) that informs the pilot of the aircraft orientation relative to Earth's horizon
Station crossing in China
SpaceX recent SN11 landing
When medications say "Do not operate heavy machinery" they are probably mainly referring to cars but my mind always goes to landing that son of a bitch.
*Not to belittle the feat but it looks just like every Sci-Fi space movie of the 1950s.
We can do this now with a street-legal family car.
Many were from classics like Snow White. They cost $25 each. I didn't have $25 at the time. I often think about what they might be worth today.
A person on a phone in a film hardly ever says goodbye when they hang up and nobody in that film ever seems to think that is rude.
Learn how to do things yourself.
Take pleasure where you can find it.
Work on your empathy.
Take wonder in the beauty around you.
Get some exercise.
Clean up after yourself.
Never stop learning.
Never feel superior to another.
Do shit like this.
Whatever you do, do it well.
Eduardo Scissorhands?
Those are Brussels sprouts.
Be kind to one another.
And the most important rule of life:

The ole lip bite
Start square is the lower left corner.
Start square can be deduced by beginning at the X and working backwards, finding the only square the points there (2D above it). Then find the only square that points there (1R to its left), ad infinitum. Eventually, you work back to the lower left, where no other square points to.
Puzzle Time: 2R. Lower left corner
B10: two fluids of different density?
That is the hard way dude! Since no other square can get you to 2R in the lower left corner, it is the only square need to do all that backward shit.
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