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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 22, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






Its has become very clear to me why the 1918 pandemic was followed by the roaring 20s and why people dressed up to go just about anywhere.



This is me when I see any of my neighbors outside on their lawns.

I mean that.


This ordeal we are all experiencing must be taking a tremendous toll on mothers of small children.

I salute you, Mothers of the World. Be strange but a bit longer. It's almost over.


This whole American generation will be embarrassed before the whole world for many years to come.


Whatever happened to the realization that we are all immigrants. Even the "Native Americans" arrived from the Berring Sea land bridge from Russia.


I have made the exact observation many times. The difference being I would eat anything that others were eating - at least once.

I've even proposed that NASA develop worms that eat human shit and the the humans eat the worms.


It's so arbitrary. The sport you excel in is the best. The brand of car you drive is the best. And more importantly the country in which you were born is the best country in the world - so says the vast majority of inhabitants of Earth.


That is profoundly sagacious.



Those zany Canadians.


I don't know about you but I consider mask and no mask as an IQ test.


Not wearing a mask hurts me and I WILL cut you out of my life for it.


Fuck you ignorant bastards.


I once came into the position of a very used sousaphone.

It even came with the original heavy-duty trunk used to transport it. While experiencing a financial crisis I sold it at a yard sale for next to nothing. I regret it to this day.


A neighbor of a young girl is getting married so she is shown leaning out of the window of her house in Amsterdam to get a good look at the bride and groom. 

That young girl was Anne Frank.
It is 22 July 1941, the only time she has ever been captured on film. 
A year later the Frank family went into hiding.

[verification needed]



If you are petting a small dog in your lap, it is important to let everyone else in the zoom meeting know what you are doing with your hand.




Notice the soles of her feet.

Well, she's dressed for it.


That's in my hometown!


Before the accident...

After the accident...


They all look rather...stern.


The longer you look at that the worse it gets.


Knee painting used to be a thing.


I'm thinking a prop for a wine shop.


The smirk on the clerk's face.


Have I mentioned my wife's restless leg syndrome?


To hell with the parlor trick with the dart - what the fuck is this?!


Finding lions when you're just looking for lion tracks.

He probably won't put that on his professional safari guide résumé.


Life trying to imitate art...


Daughter shows mom what she's learned at college.




Forgetting to cancel the free trial has got to be a $100 billion industry.









Loaves of bread?

Not bread...


Cigar or Cigarette Lighter Patent

Would somebody like to explain that to me. We can start with the fuel.



"Let's go camping it will be fun," they said.


I love it!

Especially for a Ghostbusters fan. I like the whole idea of theme based urns. I plan on putting my wife's ashes in a Peanut M&M bag.


I'm looking for a Indiana Jones type computer bag but as soon as I saw this one I knew I didn't want to deal with those two buckles. Then I noticed the expertly hidden easy open clasps...


I imagine being able to hover like that would be a great asset in the hunt.


You can't throw a dead cat without finding an unusually shaped cake but this one is very convincing.


I wonder if ostriches lay non-fertilized eggs like chickens.



Maintenance I never knew was needed...


It could have jumped on top of a car but to hell with the cat - who lives with a huge pack of wild dogs running around their neighborhood? And did you notice that one thrown bottle saved the day?


Think this is a good idea?

Well, it's not.



Yeah, there's a robot for that...












It's not as hard as it looks.

The symbols resemble the letters.



Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: if you can read this then you know that Epstein didn't kill himself.

It's amazing how the brain works.

Burgervan said...

I DEFINITELY now that EINSTEIN didn't kill himself. or DID HE?!?!?!

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