About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






You know who else is in the running? Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers.


When my wife says, "I'm hungry", I have about 27 minutes until she turns into a different person.


That's fucking BRILLIANT!



Tesla autopilot overwhelmed by Vietnamese street traffic.

That's basically the machine just saying:

 "Deal with this shit your own damn self".


But if you have taken my advice you finish up with a wet wipe.

But always remember that flushable wipes aren't flushable.

My argument for using wet wipes goes something like this:

Let's suppose that for whatever reason you get human shit smeared on, say, your forearm. Would you attempt to wipe it off with a couple of Kleenexes and think you were adequately cleaned? Of course not. You would most likely use soap and water. That's where the wet wipes come in when you are wiping your ass.

The wife and I use strips of newspaper to wrap them up after use before putting them in the trashcan.


A Genetic study points to Indigenous Australians as the oldest continuous society on Earth

The most comprehensive genetic study of Indigenous Australians to date indicates that the group is the oldest continuous civilization on Earth, dating back more than 50,000 years ago – and that modern Indigenous Australians are the descendants of the first people to settle Australia.




A megalithic monument in Spain that's older than the Pyramids was recently uncovered from its watery hiding place by a drought.

At 7,000 years old, the "Spanish Stonehenge" is actually some 2,000 years older than Stonehenge itself.

It was actually discovered decades ago when the area was flooded only to reappear recently.


Neurons in a culture dish trying to form connections with each other.


Reindeer cyclones on Russia’s Kola Peninsula, Arctic Circle

A swirling mass of threatened reindeer stampeding in a circle making it impossible to target an individual - fawns are in the middle.


The longer video is worth watching.



My wife did a tarot reading for me and the first card she flipped was a flaming dumpster.



Congratulations or condemnation? You decide.


All things spoons...


Let's just chalk it up to absurdity and move on.



I would assume that's true.


I would love to know the advantages of that design.



You have been toting an object around for a long time but when it gets empty you don't put it back in your pocket or purse or whatever - you throw it on the ground. Why?


A Life Alert commercial warns you that it may be "offensive".

I found it exceedingly interesting that the woman who has fallen down the stairs makes the exact same noises as my wife does during sex.


Two people are headed to the emergency room in 5...4...3...


A couple of worthwhile photographs


"Different times in the same place" Taken by Alex Hyner

Much later I found the original juxtaposed next to the finished image...



Rough Seas

Did you notice the recesses for storing stuff?


Those zany Asians.


Gotta be Canadian.


Ducks are such marvelous creatures. They walk, run, fly, swim, dive, and are delicious.


Why would any sane person want to do such a thing?


She nailed it!



After much reflection, I have not felt fly like a G6 in quite some time.




What kind of fruit is that?


Fuck the perp, the cops are the stars. Standing there watching this performance knowing it is being filmed and will be admissible in the trial.


And...watch the cop's approach...



I'm assuming they are recycling the copper.


Alignment is MUCH harder than it looks.


He does that all day wearing shower shoes.

There are tools to help you do anything...



I would like to meet that man.


How many times must that have taken?


You go girl!













Anonymous said...

B6 it can make 2 waffles at the same time

Anonymous said...

C2: around here we call those "cantaloupes"

Anonymous said...

That IS what it does. It IS a waffle maker. I have two of them, each with a different design/pattern.
I've never seen a waffle maker designed any differently.

Oldtarf said...

The 'fruit' being peeled is a vegetable. It's a swede.

Anonymous said...

B1: Congrats!

Anonymous said...

B11: https://scielo.conicyt.cl/img/revistas/arq/n103//0717-6996-arq-103-64-gf5.png


Anonymous said...

That was not a rutabaga. Or swede as you might like to say.

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