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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

SUNDAY #4484

One Of My Very Own





I learned a new term today:

It has to do with handing out gifts (even food and drink) to voters that may be used to sway their vote. It is denied in most states. In Georgia, the prohibition kicks in at 150 feet from the voting booth. I do not think that is unreasonable.

However, with the number of voters that turned out in the last elections, everything about voting should be INCREASED not DECREASED. And that includes days, places, drop boxes, etc.




My parents never visited a foreign country, never read books, and as far as I could tell never had an original thought. My epiphany was realizing my parents were not very intelligent people, which gave me the license to think differently than they - or to be more precise - I began to think as opposed to just accepting the cultural dogma.


Why would anyone care if the two parents were of the same sex? What business is it of yours anyway? Don't you have anything else to think about?


And here's another example of people rendering an opinion on something that is none of their fucking business.

Some people think this happiness should be denied.


From such religions arise.


People bet not only their life but the lives of their loved ones and fellow Americans on their Google search skills which consist solely of confirmation bias.

Let's try the mental exercise:

If you found out that a couple of thousand people a day were dying in airplane accidents would your behavior change in any way? Would you still fly down to Cancun?

What if 2000 people a day were dying after eating chicken? Would you change your eating habits?

What if dogs suddenly turned on their owners and killed 2000 people a day? Would you cancel your plans to pick up a pound puppy for your son's birthday?

I'm going to assume you would most assuredly err on the side of caution.

So, 2000 people a day are dying from a virus that floats in the air and the experts tell you that wearing a mask could drastically reduce your chances of getting it. And you ignorant motherfuckers decide to go it alone.

I will never understand that level of stupidity.


The USSR was a world power locked in a power struggle with the USA. And we prevailed simply by outspending them. But we are still spending more money on defense than any other country by far. How long can we continue to do this?


Yet the same people who respect this bat's nap time will have nothing but contempt for the homeless man sleeping on a park bench.


(Insert collective moan)



Maybe my mom was right all those years ago. Maybe I won't be happy until someone loses an eye.


The number of people who don't know the difference between Socialism and Communism is too damn high.



A young architect once designed a small park adjacent to a mural I painted. He began placing bricks like that on the most uneven sand I had ever seen. I asked if he wanted me to level the sand and he said that it would all settle out in a day or two. And, of course, it did. Within a couple of days, the sidewalk was level as a plate.

Further, I brought in a couple of tons of brick for a parking area in my side yard and just placed them right on top of the grass. It took a month or so and those bricks were smooth as a baby's butt.


I'm assuming that's a street "performer". If so, I could do the shit out of that...if there was a TV nearby...with the MLB package, of course.


For human trafficking or just extreme parental discipline?


My wife could beat her if there was a bag of Peanut M&Ms at the top.


That's cool as shit.


I hated having to get up and fetch a beer every time my father wanted one so badly that I swore I would never ask a child of mine to do that. And I didn't...until she herself was old enough to drink and was on the way to the cooler anyway.


Do you think he put that on his resumé?


Somebody had to be the first one to figure out how to do that. And it looks like those are the absolute longest that could be fit that way.


This old man never lost his chill...

Here he is at the trampoline park...

And this might be the same guy but all old men look alike to me...


Is that real?


Not all thrill-seekers are rewarded equally...

Is there insurance for something like that?


Navy seals?


Bromance at its finest...

Or worst...you decide.


I'm betting they always put the new guy at the window on his first day.



I think calling someone without texting them first should be classified as a hate crime.



That is a few years old now, well before covid.


The US better jump on the wind and solar bandwagon now because the rest of the civilized world is leaving us in their dust.


Me and Stone

And to think - the rocks had to be removed from the fields anyway. 


See anything odd about this Irish pub?

It all fits inside this...


Un paisaje muy hermoso de Monte Fuji Prefectura de Shizuoka en Japón


Another earthquake scene...

Imagine being that high during an event like that.


Harnessing the power of the tide is not a bad idea either.


Where I live there are many such tree canopies over the roads.


Oh, the memories I cherish.



I wonder if Gordon Ramsey ever says Fuck it and just microwaves himself a dozen pizza rolls at 2am.



The latest ride installed at Disneyland...

You have to sign a waiver in case of death or dismemberment.


Vale street Bristol vs bumpers


I used to drive an Alfa Spider just like this one.

Its undercarriage was so slow I had to avoid any raised manhole covers.

Like this one...

God, I loved that car. My then-wife blew a rod right out the side of the engine block on the way to work.


Would this frighten you?

Well, it frightened the shit out of some grown-ass men...




Yes this was a very real commercial


I can stop thinking about storing all that explosive power in my garage.


And so he did...

But then others did it properly...






Did you notice the miles of bales in the background?


One sow - 6 to 8 piglets a year - you do the math.

Sorry, I erred. Here's what Google has to say:

Wild hogs will breed year-round, but births peak in spring and fall. Gestation is 114 days, and a sow will give birth to anywhere from 1 to a dozen piglets. She can have 2 litters a year.














Anonymous said...

D6: the propellant is typically not prepared until the day before the launch. It is not uncommon to have a group of enthusiast all prepping at the same location.
The prepared propellant if most commonly a solid, built in "grains". The grains are stackable inside the motor housing. The more grains you add the higher it goes.

The propellant is actually quite stable.


Re the two blokes living as a married pair; what do they do for sex? Have fencing matches? I am tolerant of same sex , I don.t care if they put their knobs in the food blender do you?

Steve said...

beauty salon
garden center
travel agency
petrol station

Louis said...

A8 is hilarious! It made me ponder for a moment.

I've always loved your blog. Thanks for the diversion.

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