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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






This is the portion of my side yard on which I laid pavers right on top of the grass.

I had gravel brought in for the top half of the parking area but last night I told my wife I wanted to hire someone to lay pavers on the gravel area also.

The next day I stepped out of my truck after fetching lunch and a pickup stopped and a man handed me a business card identifying him as a driveway specialist. After explaining exactly what I wanted and expected he said he would call me with a quote. 

But then he asked about my cart. I told him about it and he confessed that the only reason he had stopped was to get information on the cart. I told him about my wife and I discussing the driveway the night before so assumed she had called him. She thought I had called him. We all chalked it up to karma. But I can tell you that I feel I must hire this man.


At least 100 times I've watched CNN show a woman cop shoot a young black guy. Every time they show the entire shooting they bleep the word "shit". Think about that. It's okay to show a man being fatally shot but we mustn't let anyone hear the word "shit".




Would JC want you to protect your bodily temple with a mask?

Would JC avoid infecting others?


Would JC favor voting laws like those in Georgia?


Does JC see how unbelievable we normal people find the holy books?


$42,000 found and returned. $1000 reward. Net loss of $41,000.

Would JC accept a tip just for returning something that didn't belong to him?


Would JC approve of laws making life easier for people?


Would JC allow his church to amass vast amounts of money while people went to bed hungry?


Why didn't JC inform us of some of the mysteries of the universe?


Would JC approve of arming every nutcase in a country?


If JC was so keen on protecting the fetus why does he kill so many of them with miscarriages?


JC said nothing about homosexuals one way or the other.


Inspire Brands is majority-owned by Roark Capital — a $23 billion private equity giant named after the self-centered protagonist of the Ayn Rand novel The Fountainhead, which is considered a foundational conservative text for the defense of billionaires and economic inequality.

The parent company of some of America’s largest fast-food chains is claiming credit for convincing Congress to exclude a $15 minimum wage from the recent COVID relief bill

Inspire Brands’ success in eliminating the minimum wage hike from the bill follows Dunkin’ Brands’ then CEO Nigel Travis said in 2015 that a $15 minimum wage would be “absolutely outrageous.” At the time, unions noted that Travis was being paid more than $4,000 every hour.

While paying many of its workers below $15, Inspire Brands’ franchises are generating $26 billion in annual revenue and enriching top executives. The founder of Jimmy John’s — which has been accused of busting worker union drives — recently boasted on his website that he was named one of the planet’s wealthiest men.

Would JC be in favor of pulling millions of workers out of poverty?


Would JC beat the shit out of people who displeased him?


“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

As China alleges, has America lost the moral high ground? Let's consider what the world reads about America just about every day:

Cops shooting citizens

Citizens shooting civilians

School massacres

An obscene amount of spending on weapons of war

Lack of healthcare

Lifetime indebtedness for a college degree

Rampant drug addiction

Attacks on Asians

Storming of Capital

Hordes of no mask no vaccine idiots

We can do better than that.



After the election, my WTFs per hour have gone down dramatically.



Solar AND wind-powered.


Tree completely twisted by a tornado

My stupid-ass father took all us kids out on the back porch during a tornado to show us how the rain wouldn't get us wet because the house blocked it as it blew horizontally. The house two door down was completely destroyed.

But the image that stuck in my mind was of the stop signpost that was twisted so many times it stood only a foot or so off the ground...sort of like this...


I would have dropkicked that yappyass little bastard into next Tuesday.


Customs officials in Ecuador discovered 185 baby tortoises packed inside a suitcase that was being sent from the Galápagos Islands to the mainland on Sunday. The reptiles had been wrapped in plastic and were found during a routine inspection at the main airport on the island of Baltra. Ten of them had died, officials said. One of the biggest threats to Galápagos tortoises is illegal trading for animal collectors and exotic pet markets. The tortoises seized at the airport on Baltra are thought to be less than three months old.



The San Francisco Garter Snake has been on the endangered list since 1967 and has been labeled the most beautiful snake in the U.S. Researches estimate only 1-2 thousand remain.



Anybody want to try and explain that to me?


My wife prefers hardware tools and devices from Lowe's but it would probably embarrass her if I elaborated.


There is another case of me not getting a cartoon. Anybody?



Intercepting packages between my wife and Amazon has been my quarantine cardio.




8 years on Mars can do that to you.







"So, the waitress asked if I wanted to be on top or bottom and I think that's where the confusion began, your honor."


As might be expected anything about spoon piques my interest. So here's what this guy did:


I stumbled upon that and recognized it immediately. But what I found interesting was the names given to it by different people:

Egg in a Hole

Egg in a Basket

Egg in a Birdnest


Egg in a Frame

Frog in a Hole

Spit in the Sea

One-Eyed Willy

My family calls it

Bird in the Nest Egg


More evidence that some people have too much money.




I found $20 in a parking lot and thought to myself, What would Jesus do? So, I turned it into wine.



And now, a drop of water digging a hole.

Can we assume the water or the sand is very hot?


A backhoe going 90mph

When your buddy asks for help hiding a body?



I've seen shit like that but only a couple of times.


Starlink as seen from Earth


I bet that boat has to go at a very precise speed.


Yeah, let's walk right around the rim.


Great power is relative.


Here's another one of these...

Do you think the post is pointed?


Almost straight up.

As I recall the F-104 was the only fighter with more thrust than bodyweight and could thus climb straight up.





Yeah, take refuge behind the propane truck. 

He must have never seen Final Destination.






Do Not play Twister with that woman.



Anonymous said...

A7: gave us something to do
A8: you think JC approves of nutcase riots?
A6: time off for abortions? As usual it wasn't their fault they got pregnant ..right?
B1:a fool and his money are soon parted. Ask a low carbon EV owner where the power comes from to charge their Tesla.
C1: One way to get away from the chaos
D6: It's being towed with an under water line or photo shopped.

Anonymous said...

B10: cat fishing. Got the straw in the mouth. Laid back waiting. What else could it be. She already has one caught.

Anonymous said...

D4:. Happened at my house today. Lasted 25 straight minutes. Probably going to need a new roof and gutters. Although we didn't have it here, friends of mine just 10 mi away had tennis ball and baseball size hail. Luckily ours were limited to golf ball size

Anonymous said...

C10: We call these buffalo eggs. Traditional Buffalo Eggs are deep fried in batter and look like los huevos under the tail of a Buffalo, along the same theme as Rocky Mt. Oysters.
Camp fire make-do version is the hole cut in sandwich bread.

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