About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 One Of My Very Own





Oh, me oh my...

And while in flight it took a picture of its own shadow on the surface of Mars.

I'm glad I lived long enough to see that.


From the desk of Bill Robertson:

"My friend, Charlie, and I have a theory about the cypress knees. Something to do with girl scouts and camping trips. (May need verification)"


I like this post very much. Please enjoy.



Gerhard Haderer (born 1951 in Leonding, Austria) is an Austrian cartoonist and caricaturist. Since 1991 his work has appeared regularly in Germany’s "Stern" magazine as “Haderers Wochenschau” ("Haderers weekly news"). From 1997 to 2000, and from 2008 he published his own monthly satirical comics magazine called Moff".

You've probably seen this one. I've posted it a couple of times.




He had a thing about modern technology.



That one reminds me about going to Mount Rushmore and then using one of the thousands of identical images off the internet for my blog.




I sometimes try to imagine the lives lost with a selfie stick in their hands.



Whoever did the PR in the 90s about cutting open plastic six-pack rings so they don’t choke animals did an amazing job and they should find that person and put them in charge of the wear a mask campaign.


God, I hope so.



I watched Ten Commandments again. Great movie but I have issues with some of the castings. I mean, who cast a completely unbelievable Vincent Price for his role?

Every time he was in a scene I could only think about the time he cooked fish in a dishwasher on the Johnny Carson Show.


But the worst was Edward G. Robinson who not only was miscast but emoted like a high school student in their first play.

I kept waiting for him to growl "You dirty rat" while chomping on a cigar.

I couldn't help but notice the myriad references to the Jews being selected by the creator of the universe as being the "chosen people". The arrogance of that belief, to me, is breathtaking. How are all the billions of "unchosen people" supposed to feel about that assertion?


Fuck those bastards...regardless of party affiliation.


Time flies when you never even know what day of the week it is.


It all started with rednecks believing wrestling was real.

I personally would not have hired anyone who believed such tripe. But nobody is punished anymore for being equally delusional.


How could they not race to the bottom? 

Being paid by the hour probably.


Pay attention:


Think of all the model makers in Hollywood who are being put out of work due to computer enhancements.

I find that rather sad. Unavoidable, but sad.


What if it was proven that dogs were responsible for the death of more frogs than any other cause...or hawks...or rabbits? Would you demand that they be kept indoors? Would you want laws punishing irresponsible owners?

Well, domestic cats are the leading cause of death for wild songbirds in America.


As a father of two strong women I concur.



I, of course, love the stone but who would want to walk upstairs in order to step down into a tub?

The floor! Look at that floor!

The bed would be a pain in the ass to make... sheet-wise.

I have concerns with the structural integrity of the roof.


How clever.

I'm assuming the car responds to the tilt of the phone.


Why would spaghetti that long be desirable? Wouldn't you just have to cut it up to eat it?



I don't like being in a pandemic with y'all. It's like being on silent lunch but we keep getting days added on because y'all won't shut up.


Now that my wife and I have both our shots we are getting pretty damn antsy about going places. They say we should wait a couple of weeks but what do the scientists know about it anyway?



"Ups and downs" I bet. Every weekend after a couple of glasses of wine.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


*insert collective moans





I could NEVER eat chocolate ice cream from that shop!


I bet they could be best friends in the wild...unless one of them got very hungry.


Think Qanon.


He doesn't drink coffee either. I think they lock him in a room and only let him out to play football.






Read fast...



A neat thing about 2020 is that enough stuff happened every month to fill an entire verse of “We didn’t start the fire”.



Every single driver on the planet HATES people who do this.

But to keep my blood pressure under control I imagine it's a dad rushing an injured child to the emergency room and wish him luck.


That was my reaction to Two Girls And A Cup.


That's the way you run when you have pre-installed the buttplug to surprise your new husband on the wedding night.


Yeah, it's all giggles and farts until it pulls that shit while you are carrying a pot of boiling water or your neighbor's new baby.


The microphone thief...



That one is more or less self-explanatory.

See any potential dangers?

A completely unpredictable animal mere inches from a tablet on the edge of a pool of water. Jeez.


Go back and look at that extreme whiplash.


Do you think he faked it?


Question: If you were a skinny white guy and wanted to pull that prank (not once but twice) would you select the biggest black guy in the store?


All too predictable this...


Is that vomit? I think it's vomit.



The conclusion of each of these scenarios was spoken in a tone that exhibited utter contempt for the first party's stupidity.


My wife got a phone call request from a down-and-out woman whom my wife had assisted in the past. The woman needed a ride to a grocery store across town. My wife asked why she didn't just walk to the grocery store a block from her house.

Now look at this photo and guess what the woman asserted as something that should have been obvious.

"They caught me shoplifting there and won't let me back in the store!"


I knew a woman who chaired the Foster Care Review Board - a government agency dedicated to getting children out of foster care either by reuniting them with their birth parents or allowing them to be put up for adoption. During one interview a mother was asked why her husband didn't accompany her to the hearing.

Now look at this photo and guess the woman's response:

"Well, he's a paranoid schizophrenic, don't you know, and he can't deal with real people."


I bought many boxes of different flesh colors for my students. One day I asked one black girl why she was coloring the drawing of herself black and demonstrated the correct tone by holding the appropriate color up to her arm.

Now guess how she responded.

"I ain't BROWN I'm black!!!"

She pronounced "brown" the same way most of us would pronounce "dog shit".














Anonymous said...

C9: I don't drink coffee either. The smell of it makes me want to gag.
With that said, I have tasted it. I liken it to someone being convinced to eat s*** knowing how it smells.

Anonymous said...

D1- While I also despise those that attempt crap like that, I find redemption when they get lit up like that guy does! If its a true emergency, the cop will handle the situation appropriately and escort them. Otherwise, it's ticket time! I love this clip! Thank you!


Crashsq said...

B9 - Actually collisions with man made objects is the number one killer of birds in America, followed by poising due to insecticides. But cats are 3rd. But that is attributed mostly to feral cats. So why not tell people to support groups that do catch and release where the cats are spayed or neutered to avoid an over population of feral cats.

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