About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 One Of My Very Own







This city spent money to install these to forestall homeless people from lying down.

But why Gay Pride rainbow colors?

And why not at least make them straight?



No atheist has ever been possessed. Ever wonder why?

I suggest that the devil has no power over the unbeliever.


NASCAR races on dirt...

In Europe, they race in the rain...

So why can't NASCAR race on a wet track?


I heard a worker say that he didn't want any of his pay going just to hire union lawyers, so he voted no to unionize. But does he not know that the union will raise his pay far above his union dues?


I've shown you this before but I have questions.

Why doesn't the fish just stay stationary with the stick turning inside it?

Did you notice the paddles being inserted in slots in the spit?


See anything...odd?

She's not wearing a shirt - that's a tattoo.


I wonder how often this is necessary.


A dozen raw eggs put in a bag, then hardboiled

I wondered why anyone would do that then after thinking about it I deduced that if you were making, say, lots of egg salad then you wouldn't have to shell the eggs.


Why would anyone think that was a good idea?


I always wonder how they keep it from toppling.

Oh, I know there's a shaft running up through it, but how thick is it, how is it embedded in the structure, and how is it attached to the sculpture?



So, do they love cats or do they hate cats?



The HR Director at my school district called me in just to tell me that my wife has been sending her hundreds of emails demanding that she give me a raise. I asked her what she thought I could do about it.



Yeah, that sounds great until you realize back then people made 25ยข an hour.


Final Destination has helped many of us hone our situational awareness and risk assessment.


All things Ralph...


Yeah, let's give our enemy months to prepare and telegraph that we are on our way.


That got me thinking. My house is full of things that aren't all that expensive but are cool as shit.

But then I think about my grandfather. He worked for the same company for 40 years and when he retired they gave him a gold watch. 

I inherited that gold watch. I gave it to my daughter.

One idiot said it's so and thousands of people believe it as fact. That's scary.


Remember when nobody batted an eye at this?


I have a photo of my best dog on my fridge and stare at it often.

Dogs have so many expressions...

But talk about getting caught red-handed...


Key of my first car



Last night I played rain sounds to reduce anxiety as I fell asleep. Then I woke up in a panic when I remembered leaving the window above my computer open.



A flower-shaped spillway in Armenia Kechut Reservoir.

Do you think it is that shape so boats can't fall all the way in?


I'm still mad at Andrew Cumo for hiding Covid-19 deaths in nursing homes.


Winnie Xi Pooh

He will have you thrown in prison for possessing that image in China. Fuck the CCP.


A character in one of my books left notes signed "Janus".


*I think that's an excellent idea...daughter of mine.


Shaq paying off a random dude's engagement ring.


Who would have thought?


I read that the rolled bales didn't have to be wrapped. Rain only penetrates and ruins mere inches of the outside.


I like knowing why that's funny.


Self-Assembling Wires



The next step in my Bookshelf Toy Box was to round the corners to make the wood look more like a book.

First I made a simple jig by screwing a board to the table and putting a screw so the blank wouldn't slide away from the router.

And this is the results...



I remember my teachers telling me that if I didn't do well in school I was going to be a garbage man but never told us that the garbage man made more money than they did.



She virtually killed her friend... pushing her off a building - note TV screen. 

But why not use your time on 3D to build a house and learn from your mistakes? Or wire a building?


A rather slow reaction time don't you think?


How the hell do you fuck up that badly?


The same motherfuckers who will let a doctor cut on HIS BRAIN won't take the same doctor's advice when it comes to wearing a mask.


AS Roma player was stalling to run out the clock. After he discarded the first ball the ball boy gave to him, the ball boy had enough and threw another ball at him with some force. On instinct, the player faked being hurt. I hate this in soccer.


Why would I find this so depressing?

Because the only way the kid could learn that is from watching hours and hours of rasslin'. That depresses me.


Commercials with catchy music are the most effective commercials.


How not to use emojis.


Jim Carrey painting

Here are a couple of comments left on that site.

If I may be so bold - THAT PAINTING IS AWFUL!!!

If you like celebrity art try this guy.

Anthony Quinn - Tribute to a Master

He painted a lot.


Why would anyone pay to put themselves in such peril?


This man knew that he was going to appear on international TV.

And one can only assume he thought that awful combover was the very best his hair could look.











Don't you believers ever think about shit like that? And if not, why not?







Fardygardy said...


Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree with your last entry of "mime".
"Dame" is a pantomime role. Mine is not a roll. The dame is always played by a man.

Anonymous said...

Dame (think british roles in pantomime)

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