About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 14, 2021

FRIDAY #4524

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


600 people died of covid yesterday. Not one of them had been vaccinated. Not. One.


Does anyone else rip their mask off when they get in their car like you've just finished a disappointing surgery on Grey's Anatomy?




My latest Dollar Art - The Dollar Bill Spike is about half-filled.

I've also bought all the wood required to build the actual box.

It's going to be a big box. This is the lid.


Staythefuckathome? Somebody has been reading Folio Olio.




"I'll take an 8-year-old Girl Scout - medium rare, please."


Ladies, if you are ever caught having an affair just tell your husband that his dick is much bigger than the other guy. It works. 

It worked on me...twice.


I always wait for the girl to ask me. But, of course, I have dedicated my life to becoming the Lionel Messi of lovemaking.


I feel like when people say "I hate England" they're not referring to plants, cows, and old buildings.



Have it super-sized.








If you ever want someone to listen to you to describe a dream, just lie and tell them they were in it. Not too big a role, just the kind of part a director might give his nephew.





On my first trip back to my bar in 14 months, I asked a cherished stool mate if anything exciting had happened. He said that he was sitting out on the patio when there was a loud noise and when they looked up they saw a truck sliding along on its rim and a tire flying across the parking lot and crashing into the building next door. And I missed it.





Those same people will be handling your food next time...the food you are going to put in your mouth. Take it from me - spit is not the worst thing they can add to your order.




GMC - ‘Get more common sense'


"How was your vacation?"

"I don't remember."


When you are laying in bed awaiting sleep you can't possibly believe that that story is factual. When you break it down it pieces it starts to fall apart almost immediately.


How not to robber somebody.


You know how I hate to send you elsewhere but you really need to watch this...with sound.

My favorite part was when he more or less said, "Give me the fucking rifle."


Thousands of Hong Kongers defy the police ban to attend the annual Tiananmen candlelight vigil.

Not only talking the democracy talk but walking the democracy walk.



Just realized there has never been an easier time for teenagers to buy beer with a fake ID. “Oh, that doesn’t look like me? Really? You can tell just from the eyes? No, I will NOT take my mask off.”





Wall Painting Robot

I might have retired out of the mural business at the right time.


In the studio, John Singer Sargent

Someone once told me that art was mere decoration.

I told him that it might be true but it's the highest form of decoration there is.

I prefer entertainment for the eye.


This poor dog...


How did I never learn that existed?


That's not his maiden voyage.


Goya's Saturn Devouring His Sons is done in balloons.


Do you think that is really made of brick or wood painted to look like a brick?


A See-Through Sky Pool 115 Feet Above London

It was stated that it was manufactured in America and that the trip to London was a story in itself.




If you don’t check Twitter for two days and come back, everyone’s already joking about a controversy you’ve never heard of. Suddenly every tweet is like “Buzz Lightyear is NOT misogynistic, here’s proof” and it’s a picture of a wheelbarrow and Danny DeVito with 40,000 likes.



Dog Sled


I've heard of a shoebill killing a full-grown man.


Imagine what the horse is thinking about that.


Male seahorse giving birth

I'm surprised other species haven't evolved to do that.


That thing just lifted a full-grown bison...with his neck! I'm thinking the goring left two erect penis-sized abdominal wounds and that after some wandering around will cause him to drop dead.








How could he not foresee that coming?




Find Four Differences




Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: from left to right
His jacket button is missing
Her seam in the cleavage area of her dress is different
One man is missing behind the other two
And the conduit above the man who is missing is, well missing

Anonymous said...

I'm not an Anti-vaxxer, but did you know Bill Maher has been fully vaccinated for Covid and just tested positive for Covid-19? Only time will tell how well the rushed vaccine will truly work.

Ralph Henry said...

No one ever said it was 100% effective. But he won't die.
I like this stat: Yesterday 600 died from covid and not one of them was vaccinated.

Burgervan said...

D2: If you get the chance to see a real Shoebill, you'll be stunned at the amazing shades of blue in it's plumage. Next best thing is a 4k video on a very good TV! :)

D'Ascoyne said...


I lived in the West Midlands for a couple of years. A lot of England is lovely. The class system, however, is a deal-breaker. You are truly screwed if you are an ethnic minority - especially if you are Indian or Pakistani. You don't know what real systemic racism is until you lived the life of an Indian in the UK.

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