One Of My Very Own
My wife just went to the bathroom raw. (she left her phone in the living room)
Might I encourage each and every one of you to plant a tree today? Plant one for each and every child's birthday. Even if you move you can go back and marvel at it for the rest of your and your child's life.
A friend of mine was in a hotel room with a prostitute when there was a knock at the door. It was his buddy's prostitute telling him that his friend in the adjacent room had dropped dead mid-coital. True story.
In Cairo, Egypt the taxis have their horns on a six-second timer. Or so I've been told.
I remember when Google took down my blog for a couple of weeks and many of my viewers thought I was dead. That touched me.
I don't really know enough about that to comment on it.
[verification needed]
Every boy needs a dog.
I really, really mean that.
I think that's a great idea.
Does that insult you? Well, fuck you.
These are the most un-American of citizens.
And many of these idiots never realized there would be repercussions.
She has "white skin".
Whatever happened to this sentiment?
GBU-10 Paveway II double-tap for an armored vehicle target during testing in the 1970s
I think we need a strong military. But when is enough too much? Do we really need more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined?
Additionally, does a country deserve so much weaponry that is so moronic that:
1. A great many of its citizens are too fucking stupid to understand why masks are necessary during a pandemic
2. Almost a third of Americans won't take a vaccine to not only protect themselves but the rest of us safe
3. Millions of us believe even after dozens and dozens of recounts and court case after court case thrown out of court for being meritless that a reality show host actually won the election
4. Where we not only kill each other far more than any other industrial country but our cops have a kill rate greater than several whole continents combined
5. Etc, etc, etc, etc
Welcome to adulthood, if you sleep on the wrong pillow you’ll feel like you got in a motorcycle accident for three days.
The Most Telegraphed clip of the week...
That's my signature move!
Antiques Roadshow?
An artist I know once hung "SOUTHERN TOURS" signs over the side of his pickup and drove around with four friends sitting in lawn chairs in the bed. It was a performance piece.
The fashion women deserve...
When you click same-day delivery at checkout.
I know a guy about my age who married his high school girlfriend and they have been together ever since. He once told me that he had never been with another woman. And I believed him.
All well and good but I would not like bagging my own shit. I assume they help people who, like me, don't stand all that well.
The new organism, named Bicellum brasieri, was preserved so well in multiple fossils, that its structure was clearly visible. In its mature form, it appears to have consisted of a tiny sphere of tightly packed, roughly spherical cells (known as a stereoblast), surrounded by a differentiated outer single layer of elongated, sausage-shaped cells.
This is what Earth looks like from 1.5 billion kilometers away; the Cassini spacecraft spots a pale blue dot beneath Saturn's rings.
Here's what the man who suggested that the craft turn around to take the photo had to say about it.
And I just learned that this photo was not scheduled. The astronaut looked out the window, saw it, and had an aha moment.
'Just another day on an Australian beach': Giant octopus spotted on Byron Bay beach
I had no idea they did that.
Why you do not leave your windows open at night
So what do you do with it? Probably try and reunite it with its mother, but what if she can't be found? Do you keep it or turn it into some wildlife organization?
Magical Rainbow at Yosemite Falls
"Sleeping Lady with Black Vase" by Robert Bereny (1888-1953).
Mauritius's underwater waterfall.

I was told that you should never burn treated wood. Anybody know anything about that?
Thunderstorm Timelapse
Large-sized creature extensions for animation reference.

Puzzle time:
Sausage roll
A6. I was one of them.
Incineration of treated wood does not destroy the arsenic and other chemicals it contains. Pressure treated lumber is considered hazardous waste by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Burning this wood releases the chemical bond that holds the arsenic in the wood and just one tablespoon of ash from the burnt wood contains a lethal dose of this poison.
I also was always told do not burn treated wood ^^C12^^
My understanding is when burned the chemicals in the treated wood give off noxious fumes and could kill you.
B. Baggins
A2 - great story and message but I don't think that's a picture of a camelia tree/bush.
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