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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

SUNDAY #4526

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Superman could have become a doctor and used his x-ray vision to detect life-threatening tumors. But no, he thought we really needed another journalist.



Tesla drivers in the Eastern U.S. when they drive by the gas stations this week.

"I'm sorry, is this some sort of peasant joke that I'm too rich to understand?"

Let's Talk Pipeline Insurance. 

Wouldn't you expect the insurance company that insured the pipeline to have insisted that it has the best cyber defense in the world?

I can understand stocking up if your livelihood depended on fuel.

But most people just panicked.

Buckets and trash cans?

A country this stupid should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.

She has no idea how dangerous this is.

The Pickens County Sheriff's Office said a woman who was hoarding containers of fuel in her trunk was hospitalized after a rollover crash. Deputies said they spotted a car with a stolen tag. According to the sheriff's office, the driver fled and lost control on Wolf Creek Road, flipping the 2007 Pontiac G6. The vehicle burst into flames and witnesses heard multiple explosions.

When deputies approached the vehicle, they say the woman got out of the car and they pushed her to the ground to put out the flames.

And do they blame the company for not better protecting itself? Of course not.

And if you need further proof...

I miss the good old days of cheap gas...

A few more items that confuse me.


The title of my autobiography.


I don't understand people like that. How could you hear quotes from, say, The Princess Bride and not want to see it for yourself? Inconceivable.

Also, this movie has many quotable lines...

One of my wives once bent over, pretended to have a cane, and said, "Walk like me."

Of course, this was the line...





The American Gnome



I'm polite enough, I guess, but I'm not much of a chitchatter.







"What kind of dog do you have?"

"Dog? I don't have a dog."



Why wouldn't she just remove the risers under the counter?



The only difference between a rich man and a poor man is that when the shit hits the fan the rich man is better dressed.


Can some hacker release a list of the names of these 400,000 members? Where is the web ninja? 

The suspense is intoxicating.




[verification needed]







We've been down this road before...no pun intended.

I once posted that to keep the trailer from doing that you have to speed up. A comment took issue with that advice. All I can say is that I towed a trailer like this crammed with dozens of gallons of paint, scaffolding, etc...

And twice it almost got out of control and both times I straightened it out by speeding up. But, of course, I had a big ass Chevy 2500HD pickup with more than enough power to do that.


That doesn't look right.




Just for cardio-fun?




There are hundreds of videos just like this one. If you had to get a large concrete pipe off a truck wouldn't you watch at least one of those videos?


An online race to make and eat the fastest peanut butter and jelly sandwich.




I bet Harry Potter used his invisibility cloak to spy on Hermoine while she was using her other "wand" - the one she hides under her mattress.




It's stairs!


I'm an "I can do it" guy and I've been one all my life.


My wife and I have it figured out pretty well. We make (or buy) our own lunch and then take turns making dinner.


Why is that not the world model? Stealing ideas is a wonderful way to solve problems.


Santuario Madonna Della Corona

It looks like part of the cliff has been carved away to accommodate the church's roof. Could that be true?


These are all of the known objects in the solar system!


Brilliant use of light. Simply brilliant!


Every boy needs a dog.



I made some offhanded comment about how old and tired I looked in front of a neighbor's kid and he looked at me and said, "Just because you would change parts of something doesn't mean you can't love it." And I was like wow, making up this story about a fake neighbor's kid really changed my perspective.



I want to thank an avid FO reader for that.






Who could resist?






Crashsq said...

Puzzle Time - Musical instruments

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A28: speeding up will work most of the time. However, just install a fucking trailer brake. If the trailer gets squarely, tap the trailer brake.

Anonymous said...

A17: looks to me that's exactly what has been done. The risers all slide out to become a step stool. Just because only one is extended, doesn't mean the others cannot also do that.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A17 Anon, I don't think so. Look at it again.

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