One Of My Very Own
Am I the only one who is willing to pay a little more for a meal for the restaurant to pay their servers a living wage?
The numbers come up in random positions to prevent guessing based on wear patterns
I had no idea this existed. I like the way it's set deep also.
And we are that stupid by CHOICE!
[verification needed]
Computers are easy to explain- they are just like the body. Let's start with the processor, that's like the brain. The RAM, I guess is also like the brain. Now the hard drive, this too is the brain. The video card is more brain. The motherboard, you guessed it- the taint
I'm thinking the parking lot was specifically designed to allow that maneuver.
A Coca-Cola company delivered a truck in Knoxville, TN in 1909.
Not just that it tastes pretty good but they spent millions advertising. They placed expensive scoreboards on almost every high school football with the stipulation that the school would sell only Coke. At least once a school put in a Pepsi machine and Coke set out a crew to remove the scoreboard. And according to the contract, it was perfectly legal.
I've shown you this before...
I've found my ride...
I ran across this and remembered it from my youth.
You see, a VW Beetle has a unibody and is held on the frame by like six bolts.
There are many different fiberglass kits you can buy that bolts on the same frame.
I always wanted to do that.
US Navy dive bombers attacking a Japanese warship in March 1944
The gun camera must have been a real boon to training. It literally shows you how to do it right and how to do it that guy.
Notice that it doesn't kill the driver.
That makes every dad's mouth water with envy.
One Man's Quest to Park in Every Slot at His Local Grocery Store
Here's how he described it:
"An ordinary person demonstrating the latent ability of all people to accept a call to adventure."
And he stuck with it.

This was the headline to the completion article:
My daughter has been keeping up with the progress on my grandson's Bookshelf Toy Box on Folio Olio. She said it was my last and greatest work and we both knew there was a phrase for that but couldn't think of it. It is a magnum opus.
We had a perfectly nice planet where we could have just hung out, smoked fish, and eaten psychedelic mushrooms. But no.
Talk about a gif that ends too soon...jeez. I wanted to see her dismembered!
I like how he kept his cool and thought if he ignored it then nobody would notice.
In America, he would have laid there groaning until the ambulance got there then called for his lawyer to meet him at the hospital.
I've had many camper shells like that with side doors but mine was always glass so I could see to change lanes.
She broke up with him halfway through the video and started dating the other guy.
And this is the moment she made up her mind.
Did you notice we never actually saw him throw the cheese? Maybe there's a guy on a stepladder who can aim much better.
A guy with excellent situational awareness and great reflexes...
I've seen this clip a dozen times...
But I just noticed the lady with great risk management skills. She's the one who grabbed the handrail thus avoiding most of the damage.
Bryce Harper takes a 97 mph fastball to the face.
[inventor of cursive] What if the letters held hands?
I have people who love me as much as those guys love that tree.
As one would expect, dollar bills catch my attention...even online.
That young lady made those dollar bills in the entertainment industry.
But I can't help but look for the star bills.
I even went online for pictures of dollar bills to see how many were star dollars. There weren't any, but I ran across this oddity.
None of them have a serial number.
Yeah, that's what I want to do - stand in an open field during a thunderstorm.
The Cave Where Vikings Offered Sacrifices To Stop The Apocalypse
The Surtshellir Cave in Iceland was discovered to be a trove full of Middle Eastern artifacts, and the location was used by the Vikings as an offering pit for sacraments to stop the apocalypse. The most noticeable artifact in the cave was a stone, boat-shaped structure that served as the main offering pit.
I would have electrified the fence for added thrills.
Being a baby's like being blacked out. You don't remember shit, but people later show you pictures like "that was you. you threw up right after this.”
On first viewing, I missed how the point never moved.
That has got to be MUCH harder than it looks.
Yo la tengo, Carlota Guerrero
I wondered why she had all of them wear granny panties in the last one.
"I need to pray before I go shoot women and children."
- Cop on the right probably
Neon Tokyo, Lukasz Palka
In my photography days, I used to shoot a lot of rooflines. The colors change the whole mood of the image.
The secret is the placement of the armature that holds it up.

I have a similar secret door in my studio.

And she tore her dad's tarp cover.

Puzzle time:
Sh rug
F rug al
U rug uay
B11: That Sainsbury's is less than 3.5 miles from My house.
C3: That was an "Own-Goal", as the ball hadn't crossed the line till the keeper directed it in
A6: : regarding 5,280 ft in a mile, there is some interesting history about how that number came to be. Way back in the 1600s, land was measured with chains. A chain consisted of 100 links.
A furlong was 10 chains, and a mile was 80 chains. An acre was 10 square chains.
Furthermore, a chain was divided into "rods". The length of a rod was 1/4 of a chain. A rod was the width of which a farmer could plow a field with an ox. Therefore, fence posts were spaced exactly one rod apart. This gave a precise target to plow to. Even today you can measure a farmer's field by counting the fence posts. Fencing and barbed wire is still sold in rod/rolls.
So.... When we converted a "chain mile" into feet it just happened to be 5280. The distance for a mile was just defined in another unit of measure that got converted to feet.
Also... Telegraph poles used to be one chain apart. Pilots could count poles and determine miles from the air.
And.... The right-away for a road was one chain from the center line.
Summary of conversion:
Chain = 100 links = 66 feet
Furlong = 10 chains
Mile = 80 chains = 5280 feet
Rod = 1/4 chain = 16.5 feet
Acre = 10 square chains = 43,560 square feet
A8 If scientists titled papers like clickbait links
B11 - Magnus opus, indeed. Good job!
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