About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 10, 2021

FRIDAY #4734

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Think inside the box. That's right. I said inside. Because while everybody else is chasing each other outside, what's in the box? That's right - you and solitude.




American Immigrants

More of our ancestors:

I had always thought that everyone knew that our strength lay in our diversity but not anymore.


I seem to remember that there is a reason lobsters have to be boiled alive...something about releasing poisons? Anybody?




I've often suggested that to understand a problem you need to put yourself in the other person's place. What would you do if a cop killed your son as he was reaching for his driver's license? How about what if your unarmed white son had been killed by three black men while jogging? And be honest with yourself.


People always suggest killing Hitler with time travel but I've never thought about if they would first explain why he had to die.


"What if you are in court because of your dancing?"

- my wife


Seriously, I write so my grandson won't be ashamed of me when one day he reads what I blogged about.



Think of a father seeing his daughter fucked in the ass.

Thinking of the shame of disappointing their family the stripper must feel is the reason I get embarrassed in strip clubs.


I couldn't agree more.



What do you call a person who graduated last in their class in medical school? Doctor.



*That was not originally written in English.


If I'm not mistaken, this is old news but I haven't read anything about it being used widespread.



How can our military remain so very high when we just ended a war?


Do you know the real reason Harry Potter didn't just drink liquid luck and then go kill Voldemort? Because he's a dumbass.



My friend Danny is at it again...



My wife used to play a computer word game and scored off the chart.





People called that a bamboo boat. No, that is a bamboo pole.



First, you make him miss...



That's the working-class equivalent of a trust fund inheritance.

I want to do that for my grandson.




This lady checked All Of The Above on her allergy tests.

And here's what that looks like...


Emotional Support Trout 





In Return of the Jedi, how could the Ewoks have a dress that fit Leia unless they had cooked and eaten a woman her size?




Many More Dinosaur Tracks From Around The World: SOURCE LINK


This Caterpillar Eating A Leaf But All I Can See Is the path of an Interpretive Dance

It’s like the eraser tool on PaintShop


Eruption On Etna Creates A View Which Is Like A Phoenix



What you can find with the permafrost melts...


A 12 Million Year Old Praying Mantis Encased In Amber


He used his 3D printer to make this...

But apparently they have their problems...


1961 Jeep FC150

It used to be that a pickup truck was a work horse. Now they are like driving around in your living room.


Antarctic Snow Cruiser. Built between 1937 and 1939, for expeditions to Antarctica.

"Despite how impressive the vehicle looked, how well it was thought out, it proved utterly useless once shipped to the frozen south in November 1939."  










She practices bowing her back like that in front of a mirror. Posed and flexed like a male bodybuilder.



Anonymous said...

A2: E pluribus unum does not mean "out of one, many". It means "out of many, one".

Anonymous said...

A13: no shit. The very first thing you read tells you it was not originally written in English.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

Bottom left corner

Anonymous said...

On reference to A5

What would you do if your neighbor came up to your five year old son on the street and just shot him? Like in Johnny Cash's song. I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Burgervan said...

B1: I tried to make it look "Art-Farty"!

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