About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 24, 2021

FRIDAY #4748

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Is it possible to identify the constituents of a peaceful society?

 The Sustaining Peace Project has found 72 variables associated with peace. It has also analyzed how these factors function together as a complex system that can be examined to determine the possibilities of preserving peace.


In American being kind to others is communism. Or socialism. Whichever is the Bad Guy Buzzword of the Week.

^^A 2-5^^



I would then hand out a supply of morning-after pills to each of them.




Classified ad:

Hunter seeks a gatherer for nasty, brutish, and short relationships. No weirdos.





^^B 2-3^^

The bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis).

I bet it could hear a mouse fart in the next county.


7:20am Dec. 25

This could be a game-changer. Let's keep our fingers crossed.





Smart man but why spend the principal? A donor left $6M to the local American Legion but stated in the bequeath that it could not be touched opting instead for the Legion to have the interest from the money forever. That worked beautifully.






Million-dollar idea: A tampon that whistles like a tea kettle when it’s done.

Also, I have no idea how tampons work.





The Chinese have finally identified the Space Cube...

Oh, my.


Replacing lightbulbs the hard way...


What about his...you know?


Dated I know but still humorous.







No matter how many years they’ve been practicing, a bagpipe player always sounds like they started learning that day.



NOTE: Most require sound

Delivery drone traffic jam in Estonia after an inch of snowfall.


And the old trick with a twist...

Fart like no one is listening...

Scientists Catch a Mesmerizing Glimpse of a Super-Rare Giant Phantom Jelly


The girl lost consciousness and fell between the platform and the train. Her father jumped over her and covered her with his body until the train passed.


This is why you don't just burn drugs...


Vet in training...


"My dog will save me."

The proposal...gone bad...

"We Will Rock You" is done right...


Girlie man gets a shot...


Mantis shrimp attacks a fisherman. They can punch with the force of a .22 caliber bullet.


Prank has gone bad...

Cell phone hack

Staple prank

Wife prank


*Did you read all of that?




But an all-knowing God would have known that so all that drama must have been pure theater.






Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: U
5,4,3,2,1 is the pattern.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: u


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