About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 31, 2021

FRIDAY #4755

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






I wish I knew the words that would matter.

I have learned what not to say.

The one thing I know from personal experience is that telecounciling works.
If your car breaks down you let an expert mechanic look at it. If you get cancer you call in the doctors. If your roof leaks...you get it.

Well, in the exact same way depression needs professional help. 

Please take care of yourself and stay safe.


It was stated that this is how young people 18-25 voted in the last election.

*Verification Requested



I don't think most people realize just how stressful this whole ordeal has been for them. They just plod along in these extraordinary times that we will look back on and say, "How the fuck did we make it?"




Actually, their sworn oath is a legally binding contract..isn't it?


Robert Mitchum and John Wayne did the same thing.



When people tell you to 'break a leg' at auditions is it because they are hoping you end up in the cast?



And to think, that lady's "restoration" is much more famous than the original.




My fondest high school memory...

After that, I had a calling...


Men aren't the only ones making sacrifices when getting married.


My wife used to do that all the time.


The Proposal

Keep playing with those computers, Y'all.


No matter what you are going through always try and help people. Instead of saying 'fuck off' ask 'how can I help you fuck off?' Be kind. 


Did you notice the theft?



At no point did I know what word was going to come next.



A lone tree in the middle of Dubai's desert.


Water Buffalo flipping over his turtle friend...

And it sure looked proud of himself.


A baby bison


The grass on beach dunes does the same thing.


Ants in a Death Spiral

It was stated that they don't last very long.

Reminds me of this...

Grown men seem to have a thing for moving in circles...


Dog shocked, donkey laughs
sound on

You need at least two episodes of intentional fire setting to be diagnosed as a pyromaniac. Everyone gets one freebie. Use it wisely.



Mad Max vibes...






Do you think it's difficult to keep balanced?


Driving the wrong way on a rally stage...

Sound on for the multiple bleeped cursing.


This tractor got hit with a screwdriver and a CORNCOB during the Kentucky tornadoes.

Looks like the screwdriver went in handle first.


"Tell me the truth, am I out of touch with the common man?" the senator asked.

"Maybe a little," says his butler as he wipes his boss' ass.


There, I fixed it...



The critical moment...


Every time I see a photo of Lincoln I think of the immense pressure he was under.


He was criticized for only getting his stuff, but I'm thinking those might have been the most expensive items in his house.


I've written about this before...

In some parts of the country, this would be considered the best meal obtainable.

Rack of Lamb

In other sections of the country this...

Smoked venison ham with honey mustard glaze.

Personally, I will put my slow-cooked whole hog barbecue up against any of them.


There's a lot wrong with this picture but it got me thinking.

In different parts of the world, people eat things we Americans would never eat.

I'm not sure it makes sense to forbid the eating of some animals and allow the eating of others. Would I eat a dog? No, but that's all a matter of cultural inculcation.


A friend of mine is a wonderful artist. I have several of his pieces in my home. He was once commissioned to create sculptures for a seafood restaurant. He made huge sheet metal fish that hung from the ceiling. Anyway, they looked similar to that fish above...only much, much bigger.


My wife taught her niece all her dance moves.


Do you think the boards are pre-drilled then filled in with putty or something? Or maybe it's cork or some such.



1897 and people are already mugging for the camera.


Ice Breaker

That's got Russia written all over it.


The games girls play

How bored do you have to be?


And if that ain't Communism I don't know what Communism is.


*Just kidding. I don't so Facebook.

Gerrymandering Font


The champion of videos that ended too quickly...






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