About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 1, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I've never felt this way about a New Year before. I'm just waiting for the next variant that will bring out the morning trucks to haul off our dead.

"Plaguerats" - Edward Hopper, Oil on canvas

And I, along with most of the world, just hope the CDC ups their game real, real quick.










I'm sorry if I offended any other person who shits in a urinal.



The more you look the funnier it gets...



A man walking around with a crowbar is more suspicious than a guy walking around with three crowbars.



If you need proof that the Dow Jones is not the economy just look at what we have done to young people and their future prospects.


Donald booed when he told his crowd to get vaccinated. He's created a monster and now it can't be controlled...


Kenneth Copeland declares the wind of God will cure your coronavirus

That was rather dated so here's his latest idiocy...

It's a fact that the less educated you are the more religious you tend to be. There's a reason for that.

If thinking hurts your brain then you will most likely find the notion of eternal life very attractive.

^^B 3-4^^

How the turntables.


Antivaxers should not get priority in hospitals. Period. They made a choice and they should be forced to suffer the consequences. Fuck them.

And insurance companies should limit the amount they will cover for the unvaccinated.

 But then there is this enlightening reading:



I do not know what that means but it seems desperate.


The US sent boatloads of Jews refugees back to Germany to die.

Now maybe we learned our lesson about combating genocide.

^^B 10-11^^

In my opinion, there weren't nearly enough guidelines on all those PPP "loans" they handed out.


Well, for one thing, you probably don't expect the patient to attempt murdering you when you walk into their room.


You can not be allowed to say you didn't know the shitstorm was coming. You are allowed to say you were just not smart enough to read the data.

I like Capitalism.

My wife's stores and my mural business are products of that system. But Capitalism needs to be restrained. Left to its own devices Capitalism would (among other sins):

  • Work children. 
  • Cut off off the hands of workers who don't make their quota. 
  • Ship your jobs to slave markets. 
  • Downplay every risk of their products. 
  • Have little or no regard for wildlife. 
  • Produce and sell more opiates than the world could ever legitimately need. 
  • Deny employees bathroom breaks.

So, let's keep the good parts and excise the bad parts.

^^B 14-15^^

*I'm of the belief that every one of those kids who bullied you in high school now walks around with weapons strapped to their bodies.

When you think you've got the rona because your food tastes like drywall but then you remember that you just live in England.




"Any chance someone could work some magic and remove the drains from this photo? Appreciate it greatly. Hug your loved ones tightly…"

And aid was forthcoming...

That may have been his last photograph.

And while he is in a desperate struggle just to remain alive half of Americans won't wear a mask to increase the odds that they won't die.




Remember when that whole thing was cut up and moved to higher ground due to rising water due to a dam?


Guess what this is:








A water tower


People using computers to fuck with animals...






Tree rebuild

Man Pretends to Direct Traffic at the Airport Baggage Carousel


Please don't stop fucking around with computers. I really enjoy them.


Not to brag, but I've already picked out the sweatpants I'll be wearing on New Year's Eve.


Remember this classic?



Do you believe in Doplegangers?

That young lady looks exactly like that Italian Consul's daughter that I was engaged to in Germany. Her father hired two private investigators from New York to go to Oklahoma and nose around my teachers, friends, neighbors, etc. He didn't think I was worthy of his daughter...and he was probably right.


Beluga whale gets a dental exam


He just barely made it. My guess is that it's his first - and probably last - attempt.


Think of the treasure and toil it took to provide easy ways to get from one place to another.

^^D 4-5^^

That fucker cleared the entire highway!!!


God, I love ducks.



Fighter out cold

Every other sport has concussion protocols to protect its players. In combat sports, the whole point is to give your opponent a concussion. 


Fire extinguisher clown car...wait for it...


old computer

I began writing books on a Selectric typewriter and when I got my first computer - similar to that one - I was mesmerized.


Sand waterfall

Truck driver joins dance party

Before you start, try to guess what will happen if you deep fry dry ice.










Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time


So anti vaxxers should have less prority treatment? You were recently in hospital; I hope it was taken into account the fact that you drink and smoke, and a due reduction in urgency of treatment because of this.Mike

Anonymous said...

answer to PUZZLE TIMEis 4

Ralph Henry said...

Dearest Mike,
I don't drink or smoke. But thanks for your concern.

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