About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 27, 2021

MONDAY #4751

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





Those zany Russians are stylish even in death.










Fuck Paul the soup detesting little prick.

I don't get it.


In a way that's true. You can escape into the ether.


We all know people like that.



If you don't look back on your younger self and say, "I used to be stupid," you're probably still stupid.



1,500-year-old Ceramic Maya Figurine with Removable Helmet, from El Perú-Waka', Petén, Guatemala

Proof of aliens? I think not.


I've put a thousand beers into fast food to-go cups for sipping on the mural sites. Under close scrutiny, I even used a straw.


Find the curved line

Absolutely amazing. But did you notice the line of light gray dots where your periphery vision "put" the lines?


This transition is straight out of a Stephen King horror movie.



What happens when you use the wrong cutting technique...

That the same technique Jesus used to feed those 5 million blind lepers?

Brilliant. I wonder if he watched someone else do that or if he invented it himself.


I assume it is partially blinded by the light in its eyes.



The mounting strip makes it look like they have been crossed out.


Did you notice its genitalia?


Winter Hottub.

How considerate.

It's been 6 months since I bought the book "How to Scam People Online" and it still hasn't arrived yet.




Pure dumb luck - 9

Reflexes - 1


What do you think could have caused him to topple so violently? A linebacker?



That reminds me of my toddler.

Did it bite those two fingers off?


Do you think that is real metal or just a plastic replica?


I try very hard to do that.




"All I got are little boys." "We've got little girls."


She's going to have a very rough night.

And there is bound to be someone in her house who keeps saying, "I told you to use sunblock" over and over again.


Archaeologists discovered something quite strange during a dig in Ecuador.

A baby's skull is what you're looking at. Wearing another child's skull. This was discovered on the bodies of two children in burial sites near the tribe's home. The reason the children are wearing the skull has sparked speculation. Some believe it is part of the funeral ritual, rather than the fact that the children were dressed in skulls. The tribe resided in the shadow of a volcano. It may be part of a plan to give good omens to the volcano as it prepared to erupt or to alleviate some other form of natural calamity. Another theory is that it's all part of a plan to transport the bodies to the afterlife in the presence of a guardian. 


We still use the term "hang up the phone".



NOTE: I now use MP4s when the file is too large to turn into a gif or if the video needs sound that gifs don't allow.

Dog's first snow

Dog on sled

Dogs in a complicated relationship

This chef does his magic

Modern excavator

"Grandma, how did you lose your teeth?"
"Well, I once bought a sex swing..."

Girls just wanna have fu-un...on a sex swing...


Headphone dance concert

Why not?


How not to cook pizza

Kyoto pedestrian bridge
Can you imagine a bridge like that in America?

Man enjoys dancer...wife not so much

Making music on the subway

Diva does her magic - sound on

One cell noshing

Single-celled organism (Lacrymaria olor or "swan tear") hunts by extending its anterior end up to 7 times its body length


Pallet knife kitsch

A friend of mine in college went to NYC upon graduation. To make money he worked in a painting factory. He developed his motif and used a pallet knife because it was fast, fast, fast. Then they would bring in dozens of canvases on a rolling rack and he would place them on a support rail that ran around the room. Then he would place the blues on his pallet and go from one canvas to the other painting the skies. Then he would do the tree trunks, etc. These can be called unique hand-painted works of "art" and sold in big box stores. He could knock out 20 pictures an hour and make enough money to support himself while he made real art.







We've all had days like that, haven't we?




Anonymous said...

Did it bite those two fingers off?

That's a wolf eel (not a real eel), fingers are probably stuck into its gills.

Robin said...

C7 - And you succeed, probably more than you'll ever know.

Anonymous said...

Re: "hang up the phone" - we still also use the phrase "dial the number".

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Popeye, Tintin, Snoopy, Batman

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