About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I don't know how to accomplish all this but any nation who can put men on the moon ought to be able to figure it out.

  • All qualified students get their first year of college free. If they excel then the rest of their degree is free or at a greatly reduced cost. For our nation to excel we must have hyper-educated people.
  • I want every American to have healthcare like every other nation.
  • I want something done to limit powerful weapons in the hands of irresponsible people.
  • I don't want any child in America to go to bed hungry.
  • I want the laws changed so every person and corporation pays taxes.

And because I have those thoughts I am considered a communist.

So what are the options?

  • We price college out of reach to all but the wealthiest.
  • Americans continue to be bankrupted by a child's cancer.
  • We have more children killed in schools.
  • The richest don't pay their fair share.

^^A 1-2^^

I love his work.


^^A 4-5^^

Probably written by a cop before he headed to the pub.






Not me. I've been extraordinarily productive.



The Bible: Where torturing another human is a children's story.


My doctor told me to drink more water and I said, "THAT STUFF KILLED JACK IN TITANIC?!?!"

My doctor said, "Rose hogged the board."


*I wouldn't care if they came out the devil's ass. 

- I love them that much.



And, by Jove, he meant it!


Somewhere in the world, there is a Hot & Spicy Spam...

That they keep in an anti-theft box.


They posted this because of the serial number.

But I noticed it was a Star Dollar. 

My friend and I have collected so many of them that there aren't any left in our area...or far, far fewer. I haven't seen one in months.


Dancing Jesus

It kind of looks like his dong is hanging out.


Statue of David by Michelangelo, encased in bricks to prevent damage from bombs during WWII.

And that is just another reason Paris was declared an open city.


The End of Civilization, Escif

I have painted hundreds of pillars in my architectural illusions. And I'm better at it than he is.


Bird sound pots - sound on

I knew a man who scraped his toe jam in a little jar every night. Seriously.


When does hibernation start? I'd like to participate this year.



He must be hung like a horse.


The making of a scene in a movie

James Burke had only one chance to film the last scene, and the result is possibly the best-timed shot in television history. He was reporting on the 20th August 1977 launch of Voyager 2. The clip is from the 1978 BBC television show Connections, season 1, episode 8, “Eat, Drink and Be Merry”.

I watched him do that! I loved Connections and watched each episode over and over until it was taken off the air. He was the perfect host.


I would put that on my résumé.

But does he look like he has smaller than usual hands?



A gem of a man.


Must be a French History lesson.

Or a Henry VIII marriage tutorial.


A very public...you'll see...

This baby sees her father beardless for the first time in her life.

That's the look of betrayal.



My wife while teaching her niece how to park.


Oh, hell no.

It looked like the cameraman wasn't wearing gloves.


Tyke bike race

I had a super-competitive daughter also.


You know that feeling when you want to say something but you can't because of how you found out.



Speaking of super-competitive daughters...

He gets it...


The guard falls off the hair trimmer...wait for it...

What are the fucking chances?

I'm assuming the tunnel goes uphill and the tire just rolls back down.


More tire mishaps

The way that guy's head hits the pavement...damn!


Weapon of ass destruction.


A police dog earning its keep...



Did his leg come off?



How much is her bond? Do they take a check? Credit card?


Act naturally...for survival.


When your woman is complaining just say, "Less bitchin' more kitchen." 

Women love it when guys rhyme.



Very cool fisherman subdues his catch

Octopus escape


And lastly...

A cat on ice
^^E 3-6^^

Just a baby cow in ear muffs.




Wild boar trap

The government ought to lend those to anyone who needs one.



A size legend would have been nice.


Can you say 'Broken Collar Bone', boys and girls?




I like how he sort of hangs in the air cartoonlike before dropping.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

^^B3^^ Another data point against Divine Creation: cattle give birth in the dead of winter. If the cow goes into labor out in the field rather than a barn, and it's cold enough, the newborn calves can lose their ears to frostbite. The ear mittens help prevent this.

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