About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






I don't get it. Am I to assume that the only way to know if people disagree with you is to have very few likes?

Here's one guy's opinion...

I'm interested in hearing more opinions. Anybody?

^^A 2-3^^

Dear Younger Men:

That will get you laid every time.



By just about any measuring device, South Carolina is full of stupid people. Covid illustrated that beyond a shadow of a doubt.




I find the whole sordid scam sickening.
^^A 7-8^^

Now that's customer service!

Seriously, what could that mean?


*Not anymore.


One simple rule: If you can't see me in the mirror then I can't see you. What's so fucking hard about that?



I remember that scene very, very, very well.


As a team-building exercise, my whole faculty was asked to line up youngest to oldest without speaking. I just stood and said, "1946" to any teacher who came near me. Every single one of them reminded me that we can't talk. I countered with there not being any penalty for breaking this smuck's bullshit rule.

*If I was told to pick one word to describe myself, I’d go with "doesn’t pay attention to instructions.”


Even with my first child, I realized that millions of really stupid people had successfully raised children so I figured I could do it with no sweat.


Insert the word penis into a famous quote to make it funny.

"Romeo, Romeo where forth art thy penis?"

"Give me penis or give me death."

The good, the bad, and the ugly penis.

...Your turn.


*Would someone please explain that to me...like I was a child.



F1 Monaco GP - 1977

I like that he circled the nip.

That was then and this is now. He would surely be sued - or worse - if he pulled that shit nowadays.


*Pics or it never happened.


1930s swimmers

You haven't thought of anything to do in bed that your great-grandmother hadn't done already.

They even had Goth chicks...


Felix Klieser Plays the French Horn with his Feet


I bet he brings that up in every argument.


Hell, when I got married the first time I spray-painted my boots black...to keep it classy.


*Danny Contribution



Well, somebody's eating healthy.




If we measure years after the birth of Christ and he was born on December 25th then why is January 1st the start of the year?




...and without teeth...


Henry VIII’s Bizarre Horned Helmet

The timeline on the glasses confused me but Google tells me it is plausible:

"The first wearable glasses known to history appeared in Italy during the 13th century. Primitive glass-blown lenses were set into wooden or leather frames (or occasionally, frames made from animal horns) and then held before the face or perched on the nose."


How the fuck do you explain something like that?

I get exhausted just imagining the repair work that will cause.


NASA's Curiosity Rover Just Sent Back This Stellar Image

It sort of looks like a creature napping with its chin on a rock.

But alas...

^^C 4-5^^

Dozens of Camels Kicked out of Saudi Beauty Pageant for Using Botox

And who knew this was a thing...

^^C 6-7^^

I'm thinking a cop was accompanying a perp.


Those are my pens of choice. I use red for my crosswords but it is cherished because it requires no pressure whatsoever which facilitates working on a handheld folded newspaper without it bending.


While in high school, my daughter answered an ad in the newspaper to work at the fair. 

The guy spent about 15 minutes teaching her how to fry funnel cakes...

And she made them hour after hour for a week. She made damn good money, got to eat as many funnel cakes as she wanted, and loved it.


God, such waste depresses me...


I haven't a clue.


Don’t ask my wife to dance. She looks like a four-year-old with his first sparkler.















Flashback of Woodstock...







Careful is as careful does.




Anonymous said...

Puzzle: body? Not sure about body clock or work actually

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Raul, Body clock has to do with the time a woman has to birth a child. Bodywork refers to repairs to a car's exterior.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ralh!

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