About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

SUNDAY #4729

 One Of My Very Own



EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


This may take time to load but please take the time to view it. Sound on.

This has to stop.

Here's a young lady who makes some sensible gun regulation suggestions. 

Please listen to her.

As you might have guessed, she has lots more to say. Here's how to find her on Twitter:

Please send me any and all suggestions you have to end the slaughter of our children. But doing nothing is not an option anymore. But neither is taking all the weapons away. Somewhere in between those two options is something the majority of us gun-lovers and gun-haters can live with.



The carts at Target roll so smooth I didn't even realize it was full of stuff I didn't need.



Two crossword clues worth sharing:

Fare that's eaten hands-free

_ _ TF _ _ _

Head for the hills?

_ _ TH _ _ _ _

Stock pile

_ _RT_ _ _ _ _

[answers at the end]





He STILL says the election was stolen despite what every election official attested, countless recounts ascertained, and every judge adjudicated. That's what I call talking out of your ass. But his cultist followers swallow it hook, line, and stinker.

Consider this...

If any part of that is in error please enlighten me.


And these are the praised necessities who are refused raises now. Go figure.






Once you hit 70, every morning you gotta sit on the edge of the bed and warm up like an old Buick.





Wait for it...

Imagine the only ones home are a father and a young son and that happens. The father knows he didn't do it so...ROLL THE VIDEOTAPE!



There's a calendar that features only open parking spots in the city.


All of this time, money, energy, and discomfort just to appear more appealing to people you don't even know. Ladies, you can do better.


I'm the exception I guess. When my doctor is running late and I have to wait longer than normal I will not let her apologize. I tell her that I know something came up that demanded her attention and I expect she would do the same for me if I needed it.


Apparently referring to screaming kids in a restaurant as "Semen Demons" is not publicly acceptable. Who knew?



That works perfectly.


This young lady built that bike from scratch.

I wonder why they don't build custom cars from the ground up to look like, say, a 1937 Delahaye Torpedo

Hell, I'd even accept a fiberglass body. And I don't mean those VW kits. I'm talking about something with muscle.


A creative person is someone who can make something wonderful with the simplest of possibilities, and this person is one of the creators who made wonderful works of art from a few stones on the beach.

I feel I can claim a kinship with the guy, earned through my hundreds (if not thousands) of packets left all over the country.


How much attention does one guy need?

Although I guess some people could say the same thing about a man who grew a mustache much wider than his head.


Proof that our society is near collapse?

Each day we stray further from God's light.


A Trump Tweet Gag?



Did you notice the hinge? That's damn clever.


Just another reason to include written instructions.


"Tattoos are permanent" 

So is the internet and you embarrass yourself there daily.



When I hear the insane excuses for not getting vaccinated I just can't take it anymore.

If you tell me there are tracking chips in it, or that it's a worldwide conspiracy to usher in Socialism, etc, etc, then I. Will. Cut. You. Out. Of. My. Life.


You could do Google and Facebook searches until the cows come home and you are NEVER going to know more about pandemics and viruses than the scientists who have studied them their whole lives.

I admit my limitations. That's why I rely on the experts...just like in every other aspect of one's life.


Our biggest mistake as a society is that we have tacitly given permission for people to express opinions as knowledge.

(But that's just my opinion.)


Combatting Bullies

[Note: I don't think that will work.]

You really needed to listen to all three of these clips. What a surprise ending!

That guy said he was bullied all his life in school and one of his abusers was the Superintendent. After hearing the man's testimony, the Superintendent quit.


My grandson gave me a fossilized pine cone that I look at every day of my life.

It is my most prized possession.


Why is this young lady so jubilant?

(Hint over her shoulders.)

I would title that:


Why do people feel the need to incriminate themselves by streaming video instead of just stealing the money? Cops used this exact video to arrest a bunch of people...or so I'm told.


The design is wonderful, but the foliage covering the exterior is perfect.

And all that heat rises to the loft to keep you toasty while you sleep.


My wife is mad at me because I didn't get sufficiently mad about something she is mad about.



I ran across a huge cache of Pinocchio cartoons. Enjoy.


*I'm not sure I understand that one.



^^E 1-15^^

Fare that's eaten hands-free


Head for the hills?


Stock pile





Another example of awful cropping.



"All the way out. ALL THE WAY OUT," shouted the salesman.



*Most intelligence tests have questions like that which do not require sophisticated reading skills.


David said...

Gun control.
Publicly declare democrats don't want your guns(we haven't done that,strangely)
Register all guns, then insure them like a car. If I'm responsible (trigger locks and safes) then my premium is low. If I'm irresponsible (they're used in school shooting or crime) then my insurance is voided, like my car insurance would be if I killed someone IN my car DUI.Call it entitled responsibility.
BUT, I still think people will do horrible things for the shock of it.


"express opinions as knowledge"...that's you all over

Anonymous said...

^^B7^^ Pro tip: Because of a chronic medical condition I've had occasion to go to the Emergency Room on a number of occasions. But because my condition does not entail active bleeding, just excruciating pain, it can be hard to get taken seriously. I've found that falling to the floor off my chair in the waiting room can sometimes help. Not always, though, like on a Friday or Saturday night. On Christmas day, though, works a charm.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you, Mike, but please offer one example to give me a chance of defending myself. I mean, your comment is your opinion.

Anonymous said...

A2 > Beethoven started losing hearing, initially in just his left ear, when he was 26. He died at 56.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: a
My best guess, but logical.

D'Ascoyne said...

To Anonymous.

Don't you have a primary care provider? That is who should be managing your chronic conditions. ERs are designed for acute issues, not chronic ones. If you are repeatedly going to the ER instead of seeing your doctor for chronic issues then you are doing it wrong.

If your doctor is ignoring you then you need to get someone else to do the job so you can address the underlying issue. But if you don't get a long with your doctor because all you want is opiates and drop in to the ED only for opiates then the problem might be you. Just sayin'

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Doctor D', As I understand it, that is yet another problem of not having universal healthcare. People who can't afford to go to a doctor go to the ER for, say, flu symptoms and hangnails. The ER is required to treat them whereas a GP is not.

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