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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 16, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






At the beginning of the mating season...
Path tamped down by millions of little feet...

If you've never lived in a very flat you can't imagine how boring it is.

No, the other one.




If you agree to do this always check to see if your husband has increased your life insurance...


"Sorry. We have a mask policy."


In India (or any other place with a high snake index) I think every citizen should be encouraged to wear an anti-venom pen around their neck.


"What the fuck was that?"

- dog in the backyard probably


Can an Ob/Gyn tell who does kegel? I mean do they look at certain vaginas and go, "Wow, this thing is ripped!"



Here's a longer clip of that mysterious lamp I posted weeks ago.

From that, I learned it had an oil reservoir in the inner tank.



If I owned one I would never stop looking at it.


I'm going to assume that AAA would make a disc that would take you all the way to your destination.


I'm assuming that was photographed from a microscope.



Cute...but did you find a Heart of Stone?

Here's a hint...


Lego people live in houses made of their own flesh.



Could it be that there's a body of water out the window?


At first, I thought they were on the median but now I'm leaning toward them being on a flat-bed truck bed.


I blame the contractor who made that even possible.


The cute way the British say "Bless you" after you sneeze.

Sound on...


1970s men's fashion

HA! The sheep look like that mural I painted.

The 70s was the age of discovery...




Try explaining this to a TSA agent.


"What kind of tattoo do you want?"

"Just give me the smörgåsbord...all over."

"A little bit of everything coming up."


That is what an infestation looks like.


You can tell what was the best year of your father's life because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out.




I Googled 'Poop Sock' and now I'm ready for an asteroid to destroy every goddamn one of us. Thanks, Google.





They said this on CNN...

And they knew exactly what they are doing.


That is factual and effective...I did my research.



McDonald's tricked us into cleaning off our own tables and then didn't reduce the prices to cover their windfall profits from all the employees who were fired.




It is getting kind of out of hand don't you think?

But what is the guy next to him doing?

Speaking of...














The rednecks I grew up with don't realize they are now on Roscoe and Boss Hogg's team.








The fact that the cameraman didn't so much as flinch indicates it's faked.




"You hit a WHAT?!"

- insurance agent probably   



Anonymous said...

C1: look more closely. That's not a window.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time:
B - Child's smile is different

Anonymous said...

B: The little girl has a cleft in her chin.

Anonymous said...

A8 snakes: "...every citizen should wear an anti-venom pen around their neck".
are you serious? That stuff costs thousands of dollars per vial.

B5 glass beach: "photographed from a microscope"...can I ask what prompted you to make such an assessment? Its clearly glass marbles on sand/rock.


btw the link above has the same pic

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