About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 3, 2022

MONDAY #4758

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Blood line: _O_ _ _

Final check: _A_ _

Started a turn: _ _E_

Took a pot shot: _ _ _E_





Yeah, well, both parties play that game...some better than others. Whatever happened to the requirement that the changes had to be approved by a federal judge?


And very soon we may change our form of governing to what nobody seems to know. But I will bet you money that you won't like it. You know and I know that Trump would be president for life if we let him. Think Putin.


I had Facebook for about a week and I felt like I was trapped in an elevator with people who loved to chitchat.

My wife, on the other hand, uses it to get things done. Do you need a wheelchair? My wife will find you one. Know somebody whose house burned down and the kids have no clothes or toys? My wife will round up a truckload...all from Facebook.


I completely understand how drugs can help you get through this present dumpster fire but be careful that they don't end up in control of you.


I have always been an advocate of trying to out funny the other mask wearers.

NOTE: I DO NOT advocate cloth masks any longer. The type of mask you wear is as important as wearing one. Use rated masks only.


Time's "Person of the Year" is not and never has been "Best Person of the Year". The accompanying articles are kinda explicit about that. See for example Hitler in '38, Ayatollah in '79, and Newt Gingrich in '95.

But I'm not sure he "evaded" taxes. He just took advantage of all the tax provisions that his campaign contributions insured would be enacted in his favor.


I think it would be prudent to build on the moon in preparation for a Mars mission where you could possibly be rescued. Learn of problems you haven't even thought of yet before you are out of reach.


Let's normalize partying from 2-8pm.







I got my grandson a case of these for Christmas...

No, seriously, I got him this book.


If you don't watch hockey that was probably very alarming.

And more awkward phrasing...




I forgot some of them and I had to look them up. I knew I would want to do the one that involved my dick and it's No.1.


Then I made up a word made up of the first letter of each sin to help me next time.



*I only included that because he used the term "magnum opus" which I really like.


The old me...


Watch carefully...

The aftermath...


I have never eaten a Pop-Tart. I swear.



How wonderful. If I ate anything but takeout I would have put those on my Xmas list.


"A tardigrade has been quantum entangled with a superconducting qubit – and lived to tell the tale. It is the first time a multicellular organism has been placed in this strange quantum state and raises questions about what it means for living things to be entangled."

*This is not a done deal.


Apparently, a pup killed a monkey baby in a village in the southwest part of India, in revenge monkeys are searching for pups & dogs, snatching them & throwing them off from height. Officials say there is no single pup left in the village. 


Depression Treatment Is Turning Lives Around

“Often, a clinical trial will be terminated early [according to pre-specified criteria] because the treatment is so effective that it would be unethical to continue giving people a placebo,” said Siddiqi. “That's what happened here. They'd originally planned to recruit a much larger sample, but the interim analysis was definitive.”


Explore Evolution on Earth in The Most Comprehensive Tree of Life Ever Created


If he had bathed the kids, brushed their teeth, got them ready for bed, put them in bed, and read them a story until they went to sleep his wife would be much more inclined to reward him with sex. Just sayin'.


Do you know what that blue thing is?

During my visits to Mexico, I noticed that each house had at least one of those and as I recall they were all blue. Periodically a tanker truck would come around and fill it with water. After that, the water was gravity fed to the taps in the house.


I have raised so many puppies that I know it should never ever be allowed to put human flesh in its mouth. That person should have immediately shoved his fingers down the pup's throat. After a couple of gagging episodes, the dog would never do it again.

Further, never let a puppy sit anywhere you don't want an adult dog to sit.


I've never seen a black fetus illustrated...ever.


Me: If you pay a mime enough, they’ll talk.

The other mimes at the protest: [visibly furious].


*I don't get it.



I think that's what happens when you don't read the instructions.


I would love to own one of those...if it were electric.

The wife and I are planning to trade both of our vehicles for a hybrid SUV. Do any of you people know the best models?


Driving too fast for road conditions is an unforgivable violation.


That happened to me once. Luckily I had a truck powerful enough to yank it back into alignment.


Why do you ALWAYS need spotters...

Did you notice it was a German plane fucking with a Jewish plane?


I'm going to go ahead and call a Roomba a vehicle...


Each day we stray further from God's light.


Plane Camper

Me: I’m going to write a perfect blog even if it kills me.

The wife: Write two in case you survive the 1st.






Talk about your mixed messages...


Gun scare on a school bus

There was some talk about it being a BB gun but that's not really the point is it?


God, I love ducks

A lazy man walks a dog

Pole Vault Performance

Teamwork at its finest


Blood line: AORTA

Final check: MATE

Started a turn: DREW

Took a pot shot: ANTED











Der Ralph, You write as if the Democrats are on the right side in the health debate; speaking from afar I get the impression that their position is not far from the Republicans, certainly not enough to believe in them, or switch your vote if you were a single issue voter.

Anonymous said...

A7: Your not trusting the "science" and the "experts" like you anymore? Can't wait to see what you say when the vaxed 26 times start blaming the only vaxed 25 times.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, I want America to have free universal healthcare like the rest of the world. Is that the Republican position?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: non-habit forming
Naan bread + nun's habit + 4 Mings

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