About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 24, 2022

MONDAY #4779

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



It's a sad day in Mudville.

For the rest of the season, I am a Buffalo Bills fan.





"We don't need no cough control..."


America - gun care and health control.



Please read that again.

We've been down this road before...


-sound on-

This is getting stupid. Owning people is wrong. Exterminating races of people is wrong. The opposing side of these arguments was defeated.


I’ll bet Charles Manson would’ve made one hell of a used car salesman. If he could talk a bunch of kids into murder, how hard could it be for him to get you into a 97 Camry?




Space Shuttle Frangible Nut

During a Space Shuttle launch, two frangible nuts were used to secure the external fuel tank to the aft end of the orbiter. At main engine cutoff (MECO), which occurred at T+8 minutes 30 seconds and approximately 113 kilometers above the Earth, the orbiter’s general-purpose computers commanded external tank separation, and two embedded RDX explosive charges broke each nut into two halves allowing the release of the ET. It’s made of Inconel 718 (an oxidation-corrosion-resistant superalloy) and weighs over 10lbs. Unfortunately, there’s likely no way of knowing for sure which shuttle mission this nut was flown on, but it was manufactured in March of ‘83 and originally sold by NASA in the mid-90s, meaning it was probably somewhere between STS-41-C and STS-80.


The surface turbulence baffles me.

Crabeater seals actually eat antarctic krill, their jaws evolved to filter the water in order to eat it.


From that movie came this classic image...

And this is what they were reacting to...

I strongly recommend this movie.

What a wonderful idea.

When I was in Labrador, our parkas had a zipper that would almost seal the front with only a wrist-sized tunnel from which to see through.

The hood above probably has a zipper on the flat bottom section next to his chin.

"The company also pleaded guilty to two felonies $12 mill fine, three years probation, and a mandatory compliance program."

*$12M to that company is like 25¢ to the rest of us. And remember they were convicted of a FELONY - they knew they were breaking the law and did it anyway.



Plane cutting through the fog


Does anyone know what they are injecting under the sidewalk?


Original "Swiss Army" knife from ancient Rome (circa 200–300 AD, reproduction)

Is that a tiny cocaine spoon?


Dogs can’t talk and everyone loves them.

This is not a coincidence.



The frustration is real.

We used something similar on the nukes I worked on and that is very true.



When I was a child my dog, Laddie, would always position himself between me and any larger child or adult and just stare at them.

 My daughter's hamster once bit her and when she yanked it away she stripped all the fur and skin from its tail. Eventually, the bony part dropped away.

PS: It never bit her again.



He should have stood in bed.


I wonder if the dinosaurs were this goofy when they had their extinction-level event.



I wonder if all Brits hate the French.



Remember this classic?

In my opinion, there are two possibilities: 1. It's a lookalike. 2. It's some fancy film editing. 
Does anyone know for sure?

I do that.

That made the exact sound you would expect it to make.

My Alfa threw a rod right out of the side of the block one month after the warranty had expired. The Alfa rep said he had never heard of one doing it before.


That little kiss on the top of its head.

I don't think that's a mistake.

One night I was going down on my wife and I look over to see my daughter just standing in the doorway watching. When we made eye contact she ran back to her bed. My wife put on her gown and went to the child's room only to find her sitting up in her bed with her arms crossed across her chest. As soon as my wife sat down on the bed my daughter hissed, "Was he hurting you?!?!"

That, Gentle Reader, is a highly motivated young woman.


When my wife and I went to Paris she had several dictionaries but I preferred to go raw dog. The very first restaurant we visited I just pointed to an item on the menu without an inkling of what I had ordered. My wife was aghast. When the meal arrived I got a hamburger steak and French fries.

And, yes, my wife checked to make sure it was beef.


My photoshop guy says this is photoshopped.


That looks like fun but had you been the guy on the left where would you have placed that last piece?^^D13^^

Highland Games

My friend holds a world record in the Highland games. She explained to me that all of the feats were skills that could be used in war. I assume lifting stones to build fortifications was a crucial skill.

A Boy and His New Dog
-sound on-

Cello Summoning Deer
-sound on-

The Dancers
I really like dancers. I used to love to dance back when my body moved on demand.

The Photographer
-sound on-
The guy has found his niche and what wonder photographs he takes.


That "territory" was somebody else's home.






Yeah, I would have lost that bet.



ponder said...

Does anyone know what they are injecting under the sidewalk?

Polyurethane foam.

This https://foamworkspro.com/ is the company in the video.

ponder said...

In my opinion, there are two possibilities: 1. It's a lookalike. 2. It's some fancy film editing.
Does anyone know for sure?

2. It's some fancy film editing.

Video starts off real and then the editing happens.


ponder said...

And, yes, my wife checked to make sure it was beef.

Nothing wrong with horse ;)

Anonymous said...

C8: I don't understand the comment about standing in the bed.

Anonymous said...

B11: it's called mudjacking. However today they typically use a polyurethane.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C8 Anon, "Should have stood in bed" is an old Southern saying that means the same as "Should have stayed in bed."

Anonymous said...

^^D3^^ Wishful thinking

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