About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

SUNDAY #4778

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




The first snow I've seen in decades but I only want to hear the words salt and ice if we're talking about margaritas.


My Green Bay Packers play this evening. I will be decked out in full regalia. Wish me luck.

Here are my parenting rules. Please read:


1966. Vs. 2021

1966: Long hair

2021: Longing for hair

1966: KEG

2021: EKG

1966: Acid rock

2021: Acid reflux

1966: Moving to California because it's cool

2021: Moving to Arizona because it's warm

1966: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor

2021: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor


1966: Hoping for a BMW

2021: Hoping for a BM

1966: Going to a new, hip joint

2021: Receiving a new hip joint

1966: Rolling Stones

2021: Kidney Stones

1966: Disco

2021: Costco

1966: Passing the drivers' test

2021: Passing the vision test

1966: Whatever

2021: Depends










NOT ME! We simply stopped cooking, shopping, cleaning up, and washing the dishes needed for cooking at home. We have never been happier.


Dear Women, You don't have to put up with this shit.



A dear friend of my wife and I's is slowly committing suicide with alcohol. Her organs are shutting down while the doctors can't stop the internal bleeding and every time she gets out of the hospital she gets drunk. Nothing we say gets through to her. It is sad beyond belief.






What an astute observation.

Dems ain’t great but today's GOP is scarily insane.


“The Biden regime is oppressive for recommending I not hurt myself”.


That's some Wile E. Coyote shit right there.


Ideal Society
If only.

Never hate someone for the color of their skin or who they love. Hate them for putting mayo on a hotdog. Those people deserves it.



A while back there was a fad for owning Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pigs.

A farmer drove a truckload of regular piglets to New York and sold them as the prized Pot Bellies. 

This is how large they could be expected to grow.

In an apartment. In New York City.


The reality is as expected...


Worthy Dramatic Photography


That is why you NEVER put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot.



Drifting into 2022



It was stated that the Spanish Air Force had planes with cockpits painted on the bottom to confuse enemy pilots in a dogfight.

But I would think that close in dogfights were a thing of the past.



Two examples of drivers who got their licenses online...



The feminism leaving my wife's body when there's a spider to squash.



I strongly disagree. Blonde women with Chucky tattoos are dangerous no matter how they are raised.

Here's another opinion:

*But could that be due to the assholes who train them to fight?

About a hundred bucks.


Looks like a case of "Hell, I'll just move myself."

I learned my lesson about putting a gloss coating on my paintings.

Guys we need to be careful about spreading fake information. This picture gives a false impression that Donal Trump is a generous lover. The man has never thought about the needs of anyone but himself and we cannot afford to promote these false narratives.


5th Element
How very interesting.

Performing Caterpillars
Who knew?

Worthless Currency

Inflation in Venezuela. One Bolívar = 0.0000021597292 US Dollars

*I sure wish I could get my hands on a bagful of those bills for my art. Does anybody know how I could do that?

Publisher: Tell me all about it.

Orwell: It’s about a farm.

Publisher: Sounds good.

Orwell: With animals.

Publisher: Naturally.

Orwell: And they’re fascists.

Publisher: Of course.











Censored item...






I'm reminded of that Italian Consul's daughter in Germany.








"I don't find muscular girls sexy."









And for millions of people, that's not weird at all. Go fucking figure.




Does anybody know where this is?


ponder said...

Puzzle Time

Oklahoma Panhandle

When Texas sought to enter the Union in 1845 as a slave state, federal law in the United States, based on the Missouri Compromise, prohibited slavery north of 36°30' parallel north. Under the Compromise of 1850, Texas surrendered its lands north of 36°30' latitude. The 170-mile strip of land, a "neutral strip", was left with no state or territorial ownership from 1850 until 1890. It was officially called the "Public Land Strip" and was commonly referred to as "No Man's Land."

The Compromise of 1850 also established the eastern boundary of New Mexico Territory at the 103rd meridian, thus setting the western boundary of the strip. The Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 set the southern border of Kansas Territory as the 37th parallel. This became the northern boundary of "No Man's Land." When Kansas joined the Union in 1861, the western part of Kansas Territory was assigned to the Colorado Territory but did not change the boundary of "No Man's Land."

Anonymous said...

ahahaha that blondie bit with tattoos, oh my god - my friend has a saying, the more colourful their hair, rules of the jungle; poison (women with different coloured hair pieces)

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