About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 31, 2022

MONDAY #4786

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



QUESTION: If Donald Trump becomes president again and he only has a narrow margin in the Senate do you think he would direct his party to overturn the filibuster to pass his agenda?

I'll go first. Under Donald Trump, the filibuster wouldn't last a month.






Remember in high school when you and your girlfriend were so into intercourse that you would just pick up a six-pack of beer on the way to your favorite parking place then once there you tried your best to exhaust your partner and that was considered not only acceptable but normal? 





People actually believe that.

American Exceptionalism at its finest.

Coworker Prank

I hope you have as good a day as can be expected on what seems like the fourth level of Jumanji.




How very powerful.

Stop. Just stop. Procreation is a species imperative and you can fight it if you want but your genes are telling you to have plenty of them. Besides that, I absolutely love and enjoy children.


I've always been an optimist but that is very difficult in such times as these.

I think that one of the cornerstones of conservativism is that they oppose anything that is "different". Do you remember their opposition to long hair on hippies? Cap bills turned backward? Lowrider pants? Well, they got beat EVERY TIME and nobody suffered because of it.

Well, tattoos fall into that trend that was ridiculed by conservatives, and now everyone and their grandma has one.


The madame is about to talk. Hold on to your chair.

"They are persecuting Christians."

Bullshit! Christians have been fucking with the rest of us for generations.

Yet another advantage of working at home.

I once taught with a guy who had an hour and a half commute every day. I reminded him that he has to add 3 hours to his workday. Also, think of gas and vehicle maintenance. Add into that the cost of the building to house all the workers. I am in favor of everyone who can be working at home.


It's not capitalism when a group with power hordes the wealth, it's an oligarchy.

I'm not real sure about the numbers but agree with the message.

*Numbers Verification Requested

How many times does your source of information have to be wrong before you turn to other sources? It's like the doomsday cults who predict the end of the world, then when the day comes and goes they just pick another day. Don't fall for the trolls' bullshit. You are smarter than that.

No amount of poor life choices equals that kind of lethality.

*Actually, district policy regarding lice varies widely. 

Do you hate masks?

I hate masks. The fogging of my glasses is one of the reasons.

Well, look what I found...

And they come in tiny packets that fit into a shirt pocket.


Newsman Loses His Shit Over Covid Response

Fewer men would have been turned into stone if Medusa had bigger boobs.





As mentioned prior, I end my post-shit hygiene ritual with a wet wipe. Well, I switched to Clorox wipes and now my asshole has been bleached to a newborn pink that impresses everyone I show it to.


They start so young...



He should have used wet wipes.


"Help, I've fallen glamorously and can't get up."

But the other mannequins are sick of his shit.



Other people: Gosh darn it.

My wife: God fucking fuck ass shit damn cockwaffle!




Mata Hari


I think I would have thrown the ski poles to lessen my chances of being impaled by them.


The result of wind erosion of frozen sand on the shore of Lake Michigan. 


They allow the driver to ascertain whether the wheels are rotating.



The flowerpot heater does not increase the amount of heat, just its usefulness. Here’s what’s happening. The candle under the clay pot heats the air rising via convection into the clay pots. That superheated air is immediately trapped in the clay pots. This means the candle heat collects and builds before it can dissipate and mix with the cold air in the room. The trapped hot air heats the cold clay and steel, which begins to act as a larger thermal mass (a.k.a. an object that stores heat (or heat battery)). Once the heater core is warmed up, it begins to radiate heat from the outside surface. This build-up and radiation make it much easier to “feel” the heat on your skin. Think of how a campfire puts off radiant heat that warms us. In addition to radiating heat, the heater surface can reach a nice hand-warming temp. This means you can wrap your hands around the outer pot and heat them via conduction. Imagine putting your hands around a hot mug of coffee – a similar idea. Note the more candles you use, the shorter amount of time you can keep your hands on the surface. Lastly – heat from a candle (without clay pots) will go straight up in a thin column to the ceiling – and stay there.


Slater Bridge in Lake District, England been there since the 1700s. 

The dip in the middle is probably due to centuries of foot traffic alone.


Jigsaw Puzzle

When we took our annual beach trip we would rent a house and invite more or less anyone who wanted to join us. We always had a large jigsaw puzzle spread out on a coffee table and each person was free to work on it at any time. One of our favorites was a picture of a flamingo made up of tiny pictures of flamingos.

I glued all the pieces together and had it framed.

*Sorry for the shit photo but the reflections couldn't be overcome.

I made a 6' ruler record my grandson's growth.

 My wife used it to measure the French doors to order drapes. I thought that very clever.


What Pregnancy Does to the Body

Riding abandoned railroad tracks in Southern California with a railcart.

What happens if you meet another cart going the opposite direction?

How Big is Our Universe





I would call that child abuse.

And millions of Americans still believe in that voodoo bullshit.





Anonymous said...

^^C6^^ WTF?

Burgervan said...

D12: If You both agree to trade the carts then just jump on the other cart and carry on going.

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