About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Elton John is amazing at the piano but he sucks on the organ.

*I first heard that joke in the 1960s and it was about Liberace.


I had a poet friend who said he like to hang out with artists because we were always making up words.

I try folks, but even I can't be bubbly every day.











In my wife's house growing up they called small chair blankets "ginks" and now I use it also.



I'm the guy that filled in a "What would you like to be called" line on my dentist's profile with "Hunk of Burning Love". AND THAT'S WHAT THEY CALL ME!!



Try writing one. I cried openly when I was forced to kill off an infant in a book I was writing.




Been there done that.


There's a guy on TV promoting a pill that makes you think better and he lives in a huge house on a lake and he's a substitute teacher and motivational speaker. 








Everyone thanks the US, the Uk, and Russia for defeating the Axis, but Indians fought on all fronts and gave the Allies the largest number of volunteers in history.



So many people today seem unable or unwilling to empathize. 

Imagine how boring life would be if everybody wore their hair just like everyone else. I cherish our differences.

We hold the sum of humankind's knowledge in the palm of our hands and how do we use it?


The nocebo effect is a bit like the 'evil twin' of the placebo effect, occurring when a patient experiences negative side effects to treatment because they're expecting to.


It flew directly over several air bases.

"Incriminating" Catholic Church report: Josef Ratzinger protected pedophile priests before becoming Pope Benedict


I find women with smiles infinitely more attractive than... 

...all those high-maintenance pouts.


I didn't do it often but I have taught with a hangover. I was always much more tolerant when I was hurting.

Be like those guys.

For Dano Brown, toymaker of cult classic characters and proprietor of Dano Banano Toys, the process of making his custom action figures is far from conventional. Using body parts from other action figures and toys from his collection, he crafts and sculpts unique pop culture figures.


Action Figure Creator

The Sound of Baby's Laughter
There is no purer sound.

How To Find Your Girlfriend

In the days of Beavis & Butt-Head, Mike Judge got a voice mail from a deranged hillbilly that for some reason thought the name of the show was "Porky's Butthole" and that's how he got the inspiration for Boomhauer's voice.


I once told a friend at the bar that they had to shave their whole body before his dermatologist appointment the next day.




That's a Paso Fino horse, doing the Classic Fino. It's a show gait. They've been bred for it so long, foals do it naturally.


I seem to remember reading that those things hang out with many dangerous animals and aren't harmed. Does anybody know why?


Adeliez Penguin jumped into their Zodiac during a cruise around an iceberg.

It had run away from leopard seal and didn't want to go back in the water and we dropped him at the iceberg where friends were waiting.


Architectural Illusion

I painted a whole lot of architectural illusions.

[That is not one of mine.]


Ladies' high-heeled bowling shoes. $4.99 at the Thrift Shop.


Reese's Commercial


Bar Special

Sunglasses accidentally dropped into an orangutan enclosure at the zoo.



Humorous Countdown






What really happened...



The Royal Statistical Society has just posted their fiendishly difficult annual Christmas quiz.

Sample question:

"Identify the eight items below, each of which contains a deliberate error. What special name connects them, and which words appearing in #2/#7/#8 are often regarded as the origin of the name (loosely speaking, in the case of #7)?

Finally, continuing the theme of #2, which four of the individuals (taken in order) reveal another much-loved ground-dwelling creature with a distinctive morning cry?"

#5 is pretty easy (the error is that H4 should be R5).  I'm still working on the others.

Feel free to offer answers in the Comments.

Addendum:  #7 is by other Evelyn (the A3 should be B5).  This might open up the floodgates for the other phrases.  I'll let someone else do them while I move on to a different puzzle.

*My well is running dry. Please help.

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