About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 29, 2022


 One Of My Very Own

Let's try that again...


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



And before you racist pigs start ranting about quotas, just remember that America had a strict quota system for 150 years - all candidates had to be white males.


The Nazi playbook states that you must accuse the other side of doing exactly what you yourself are doing.

We now know who the real election thieves were.


This should scare the shit out of every American who thinks voting is an excellent way to choose our leaders.



Yep, that's the new me.

*Viewer Contribution




Soon after marrying, the wife and I went to one of the few remaining drive-ins and there were two teenagers in the car next to us butt naked in the front passenger seat. The girl was straddling the guy and giving him a real workout. As I watched the girl looked over at me and smiled...SMILED!


A course review for the class my daughter taught read in part: "And the professor is smokin' hot!"

*Devine beings do a lot of table flipping.

A pretty good segue to the next section.

You know you are old when you start saying 'Back in my day' unironically.




NOTE: Feel free to scroll past this section. 

It is a bit of a downer.









Willful ignorance is winning out over science, logic, facts, and reality. It’s bizarre to watch.



Folio Olio comment:



Weeks later...

*Yes, I strongly suggest you pray and pray and pray for her.


Never ask a woman her age.

A man his salary,

Or  Britain how they got so many artifacts in their museums.




Having given up beer and cigarettes I can honestly state that the smokes were by far the hardest.



*"Can you please fucking not." - The Lorax.



Aaron Rodgers is the spitting image of that guy from Fargo.

*Viewer Contribution



They could have legitimately had sex without tarnishing NASA's reputation.


One of these men is in great peril. 

Where does the danger originate?

A. The can.

B. The glass door.

C. The other man.

D. The door on the left.


Bonus points:





B. The glass door. Animal.

Fire and alcohol DO NOT mix.

As a former bar owner, I would blame these two men...

They are the ones who served those lunatics the alcohol which removed all inhibitions. They should not have allowed the prank to continue.


My daughter told me that the only reason she got a Ph.D. was that when her packages arrive she can say, "Just what the doctor ordered."



I like that hot sauce on my Chinese takeout but over time it seems the hotness has diminished. 
Is that normal?


Well, do something about it! You have the power. Use it.

150-year-old corner piano



If you were wondering what I want for Christmas.

Amazing Luxor Temple, Egypt. 

I still find it amazing that they allow those millions of sweaty hands to touch those year after year.

Human hair used to save trees

Imagine a cereal so bad that two scoops of raisins made it better.

*I had a doctor tell me that most doctors will declare anyone an alcoholic if they drink one more drink than they do.


Remember I'm the guy who put the BMW disc on the front of his electric cart. When people ask I tell them it's a prototype.

Does anyone care to explain that to me?

Remember this?

I couldn't tell if the light was red or green.

But with vehicles traveling at such high speeds, it would be easy for the van driver to misjudge their intersecting time.

That works with water also...


I would have lost the bet on possible outcomes on this one...


It's that special time of year again.

That thing looks very loud.

One of the greatest planes to ever take to the sky.

Why they call it a SpitFire...

Short exhaust and high-octane fuel...or so I'm told.

Train, Snow, and Idiots

I've seen that before and each time I wonder just what those people thought was going to happen.

Very fast model boat

Road Rage...I guess?
-sound on-
I couldn't figure out what he's so pissed off about. Of course, I don't hear all that well.

The best-laid plans...

As a middle child with an older brother, I know exactly how that happened.

A plastic car body on a jet ski?


It was a stuntman set up this way...

And lastly...







Even the dog is laughing at her.



Anonymous said...

In reference to E8

I got to ride in one of those snow plows once. Chatting with the driver.
"Whats the worst thing you've ever hit with this."
He said "Every now and then I hit a dog. Turns the snow red for a second and then its gone"


Anonymous said...

"Having given up beer and cigarettes I can honestly state that the smokes were by far the hardest."

Years ago I read about a study done in Canada where they interviewed recovering alcoholics and drug addicts. The interviewees who were either or both alcoholics and heroin addicts said quitting smoking was the hardest of all, by far.

ponder said...


I was about to give you a high five when I realised we have had a few constitutional court judges appointed that never served on the bench before, one being 37 years of age and female.

Your biggest issue is your judges are political appointees or they run for office in lower courts. Judges should be impartial, political or religious views are not appropriate, their job is to apply the law as per the constitution & legal statutes etc.

Stephen Hait said...

RE: you continuing to refrain from smoking - Congrats! Keep it up. And it does get easier.

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