About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

SUNDAY #4771

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Bottom right.

Am I the only one in awe that I am allowed to see that?

 Tonga Tsunami in Santa Cruz, California 




Want to guess what this lethal-looking thing is?







A kangaroo's foot.


I think that means it's private property and the law really doesn't apply...it's more like a suggestion.


We've all known children like that, haven't we?

The right tool for the job.

I finally found the exact spot, on Google Earth, where Buttercup pushes Westley down the hill. Lathkill Dale, near Bakewell, Derbyshire, UK.


"How Educated people see you".


If overreacting was a photograph...



They could have easily sewn little T-Rex sleeves into it for opening doors and shit.

My wife cooks with a clock. She puts it in the toaster over, sets the timer, and comes back when it dings. I am not emotionally stable enough to do that. I cook with my eyes.

It would give its life to protect that child. Just another reason that every child needs a dog.

My wife has made a dancing tutorial...

I told you she was good!

Fun With Snow

-sound on-


Drinking cow's milk is okay, but drinking a woman's breast milk is weird. Sucking a woman's breast is okay, but sucking a cow's udder is weird.

"Modern Art"???




Conservationists fear that horseshoe crabs, a 450-million-year-old living fossil, will be pushed to the brink of extinction because of the value of their blood to the pharmaceutical industry.








200kmh = 124mph

My money is on those things are being weaponized.

Our last glimpse of the James Webb Telescope as it heads into deep space

I wish it all the luck in the universe.

It only takes one slow-walking person in the grocery store to destroy the illusion that my wife is a nice person.








All things Duck...


This has been done to death on the internet...

But look what this very clever fellow did...


Sid Caesar in Mel Brooks's History of the World: Part I (1981).

[spellcheck made it "Brooks's" - is that proper?]


My all-time favorite cartoon...


*before you correct me 
remember what section you're in.



More Betty White...


I actually watched that movie!

[MP4 Backup due to size]


Meetings should have a button you can secretly press and if everyone presses the button the meeting ends.

*We called my cousin Stinky even after he was president of a bank.





*I know that's a repost but it still made me rethink all the crazy shit he did.

Aussie Spiders

They all took refuge on the fence due to flooding.


What have we done?

Subway Jumper
One New Yorker commented that he was furious because if he got hit by a train everyone would be late.

A mother's instincts

- pay attention -

That is a perfect segue to the next section...


Boomers: No gay marriage.

Millennials: Yes gay marriage.

Gen Z: Yes gay, no marriage.



It has been a hard couple of years and I don't know if I'm ready for another one.












I am so very lucky to have my wife to help me get through this.


We all did. You would think our common suffering would lead us to be nicer to one another.



This illustrates when my wife and I decided we were going to staythefuckathome for the rest of our lives.



Covid nurses facing yet another surge.
-sound on-













Anna Shcherbakova is a Russian figure skater performing in single skating. World Champion (2021)

She knew exactly what she was doing.





It's so easy to tell when he's lying...







Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: belly button

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time...... Top left. His blood type is O Negative. :-)

Anonymous said...

"You would think our common suffering would lead us to be nicer to one another." And you would be wrong. I've run a small messaging forum web page since 1994, set up expressly for people who suffer from or otherwise deal with a debilitating chronic inflammatory disease. I've had to shut it down occasionally for a time-out because people would get into unbelievable fights over unbelievably trivial issues. These were all, ALL, people dealing with horrible medical problems in their own lives or the lives of their children or partners, and yet they could still be petty and mean to each other at the drop of a perceived slight. They all wanted me, as the sysop, to play Dad and make people behave, or banish whoever they thought were the baddies. I told them all to grow up. It was depressing as hell, to be honest.

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