About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I'm starting to think it's not going to be alright.

I try to imagine what this would be like if I were young and missing out on years of social development.


I've heard countless graduation speeches where the young people are told they can do ANYTHING. No. No they all can't.



There is a lot wrong with that story.


There are so many hurting people in America who justifiably think that the system has fucked them.

Don't care how many boats or expensive cars the man owns. That's his business. I do care that his family is in the coal business and he votes against any climate change mitigation...


How very insightful.





We do that all the time!





I don't know about Y'all but I don't have any more passwords left in me.




A barge has been stuck on Sunset Beach in Vancouver for weeks, so they decided to rename it. I love this city.




How do they...you know?


*Verification Requested



'The End is at Hand', Brian Karlsson





What haunts me is that I am just not smart enough for so many people to be this much stupider than I am.



Wave Cave, Superstition Mountains, Arizona

I've been in numerous caves like that and always imaged what a great shelter it would have been for early hominoids.


I almost killed myself with a door setup like that.


When I look at this I see readymade building materials.

I've often thought that the simplest way to smooth the sides was to use this stone that is swirled around to smooth a lithograph stone. With the holes in that configuration, it whirls around very fast.

And after enough grinding with sand aggregate, you end up with this...


The Sombrero Galaxy by Hubble.

Thank you, NASA for allowing me to see that.


That is something I could have really gotten into had I been aware of it.


I never was much for large crowds, but now, I am a very comfortable homebody.

My blog prep is a godsend in keeping me busy.


I was told that the reason we call different floors of buildings "stories" is because building used to have illustrations on each level. Is that true?


All things Ralph...

I refuse to acknowledge anyone who calls me "Ralphie".


This is my favorite relative. He's my great-nephew and we share two out of three names.

He just got his BS in Environmental Science which endears him to me even more.

I think he has a strong resemblance to my grandson...but that might just be me.

*Sorry for the poor quality.


The naked man fears no pickpocket.



Baby's First Taste of Pumpkin Pie


Bruce Lee, 1971


If Cats Said Hey

Reminds me of this Larson cartoon from a million years ago...


The Dog and The Dolphin and the game they play...

An Award-Winning Commercial

Invisibility Lens

Looking forward to larger applications


Superman Drone

Note: I spend half my time correcting the font size on the cheap ass host site. That huge D7 has been changed a half dozen times and it goes right back to that. I'm thinking of just explaining it to you then ignoring it.








*Danny Contribution


Anonymous said...

shadow on floor

Anonymous said...

C8..... That is one of a couple explanations. Another is that the floors of a castle were used for storage during sieges.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: Shadow on the floor has a penis

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