About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone but it will pass.



Define "weird".


You don't want to be around my wife when she's hungry.

It takes strength to face a problem that you don't want to be true.




We haven't seen any new pictures of the old boy in a while. I hope he is doing okay.



Speaking of...




I have reached the age where I drive just like an old man.


Teenage boys all over the globe play "I wonder what my dick would feel like if I stuck it in that thing." 

ALL teenage boys. 

ALL over the globe.




My favorite sex position is the one where they are down to grow with you as a person and care about your mental health and well-being...you know, reverse cowgirl.



"While the results of these studies are highly promising they were all conducted in vitro. Its effect in real-world situations remains unknown. There is a need for clinical and population-based trials to evaluate the outcomes of these mouthwashes. A researcher suggests that mouthwash could even be specifically designed for this purpose."



The Korean Baseball League's championship trophy is a giant sword.

Every other sports league on the planet needs to get their shit together.



*Verification Requested


It amazes me that more homes are not set ablaze by that traditional kindling we put inside our homes.


Not me. I made a fuck-ton of money making art. Of course, I had a master's degree and a work ethic from hell.

I was rather young when I realized that we are all deeply flawed beings and I should learn to forgive myself.



The Huffy Radio Bicycle from the 1950s.

Growing up there were 3 or 4 kids that had bikes like that and they were all only children.

We all hated those kids.


*Verification Requested

*rather longish but worth it - sound on

Clay figures brought to life

Eurasian Wryneck

A member of the woodpecker family that when excited the head is shaken and twisted about violently. The bird sometimes feigns death and hangs limply with eyes closed.

Today was a good day. I ate three times, slept twice, and made interesting objects. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can have sex with something.





I know that he "suffered" not "surfed" but the devil caused spellcheck to alter my instructions. And I paid for the mural in advance.


This is from a bulletin board in a Christian School...

But they died happily.


I cringe every time I hear someone thanking God for saving them from a tornado without blaming him for sending it in the first place.

I may be biased but modern bands that I've never heard of and never listened to can't hold a candle to the bands of my youth.



I've started a new hobby...

Wish me luck.

Where are my fava beans?


This is how I explained it to my daughters...


I ran across a series of photographs depicting things that just aren't right.



Danny, is it worth it?


But then there was this one and I can't see what's wrong. Anybody?

^^D 4-10^^

Mothers like that have spoiled Field Days in every school in America.


Those zany Gitmo agents.


 When you look at this do you think of a vacation?

It's not a yacht at sea. 

It's a hole in a leather sofa.



You can't make this shit up.

If I had something similar in a novel I wrote my proofreaders wouldn't even finish it.


How can we possibly explain that?


Janitor Lady Needs No Help










dave said...

D4 Fence was spray painted, bush caught all the overspray.

Anonymous said...

"While the results of these studies are highly promising they were all conducted in vitro. Its effect in real-world situations remains unknown. There is a need for clinical and population-based trials to evaluate the outcomes of these mouthwashes. A researcher suggests that mouthwash could even be specifically designed for this purpose."



LISTERINE® Antiseptic is not intended to prevent or treat COVID-19 and should be used only as directed on the product label.

...no evidence-based clinical conclusions can be drawn with regards to the anti-viral efficacy of LISTERINE® Antiseptic mouthwash at this time.

Anonymous said...


Plant got painted with the fence.

Robin said...

D10 - Whoever has spray painted the railings has also spray painted the trees behind them.

Robin said...

Incidently, am I the only one to notice that you now appear outside the tunnel of schadenfreude?

Wrekreation said...

D4-10 Looks like someone spray painted the fence - grey/gray.

Anonymous said...

Photo under S4-10 - The fence was spraypainted and the bushes behind caught most of the paint.

Anonymous said...

^^C3^^ one of the funniest things you've ever posted

Anonymous said...

Robin - I noticed it, too.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Robin, without an item number we have no idea what you are talking about.

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