About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 13, 2022


One Of My Very Own              


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Let's make Year Three of Covid the best one yet!!




He only won by .4% of the vote?

*Verification Requested

^^A 3-4^^

Are the words 'before'/'after' really necessary?


*Changing the rules is not only acceptable but should be encouraged.








I bet Whoville has the best gay bars.



WWI is closer to the Civil War than we are to WWI


Helpful antigen test guide

*Verification Requested

I have heard that this is an extraordinarily good movie. Have any of you people seen it and if so do you have any advice for me?



He was absolutely, totally convinced that his body would go with him to heaven. How quaint. Now we are absolutely, totally sure your body stays behind while only the invisible part of you goes to your mansion on the street of gold.



Why isn't there impartial federal oversight of this farce?



Not shown: sniffing each cube to make sure they got all the vomit and feces off.


The next time you feel incompetent think of this...


She doesn't work there. She survives there.



Big sisters were overjoyed to see baby brother’s first steps.

An Inuit man warms his wife’s feet, Robert E. Peary (1890s)

That, Gentle Reader, is how you get laid.

^^B 12-14^^

Redneck Explains Covid Chart

I am surrounded by people who talk just like that lady.


Color Theory

Rolled Treats

Every Christmas my mother made something similar only made with biscuit dough and sausage.


Sand Sculpting

Hohenzollern Castle in Germany is the ancestral seat of the imperial House of Hohenzollern. The third of three hilltop castles built on the site, it is located atop Mount Hohenzollern, above and south of Hechingen, on the edge of the Swabian Jura of central Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

*Did you notice the ramps? To gain access to the castle you have to run gauntlet after gauntlet.

Centuripe, Sicily, Italy.

^^B 19-20^^

Why did the non-binary prospector head west? Because there was gold in them/their hills!

*My wife thought non-binary meant you can't have milk.








Art Photography
^^C 7-9^^

The Games We Watch

^^C 10-11^^

See anything...odd?



I almost missed the oddity.


Is it just me?



The Duck With Somewhere To Be


I'm told that in Sweden you can make good money charging newlyweds to fuck in those things.


Irish Song
-sound on-

Oak Pick

This guy made a guitar pick out of 2000-year-old Oak. The wood used to be a Roman water well that was discovered near my village. The wood was given away to artists after the dendrology research was finished.



Hints for women camping alone.








Anonymous said...

I have heard that this is an extraordinarily good movie. Have any of you people seen it and if so do you have any advice for me?

It's a crap movie.

Anonymous said...

I have also seen Don't Look Up. Though it's not cinematic masterpiece I would recommend watching it the parallels to our current situation are hilarious.

Keep up the good work Sir Ralph.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time:"R"
Assigned numeric values to the letters. Subtract the second from the first.

Anonymous said...

I watched it. It was a parody of our current times.
I give it a 5 out of 10.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Gentle Readers,
Puzzle Time Anon has demonstrated the preferred way to post your answer.

Anonymous said...

B11: Thank you!

Inchworm said...

B^ "Impartial Federal Oversight" Its right over there, next to the unicorns and other mythical beings.
YGTBSM, right?

Anonymous said...

B3: Realize going in that the government (both parties) lie constantly...nothing new

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