About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 11, 2022

FRIDAY #4797

 One Of My Very Own

I now think it should have read "4:38pm".


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






What does that mean?


Not with that attitude.














Mixed messaging.

I like to put a tray of snacks on my Roomba and pretend I have a small idiot butler.


If you don't want to be compared to Nazis then stop acting like Nazis.


How very depressing.

My friend in London takes a visual nails-on-a-blackboard like that and fixes them.

And I thank him for it.


When I had been married but a few months I dismantled an old trunk like this...

And all of the metal hardware was rusted and I needed to soak it in naval jelly. I had no containers so I used the bathtub. I learned a very valuable lesson about being married when I told my wife she couldn't take a bath that night.

I still have that trunk.


Today on a detour due to one of the very long trains that plague our downtown area I came upon a house that I very much wanted to buy 50 years ago. The property came with that outbuilding that used to be a community store - a perfect studio. 

I still think about that.


I ran across a collection of photos of people doing things very dangerously.

But mixed in with the seriously dangerous were images that I thought not dangerous at all.


And included was this perfect use of two ladder jacks and a walk board.

I've used that exact setup a thousand times.

However, I put mine on the inside of the ladders so I didn't have to crawl up and over the walk board.


When I first got married the first time the only thing we had to cook with was an electric popcorn popper. We cooked soup, scrambled eggs, fried bacon, etc, in that device.


I wish I still had the wherewithal to put little treasures like this all over my city.

Schindler’s actual List

As a kid, I had the opportunity to meet a holocaust survivor who showed us her number tattoo. One of the main things she told us was to tell their story.


I'm confused. That icon means that the sound is not coming out. I opted for the crossed-out microphone because the sound was not going out. I may have fucked up but it seems to me that one means you can't speak and the other means you can't hear.

I've asked my daughter to have my grandson read to me like this during our next Zoom meeting. That way I can see the words and pictures as he reads.


I found this old picture of my bride and me.

That's back when I used to get fucked regularly.


I accidentally said "big" instead of "grande" while ordering coffee at Starbucks and they took me behind the store and shot me in the leg.






One daughter.

I would find wheels.

Boy, that fooled me.


Bible-wielding weed-smoking Asian Jesus is unprankable.


Another example of American Exceptionalism?
But there are solutions...

If I owned a Beaver I would name it Clint - Clint Eatswood.



I wonder why more organisms didn't use that same system.




Could that be true?

And it looks sewn off.

That seems to happen more than I would have thought...


Had I been the building inspector I would not allow such an eyesore.

Solar panels are being built over canals in India to slow evaporation.

I will repeat my oft-stated idea:

Instead of building a conventional roof and then placing solar panels atop it why not incorporate all elements of a roof and solar panel into interlocking units?

Red carpet, Gregory Orekhov

How very wonderful.

I think those men are in training for piloting tankers. I could imagine the controls being sluggish to mimic the actual larger boats.


Every day we stray farther from Flavortown.


Unleash the Quacken!


18th Century French chair made for reading.

Notice the candle holder.


Going Hog Wild

Serious Commercial Cooking









ponder said...

What does that mean?

You reek of weed. Think Cheech & Chong in a car.

ponder said...

Could that be true?

Yes. Google: ps2 fishing rod controller


Excellent blog today; back to the old days.

ponder said...


Anonymous said...

B9: I would have put a "CC" (closed captioning)

Anonymous said...

B9: been On/0ff toggle switch in the off position would be a good tattoo.

Anonymous said...

A1: I don't know but it must be racist.

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