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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 25, 2022

FRIDAY #4811

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




There's a lot of bullshit coming out about Ukraine.


I'm not so concerned about the war action as I am about the innocents.

It was stated that this young man is saying his goodbyes before joining the fight.

Those fleeing...

If you lived under that exact same circumstances, would you wait until the bombs were dropping to flee?


Said to be a captured Russian soldier.





No me. Not since we stopped cooking. 

You ought to try it.


I've painted a million bricks just like those.


She looks like Erin Brunette!

Hell, maybe it is. It came with no information. I'll ask my wife.

Mirroring Moods


Does anybody know what this device does?


How very accommodating.


Said to be:

"They are bags of dried chickpeas, which are very lightweight due to no moisture. The balancing is impressive all the same."


Lemon Sorter

Think of the dozens of workers that machine put out on the street.


That looks exactly like a little stooped old man in a penguin costume.


BREAKING NEWS: President Biden has appointed Texas Governor Greg Abbott to take down Russia's power grid.



*I know a lot of young people and none of them believe that they will ever own a home.


My brother said that those are the only animal in the world that are born fully grown dead on the side of the highway.



Whose side is he on anyway?


Try reading these instructions...


Remember this?

The gears can't work.


"Vice" Admiral.


I would return it. Fuck cheaters!


That reminds me of a story about my mother. When she was a child her mother told her that she couldn't leave the table until she finished her mashed potatoes. So, while she sat there to played with the last spoonful by grabbing the handle with one hand and putting tension on the end with her finger.

And when her finger slipped the wad of potatoes shot up into the corner of the room even with the ceiling. And there it stayed for weeks until when it was discovered by her mother it was covered in green hairy fungi and quite a mystery. Until my mother started dying laughing - a dead giveaway of her guilt in the matter.


How cold was it?


How hot was it?


I hope we have flooded Ukraine with those things.



Watch carefully...

The perfect reaction from this guy...


Labor Unions are like condoms. If someone is trying extremely hard to convince you that you don't need one you DEFINITELY need one.



An antique birthing chair used until the 1800s


At home x-ray machines for medical practitioners giving x-rays in the safety of their homes


Lewis Sayre's scoliosis treatment


Radiology nurse technician WWI 1918


Obstetric Phantom 1700-1800. Device to teach medical students and midwives about childbirth


Wooden prosthetic hand c. 1800


Dental x-ray


China's First Nuclear Bomb Test (Declassified Footage HD)


BREAKING NEWS: CDC doubles the five-second rule for dropped food.


Does anybody explain that?


Not only do they walk, run, fly, swim, and dive - they cross with the light!


It was stated that it was about one acre. 

That's only about as large as my lawn.


We take our pleasures where we can find them.


The Kamenstein World of Motion Rocket Teapot Kettle is a quite rare object: made of polished stainless steel, the kettle has two steam-driven rockets which move around the pot when the water boils.


It's a turn signal/brake light jacket!


Check out this unusual wave.


There is not one person in the entire world I would trust piloting one of those with me in the basket.


I didn't know they still used those blowup decoys.


I commend the college-educated engineer who designed that stroller and didn't become a truck driver like his dad.


There is no way that should be allowed on the highway but I commend his strapping job.


Couldn't we put an end to that just by moving the fueling port to the rear?


I would think postal delivery vehicles would be the perfect use of electric vehicles. They know precisely how many miles each vehicle is expected to drive a day. They have plenty of room for recharging stations. And it would be a great example for the rest of us.


Diving bell allows you to walk on the riverbed and salvage treasures while staying dry

Bring that to the East River and amass a gun collection in one day.


A high-speed train rudely interrupts a motorcyclist by almost killing him.

I didn't notice a barrier of any kind. Is that normal over there?











ponder said...

Does anybody know what this device does?

It's a normal computer built into a custom 'case'.

It's a thing enthusiasts do.


Anonymous said...

A9 Custom computer built into caution sign.

Anonymous said...

^^D3^^ Some studies (done in Colorado, I think) show that for larger animals like deer the bridges need to be at least 100 yards wide. Narrower than that and the animals will take their chances on the roadway. It also helps to have high fences along the highway to funnel the animals to the bridges.

Anonymous said...

I almost threw up trying to find the panda.........

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: panda slightly below and right of center. I almost threw up, too.

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