About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 7, 2022

MONDAY #4793

One Of My Very Own

*I have the strangest feeling I have used that gag before. 


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Anyone who doesn't know what shampoo tastes like has never washed a dog.




But you probably have to buy her a few drinks first.





Makes as much sense as miracles.







I can't abide spelling errors in this day and age. Check your damn work so your documents aren't urined.


*My advice to all you young people is to wear your genitalia out. Abuse it to the point of exhaustion. Do things that will embarrass your partner every time they think of what you had them do.

You don't want to be sitting on that porch wondering what your dick would have felt like had you stuck it in that apple pie.



^^B 1-3^^

Please, Gentle Reader, read that quote again.
I think about that a lot.


When I was hired at the school where I worked for 20 years, a committee of veteran teachers interviewed me.



I have stated several times that what is happening in America today is right out of Putin's playbook.


How about us losing our cherished form of government?


I read that all organisms teeter along a line halfway between panic and boredom. If you get too close to either extreme you will alter your behavior to bring your life back toward your middle comfort zone.


*Verification Requested


If you can't handle me when I'm broke, then you don't deserve me when I have $60.



I'll just leave that here with you.

Her butt cheek is just another thing that reminds me of that German girl who pulled her bra down.


Do you remember this scene from

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels?

Here is what caused his distress...

I found that scene hilarious to the point of tears...really.

As a matter of fact, I loved that whole movie.


What do you think? Any opinions?

I'm the guy who picked his wife's spilled fried chicken off the filthy floorboard of his truck, put it right back in the box, and just handed it to her when I got home.


Native Americans at the White House at the time of the passing of the Indian Citizenship Act, granting them full rights as US citizens (1924)


We've all heard of being too big for your britches, but this is ridiculous...


This is  Jacques Biederer. 

He is the first person in history to specialize in porn photography.



What did I just witness? Anybody?


Let Them Eat Cake

Snake, Snake, Snake

Any time I have computer problems I turn it off and take a nap before turning it back on. If that doesn't work I take another nap.



You expect ME to live THERE?!!




I know men and men will pee on that beer just because they can.

As he should not be.


*No, Danny, it's not worth the effort.

How Much Is It?
Get it? If not, try this...

Very embarrassing that I got sick and it wasn't covid. Everyone else got the brand name and I got Kroger Winter Illness.



We use screen wire in pottery also. I once brought students into my studio for art classes and they made these "masks". The hair was done with screen wire.



By the way, my new Book Box looks great on my wife's dresser.


Parallel universe simulator Table lamp


I'm thinking all these animals that lunge like that are actually attacking their own reflection in the phone's screen.


Then they invented huge rubber exercise bands that are only held away from your balls with your moving foot.





The Chosen One.

A Talking Bird

Automatic Cooking Station








We used to say that if skirts got any shorter women would have two more cheeks to powder and another head of hair to comb.

Find Three Differences

*Viewer Contribution


ponder said...

Mossel Bay Zipline (Longest Zipline over water in the world 1km)

Anonymous said...

In reference to B5

I believe that most 2 income families realized that after all the expenses incurred with the second job (Daycare, vehicle maintenance, taxes, and so on)
they were netting out at say 50 dollars for a months worth of labor. Not worth the trouble so someone is staying home.


Ralph Henry said...

Dear JNR, Unless you have a wife like me who had to get out of the house and do something besides parenting with their life. I am NOT knocking parenting. I am just making the point that many women have needs that can't be fulfilled in the home.

Anonymous said...

I know very few nonworking women. They are doctors, nurses, teachers, small biz owners, etc. Some waited until their children started school to work. When I owned my shops they were allowed to bring their baby to work until they became mobile.

Anonymous said...


I understand your point.

It isn't necessarily the wifestaying home. Highest earner is the logical choice to keep working.


Anonymous said...

E3: what screen? All they're going to see is a phone with a camera in the corner. The screen's facing the other way.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear E3 Anon, You are right, of course. I feel a little foolish.

Anonymous said...

B11: just wait 3 years. Then you'll get letters from the IRS demanding payment. Defaulted student loans are turned over to the IRS for collections. Think you got $1,000 coming back as a refund? Think again. They're going to keep it. And they will continue sending you letters asking for payment of the balance.
It's a whole other level of debt collection.

Own a home? Don't pay your student loan and find out who has a lien against your home. That's right, your friendly IRS.
My advice would be to pay your student loan back to the original lender.

Have a job? Don't be surprised when you have your wages garnished. Guess by who? That's right, your friendly IRS.

Burgervan said...

STD (Spot The Differences): I've noticed 5 differences Bottom picture has MY logo in it at bottom left, The obvious white chair, dot on the speaker-top left, grey horizontal line-top left and The bottom picture is slightly smaller with a border. :)

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