About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

SUNDAY #4792

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



What you are witnessing is the death of the Republican Party. It doesn't have to be this way.



*Viewer contribution

*Viewer Contribution



People who live in hives like that will do what they are told to do when they are told to do it.


Another case of "It wasn't on the work order."

I wonder how many broken bones are caused by jumps like that.

That looks expensive.

The first documented case of a suicidal turkey.

Oh, look, a lawsuit-generating machine.

The Difference Between Pull and Jerk

I salute electricians who have to strip to make ends meet.




All things Ralph...


This girl really likes the number 5...


When I try to stay sleepy when I'm peeing at 3am...

That's true, you know.


I'm afraid that GMC will soon be involved in a rear-end collision.

^^B 5-6^^





I wonder what the part of my brain that used to remember phone numbers is up to these days.



Oxford University is older than the Aztec civilization.

*Yes, I've posted that before but I believe we should all be reminded from time to time.

This guy built a sarcasm converter for his keyboard to make it EaSy To TyPe SaRcAsTiCaLlY.


Michelangelo wrote a poem about how much he hated painting the Sistine Chapel.

I’ve already grown a goiter from this torture,

hunched up here like a cat in Lombardy

(or anywhere else where the stagnant water’s poison).


What a wonderfully caring thing to do.

My wife had a nursery corner in her store for employees.


Good idea or not?

It works on gasoline...

Do you just blow it out when you are done with it?


Flamingos bend their legs at the ankle, not the knee.

*I think that technically the knees are up inside their bodies.

A New York City Apartment
-sound on-

Not many walls to hang art so I'm out.


An Unusual Plow

Is that ripping up sod or am I missing something?


"He Was A Good Provider."
I never even thought that was an option.

My favorite question is, “Are you a real person?” and the answer is, "No. I’m a sewer rat who discovered an old iPhone and is now using it for nefarious purposes. Hope that settles that."



The seriously flawed Donald Trump is loved BECAUSE he is deeply flawed. 
That's how cults work.


Sports stars don't need money so why all the commercials? 

Do they give the money to charity for a tax write-off? Maybe the companies pay them in stocks.



After the Kansas City win, the overtime rules have to be addressed anew. Both teams need to be able to touch the ball.



Has Mr. Banks been in a coma for the last five fucking years?


I read an interesting article about tipping. It asked why we tip our barber but not our dental hygienist. We tip in restaurants but not fast food joints. There were examples after example and I think it just boils down to tradition.

I know this is old news but the doctor's take on it is interesting...

“Other medical experts have declared their support of the hospital’s policy, noting that the immune system is extremely weak after a transplant, making vaccinations all the more important. 

“Post any transplant, kidney, heart whatever, your immune system is shut off. The flu could kill you, a cold could kill you, Covid could kill you,” said Dr. Arthur Caplan, the head of medical ethics at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, told CBS Boston.”



The M&M Scandal
-sound on-

In Canada, street racing is just people competing to see who can dig their car out of the snow first.



I've done the exact same thing many times only with images. It is exceedingly easy if you use projection.

I like the way the gator more or less avoids the architectural details of the building, but those details are very strange. Just take a look at this:

Everything about that building is weird.



I used to make hundreds of these with graph paper. But look at the two vertical shafts closest to the surface. The one on the right has ladders that are offset at each level so if you fall you only fall ten or so feet. Now, look at the left shaft. Having the ladders in alignment means you die if you fall. Even as a teenager I knew not to do that.

Watch just one of her hands. Do you suppose that at first, she practiced that with just one ball at a time?


The Comedian's Hilarious Sign Languager

-sound on-


Another Unusual Musical Instrument
Talkbox routes instrument's sound into musician's mouth via a rubber tube so they can shape the tone (Pete Drake, 1964)


One of the first Native American bands.



What's up with Sweden?








ponder said...

People who live in hives like that will do what they are told to do when they are told to do it.

As predicted China clamped down hard on HK, real sad. Fsck China!

ponder said...

That looks expensive.

Large production companies will have insurance, smaller production companies that can't afford the gear would rent it and it will have insurance as well. If you don't have insurance that's just monumentally stupid...

ponder said...

What's up with Sweden?


Luap57 said...

In C-6, wouldn't there would be gasoline vapors escaping all the time?

Anonymous said...

"Sports stars don't need money so why all the commercials?"
Come on Ralph....are you getting naive in your old age? Are you an idiot? The make commercials because they want more money, not need it. Easy money which leverages their celebrity/sports star status.

Anonymous said...


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