About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 10, 2022


 One Of My Very Own



EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com








*I don't know, man, people will suck dick for both.



Princess Di was so beautiful in glasses.


She doesn't look like she's downsized too often.




I haven't a clue.


Picard the Entertainer

The Bar Trick


My wife laughs because I'm funny. I laugh because she is laughing.






"Give me the phone, Coach!"

He will never again wear a hoodie with his Canada First cap.





“Damn - how does it feel being less responsible than dad's secretary?”


It was stated that this was a Christian questionnaire.

The best part of grocery shopping is seeing what kind of fucked up new shit the psychos at Oreos have come up with.







They all surprised grandma for her 70th birthday at Disneyland

I once shaved my beard and while clean-shaven showed up at a family reunion and my own mother didn't recognize me. True.

A member of the sports team that survived a plane crash on a mountain and was forced to eat the dead was being interviewed and the host mistakenly referred to them as a soccer team. The player corrected, "Rugby team. Had we been soccer players we would have all died."


Because of possible litigation, I'm going to guess this is not in America.

I used to like ads on TV so I had time to pee and get another beer. But now that I can pause at will I hate them.


Well, my wife can. She says that all her bumper stickers and shit are spreading awareness.


Thank God, my wife and I both shun early morning discourse.

When you cross the 70-year barrier you think much more about death.

Or the variation on the Air Jordan...

They ought to invent the machine that does that for us.


You can separate the believers from the atheists by how they read that sign.


I think the defining characteristic of religion is fucking with people who do anything differently than them.

But in the youth there is hope...



But what I forgot for a while is that we greatly outnumber the cultists.

I am becoming much more optimistic of late. Put simply: Decent people won't let the assholes win. 

If you don't read my comments then you have no idea how many times I'm called a Communist. 

Here's an example:

It's not capitalism when a group with power hordes the wealth, it's an oligarchy"
In Venezuala, China, Cuba etc., the wealth is distributed even more unevenly, and political arrangements prevent anyone outside the nomenclatura from ever catching up; they are communist societies so what on earth are you talking about. Typical spoilt brat yank who won't recognise when he has a great society.


So, to clarify - I hate the Communist system. It is fatally flawed and simply can't work.

But that DOES NOT mean that Capitalism is flawless.


Besides “life is short” what's another line I can use before making bad decisions?




They had plenty of those when I was growing up. We would pop the cap and drink from the bottle while it was still in the machine.

And this type was even easier. We would just pop the cap and let the contents flow into a cup.


US cavalry soldiers pose in front of a tree known as the "Grizzly Giant" 1900. 

Notice the famous visitor in the center?

The tree still stands.

But it seems to have been damaged in some way.


Yeah, some people say that was fake. I bet they also think this is fake...

Do your research, Sheepeople.

It was stated that he bought this at a garage sale. That one is as large as the one my buddy found in a four feet deep South Carolina stream hundreds of miles from the ocean.


I would think how it is displayed is very important.

Gigante y Albina


I've seen many a bar fight that broke out for the exact same reason - something happens and the wrong person is blamed.


How does he walk out without stepping on them?

Ice Boat







Out of the mouths of babes.




My friend fixed the obvious mistake then added two very subtle changes.


Anonymous said...

Live fast, die young, left a beautiful widow

Burgervan said...

That big tree was damaged in the 2015 California 'Rough fires', that burned 151,623 acres. Glad to see it survived. :)

Inchworm said...

puzzle : rocks on the sleepers by the rails

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Inchworm, I commend you, sir. I had to ask the creator for assistance.

Anonymous said...

C13: The sign was intentional. Below is from their website.

It’s Not a Typo

There is an intentional ambiguity embedded in the expression GODISNOWHERE. There are (at least) two ways of reading it. “God is now here” refers to the familiar concept found in Christianity - God’s omnipresence. God is near, close, even everywhere.

“God is nowhere” can be said to refer to the experience of God’s absence. A less familiar concept, but nonetheless as central to Christianity as God’s “immanence”. Jesus’ cry on the Cross, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” points to this ambiguity

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C13 Anon, Thank you for clarifying that for us.
As I read the passage "My God, why have you forsaken me?" there are only two possibilities: 1. God the father did, in fact, forsake his own son, or 2: Jesus was mistaken.
I think both of those belie the infallibility clause at the heart of Christianity.

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