About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 17, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Think about it like smoking. You invite people to join you for supper in a restaurant and they agree even though you smoke. While sitting with your friends you puff away, but when you get up and go to the bathroom the polite thing to do would be to leave the cigarette at the table. You should not force people you don't know to breathe your contaminated air.




The outrage is that teachers have to pay ANYTHING AT ALL out of their own pockets for school supplies.




Every establishment needs this policy.


How do you get to be renowned? I mean, do you have to be "owned" first?



An old man listening to his 6-year-old grandson read from a joke book - as close to heaven as I'll ever get.

I'm having trouble putting all the pieces together.


Children find a way to have fun.

I don't think the universe gives a shit one way or the other.




Jordanian Honor
His religious leaders thought him to think like that.

Dancing Mother
How delightful.

My wife forgot the terminology and ordered her coffee "on the rocks".



I drove right past that in Anchorage. I found it very impressive but some of those planes were ancient.

Corpus Museum

Oegstgeest, Netherlands

I would think that problem would have been solved decades ago.

I would freak the fuck out in a crowd like that.


I find it interesting that they left the bark on.


Do you remember when I discussed staggering ladders used to go down many floors? Well, this staircase needs to be staggered for the same reason.


And remember, clicking that picture with a handheld camera was an afterthought.

My daughter thinks that is the most beautiful building she has ever seen.


Them: What if I break your trust someday?

Me: Trusting you is my decision, Proving me wrong is your choice.



I don't think so. I'm thinking 90% of all trees not used for plywood are used for 2x4s and 2x6s for housing construction.


I think I remember that those are the results of a huge bike rental company going into bankruptcy.

Now imagine those blades covered in solar panels.


I did not know that.

A Massachusetts yard sale drawing bought for $30 is a 16th-century Dürer worth $10 million.

*An expert said that it was either the best forgery he had ever seen or a masterpiece.

"I think I found your leak."


Modern design for a modern need.


Every New Year the state runs ads telling us not to shoot our guns in the air because the bullets will come down. So, in South Carolina, they spend money to remind us of gravity.



How small can a dick get?

It still holds a long list of records.


What about that big hole in the side?

My wife had to park in snow one time...



Is this some sort of a snow-related device of which I'm unaware?



Those barriers are not steel I-beams. I would back through it in a heartbeat.

If I lived where it snowed I would want one of those.

The wife and I drove past a collection of signs very much like those and we didn't have time to see which way to turn. So, I pulled off into a parking lot and my wife walked back to look at the sign. When she returned to the car I did this to that poor woman...
Oh, the language that came out of that woman's mouth.

Let's take a minute to look at the faces of the people waiting for the Russians to unleash hell upon them.

You are in my thoughts, my friends. I wish you nothing but the very best.


REMEMBER: Silly String is very combustible.






-sound on-



ponder said...


Cigarette smoke will spread throughout an entire room, it won't be localized to where you are sitting. You can smell it and it gets into your clothes.

When you go to the airport they make you stand 6ft apart, but once inside the confined space of the plane cabin they make you sit on each other's laps.

ponder said...



We rate this claim as False.

ponder said...


Looks a shitload better than now.

ponder said...


That's Saint Helena where Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to.

ponder said...


That must be the longest building project ever considering that it started in 1882 and it's still not completed... 140yrs later.

ponder said...

I did not know that.

Orcas are longer and heavier, so no idea what that claim is based on.


ponder said...


Moral of the story get your vaccinations...

Anonymous said...

In regardsa to Ell

You'd want one with an enclosed cab.


Oldtarf said...

Putting one foot in front of the other

Anonymous said...

Two Foot Square

Anonymous said...

Two Foot Square

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: "little feet". Anything more than one foot is feet. The font is all lower case. Therefore little feet.

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