About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 24, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





Don't wait until your deathbed to tell people how you feel. Tell them to fuck off now.





You may not know this but that little pocket in your jeans is for a small picture of your blog host.













It was stated that Mark posted that himself.



But did you notice the phantom foot?


Movie Silliness

Spiderman Silliness

Let's be honest. You didn't grow up dreaming of buying a minivan and having weekends off.




Apparently, USA and Israel voted against making food a right. The US also voted against “The use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination”. There’s actually a lot more in the UN’s press release for it, US sounds like a movie villain in this.




That's another upside of staythefuckathome - no fear of buglers because we are always home...and armed.



*Shouldn't we call jerking off in a vehicle a 

Car Jack?


During one of our visits to Isla Muejaris, Mexico we met a lesbian couple, and one of them was severely deformed by spinal Bifida. They told about applying to a TV show that would come into the home of handicapped people and remodel everything to accommodate their needs. They talked about hamming up their application tape with pitiful images and oh so sad faces. I asked if they won and the small lady with spinal Bifida said, "Nah, we got out-cripped by some bitch in San Bernardino."


Why in the world would they use a photo of wedding rings to illustrate an article about sex? I think this would be more appropriate...


Guy catches his girl with another guy, takes his wig back.

The new boyfriend remains remarkably calm.


I think I can explain that. The summer Olympics are basically experts doing what we've all done - run, throw, bike, swim, etc. But the Winter Olympics are experts doing things that very few of us have ever done - ski, jump off mountains, sit in a million-dollar sled, etc. 

But I think curling is so popular with TV viewers for two reasons: 

1. We can actually tell when they do good and when they fuck up - unlike little girls twisting and flipping off a ski jump.

2. We could all actually play curling. We may not be very good at it, but we could slide a stone on ice.

Plus curlers kind of look like the rest of us.


Without national pride, the games are doomed.



There was news today of yet another person of Asian descent being viciously murdered. I just don't get it. What could anyone have against Asians? Is it just a matter of the American pastime of demonizing differences?


Father Andres Arango, who performed thousands of baptisms, would say, "We baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." But Olmsted explained the words "We baptize" should have been "I baptize" instead

"It saddens me to learn that I have performed invalid baptisms throughout my ministry as a priest by regularly using an incorrect formula."

*Interesting to find out what priests DO resign over.



Türkiye, as it is known in Turkish, plans to use that name internationally henceforth instead of the English word Turkey. The connotations with the bird of plate and plight are too much for president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who said the new name "represents and expresses the culture, civilization, and values of the Turkish nation in the best way".


I have back problems. Have any of you nice people used one of those and did it help? 

It says $30 per hour. A parking spot gets paid more money than millions of  American workers. A parking spot gets a living wage but humans do not.

A parking spot gets better wages than a human worker. Let that sink in.

I wonder if those posts are precisely spaced to facilitate the maneuver.

I remember when he announced we had killed Osama bin Laden and I told my wife that Obama had just ensured his reelection.

The Farewell


"My great-grandfather spent the equivalent of 364 thousand US dollars on this gate made by a master wrought-iron artisan, and now I want a little walkway out over the water."

"How much are you willing to pay for it?"

"A buck-fifty tops."

*I demand a more ornate walkway thingy.


I see your Jesus Cat and raise you, Jesus  Moose...


Their number of broken legs must be astronomical.

The Homeless

I would haggard a guess that very few of you have ever talked to a homeless person...even once. Many mornings when I left my house and headed to my studio Peggy was sitting on my screened-in porch. She called me Bubba. I called her...Peggy. She would bring me little gifts that she found during her wonderings - anything I might use to make my art.

No restaurant would allow her inside so I often found her sitting on the patios and I always gave her a hug. If I learned one thing from my contact with Peggy it was that her plight was not her fault. These people do not deserve our hatred. They deserve our pity.


Shark Buffet

How long does an owl live? Six and a half books.










Wrekreation said...

Because you've said you like tattoos. You should visit this site

Anonymous said...

Do you offer her anything other than a hug?

Watch Toby Keith, "Hope on the Rocks"

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: there's a couple ways to do this but the easiest way is to use arbitrary numbers.
The first engineer adds an arbitrary number to his salary and tells that sum to the group.
The second engineer adds an arbitrary number to his salary and then adds it to the number the first engineer provided. The second engineer then passes the total sum to the group.
The third engineer adds an arbitrary numbered to his salary and then takes that some it adds it to the number that was provided to him.
And again to the 4th engineer, who then provides The final sum.

Now repeat the process but each engineer subtracts the arbitrary number that they used from the total sum, and then provides the new difference to the group. This continues through all four engineers, and they are left with the true sum of their salaries without anyone revealing their actual individual salary.
This number is then divided by 4 to get the true average.

Another way would just take some coffee beans assign $10,000 each bean, and drop the appropriate number of beans that represents your salary into a cup. Then remove all the beans from the cup, count them and divide by 4. This would be a rough average but close enough nevertheless.

Inchworm said...

Engineer 1 writes a random 6 digit number on a slip of paper and passes it to Engineer 2. E2 adds his salary to the 6 digit number, then passes the total to E3 on a clean sheet of paper. E3 adds her salary, passes the resulting number to E4 on another slip of paper. E4 adds their salary, passes new slip to E1. E1 adds his salary, then subtracts the original random 6 digit number, and divides the result by 4. Now you have the average salary.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Hug Her Anon,
I have no idea what you are referring.

Anonymous said...

Poor Peggy, we were some of the few that showed her kindness but her mental illness was something she could not overcome.
Your neighbor

Anonymous said...

Inchworm's solution is genius, and is not a simple regurgitation of a solution easily found online for this puzzle as posted by your other commenter.

I recall you saying one time that Peggy (or maybe a different homeless person who frequented your home) was arrested for murdering someone???

Anonymous said...

B17 .... Yes it works with an added bonus of taking the weight of gravity off your body. I have one and love it. Mine is a bit more sturdy than the one shown. https://www.amazon.com/Innova-ITX9600-Inversion-Adjustable-Protective/dp/B003QCI4GG/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1OYKG9Q2CRRL8&keywords=inversion+table&qid=1645749948&sprefix=inversion%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-5

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Peggy Anon, Peggy was released due to a lack of evidence. My jury of guilt is still out.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B17 Anon, Thank you very much. I would trust your evaluation over a thousand reviews on their site.
Sleep well.

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