About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


 One Of My Very Own

Let's get a plan B...

*In hindsight I wish I had it written this way:

"I meant the rose."

"Oh, it's okay I guess."


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




That took me longer than it should have.

*The old me.


I now follow the advice of my healthcare professional and don't drink anything an hour before bed. Now I only have to get up to pee once.


The whole school gets involved on Career Day. I had my first graders draw a picture of what they wanted to be when they grew up. This one kid drew a stop sign...just a stop sign. When I asked him what he wanted to be he said, "A stop sign." I thought about that for a week until I saw him again and called him to my desk to discuss it. I finally discerned that he wanted to be the Crossing Guard that helps children cross the street before and after school and he carries his own stop sign.


That is why everyone needs an impartial proofreader?



The herd has voted.


I haven't a clue.

I think we should rename mini-golf to just "Golf" and golf to "Large Golf".




"Almost half of the total compensation from my employer goes directly to pay their portion of my health insurance premium.  

To say it another way: every 2 weeks my employer pays $2000 for 80 hours of my work. $1000 is deposited into my bank account, and my private health insurance provider gets the other $1000 just for my health insurance premium.  This is JUST the premium- and doesn't include out-of-pocket costs/copays."

With Medicare for all that $20k should be yours.


"I have a STEM degree and work in an academic research lab. 50% of my take-home pay goes to pay for the cheapest, tiniest studio within walking distance of my work. Unlike almost half of all American workers 18-64, I am not a low-wage worker, and unlike 87 million Americans, I am neither uninsured nor under-insured. My husband is an adjunct professor living on the other side of the country, a primary reason for me taking this job (and living apart) was the 'good benefits'  (being able to afford his medication/continue living). At my last job, they charged almost $800/month for a high-deductible 80/20 plan. I had to get a second job to afford the premium alone.

Americans face massive housing, education, and childcare costs, while a huge chunk of our income is being directly funneled into the pockets of private health insurance companies. I'd gladly pay an extra $4K/year in taxes for socialized medicine, it would save me, and most Americans, tens of thousands of dollars. "



^^B 1-4^^

EDUCATION - Or Lack Thereof


The article erased the slur...


Here are the results...


This nation is full of people who believe that their opinion is just as valid as someone else's knowledge.

Stupid people have a real need for conspiracies to explain everything wrong in their lives.

And do me a favor and listen to this lady. She makes my opinion/knowledge argument perfectly.

^^B 10-14^^

I just found out the company that produces yardsticks won't be making them any longer.



Combined faces of top 1800 MLB players.


The iconic statue "The Runner" in Athens Greece, during the last week's blizzard.

But to be fair, it's not all snow and ice...


Two of my wife's stores had recessed doors like this one.

Almost every morning they had to clean urine, shit, or vomit out of the doorway. So I put up two glass doors that sealed the recess when closed and when opened didn't block the view of the interior.

NOTE: That's one of the problems of living in a college town full of amateur drunks.


That's a great idea unless you are really into fashion...


I love it but I don't get it. In the background, you can see the connected pieces laying out flat.

The core of a volcano?

The model looks just like a wife listening to her husband explain why he is late getting home...again

Archaeologists have unearthed a flawless Roman blue glass bowl in the Dutch city of Nijmegen

The glass bowl is at least 2000 years old, and there is not a chip or crack on it.



The leash is just a suggestion.


I know nothing about this. Anybody?

Those guard rods look WAAAAAY too far apart.


I wonder if a view like that makes you feel small and insignificant or all-powerful?

Using a Bluetooth repeater to unlock and steal a Tesla.

Here's what Tesla has to say about that:


Bird Mimic

Covid Silliness

I'm Still Waiting

Hacky Sack Gods

Cheap Hair Restoration

Staythefuckathome Activity

Scream Artist

Video Game Innovation

I like innovations.


Ice Cracking
I got fooled by that on a lake in Labrador.

Sad day. Nazi flag in Ottawa for a "freedom rally".


I didn't struggle with alcohol abuse, it actually came very easily to me.






That young man will carry that memory for the rest of his life.


Watch carefully - I almost missed it.

Now, remember what I said about my wife's shop doors.

Subtle that.

I don't get it.








I once told a guy that and he said, "Well, it could be moving away from me." Then I told him that if that was so it had just passed over his head.

-sound on-




ALWAYS have an escape route!



My friend sent me these before and after photos.

I found the bricks he used to make the repair. Can you?


Anonymous said...

A10: flip the image 180°. It all makes sense.

Bigcee said...


An artist by the name of T-Pain has a song called Apple Bottom Jeans

The hook or the capstone of the song says,
She had them Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]
Boots with the fur [With the fur]
The whole club lookin at her
She hit the floor [She hit the floor]
Next thing you know
Shawty got low low low low low low low low

ponder said...

I know nothing about this. Anybody?

Wat Sam Phran (Thai: วัดสามพราน, pronounced [wát sǎːm pʰrāːn]) is a Buddhist temple (wat) in Amphoe Sam Phran, Nakhon Pathom province, around 40 kilometers to the west of Bangkok. The temple was officially registered in 1985.[1] In English, the wat is sometimes referred to as the "Dragon Temple".[2]

The temple is notable for its 17-story tall pink cylindrical building with a gigantic red-and-green dragon sculpture curling around the entire height. The interior of the dragon feature is hollow and contains a spiraling flight of stairs, which has however deteriorated to a poor condition in places.[2] It also contains a huge Buddha statue as well as many additional Buddhist statues.[3][4][5] The Wat Samphran is 80 meters high because Buddha died at the age of 80 years old.

Several of the temple's clergy were involved in a sexual assault scandal that resulted in long prison sentences in 2004.[6]

Robin said...

Just a guess, but D8 could be referring to 'Fat Bottomed Girls' by Queen.

Wrekreation said...

D8 -Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls (Live at The Bowl 1982)

Anonymous said...

In regards to B1-4

As I mentioned before, all our Politicians are bought and paid for.

Our health care problem can not be solved by the the people that created it.


Dr. WeTodd said...

Watch "Apple Bottom Jeans Lyrics Low) [HD]" on YouTube

Anonymous said...

RE; MAUS: folks in states that are banning books with sex or "perversions" in them are citing various chapter and verse selections from the Bible. Stories like Lot (I think it was him, don't quote me) whose daughters got him drunk in order to have wex with him, for instance, and demanding that the Bible be banned from school libraries.

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