About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


One Of My Very Own 


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






I woke up early and drank coffee on my patio just like those people in a TV commercial for prescription drugs.



I fulfilled my quota years ago.


There's a yeast infection joke in there somewhere.

My wife got a new T-shirt...

I've come into the kitchen to find the police chief or the mayor sitting at my kitchen table and my wife doesn't let up on her profanity one bit. True




I like stuff like that.



I am very interested in knowing what precautions you people who live amongst wild animals take to ensure your survival. If you live in a place with dangerous animals afoot please let me know measures you take to remain safe.


I would wager that in a blind taste test they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I think it's time to come up with a completely different road surfacing material. I would like it made of something we now throw away - like tires.


I have visited strip joints maybe a dozen times and not one of those times was positively memorable.

I just felt sorry for them.




Is it pumping in or out?

That's one-way women can have pockets.


That took me longer than it should have.

"I'm a painter, not a furniture mover."


While driving through the west I saw millions of those and not one was twisted like that. What do you think caused it?

My wife did spot dozens that looked like this...

But if you search long enough...


It looks like it will loan you the money to up-size your order.

That looked way too violent to be a mere slide.

If men could get pregnant the morning-after pill would be available in ranch, barbecue, and extreme nacho.



While on a family reunion at the beach my nephews and I talked about going in together to buy a $500K house. An old college mate of my wife was a real estate agent on the island and told us what the risk and rewards were.

The reward was that by renting it out all year we could make our mortgage without any out-of-pocket payments.

The downside started with the erosion that was unstoppable on the east coast.

Then there was the real risk of a hurricane.

We could have bought insurance to cover the loss of the house but not the loss of the land. And if the high water mark was moved because of a hurricane then we might not have room to rebuild. That would mean we had lost everything but still owed the mortgage company a half-million fucking dollars.



I read that men with beards actually wear a mask all the time. I kind of feel that way about it. 


A man lost his arm in an accident. Due to tissue damage, they couldn't reattach it immediately so they sutured it to his leg to ensure blood flow.

The procedure is called temporary ectopic implantation. It succeeded in saving the man's arm which was later reattached.



I used something similar to that to attach the fake dial to my Safe Box.

The Code of the Interstate Highway System

I found this rather interesting.


Old Apple Super Bowl Commercial


Paraceratherium is an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros.


Mysteries of Stephen Hawking's Doodle-Filled Blackboard May Finally Be Deciphered


Butt scratcher

Would that be considered tool use?


Can you spot what's wrong with each of these poor young ladies?

Yuk! Nary a tattoo on any of them. And they could have been so beautiful with just a little effort.

Just look how much more attractive this young woman is with just one adornment...

But, of course, not everyone agrees.

So, someone got a tattoo of that bitch!



My wife and I are looking for someone to play the harmonica while we have sex, no weirdos, please.




Son Photoshops Dad into Iconic Movies Scenes

And my favorite...

Yes, I'm thinking EXACTLY what you are thinking.

Speaking of...

Movie Contortionist


THAT is impressive!

Said to be one kid, 100 ropes.


She has a beautiful classical face and a smile to melt hearts.


Ambulance Helper





Introduction to the online recipe...


-sound on-



And he just decides to walk away.



Anonymous said...

In reference to A10

I don't know where to start.
In laws live on a ranch.
1: Their dog had a leg torn off by wolves, it survived. I called it tripod.
2. In the summer no one leaves the deck with out a shovel. Rattlesnakes.
3. My daughter was married at the ranch under the same tree my wife and I
were married under. There was a yearling bear cub in the orchard about
100 yards from the tree. Mother-in-law killed a rattler about 50 feet
from the altar three days before the wedding. Forest fire to the
north, west, and south of us. Wedding is at 4:00, forest service showed
up and told us get ready to evacuate. Wind shifted, we had the wedding.
4: Parents had a mountain lion under their trailer. German shepherd alerted
them to it.
5: Last fall I had a bear pass by my house. I know because
there was a paw print 5 inches across.

In answer to your question, everyone I know packs either industrial strength bear spray or some type of firearm. Mostly concealed pistols. My Wife and I both do.


Anonymous said...

^^A10^^ Don't keep food of any kind in your vehicle. Bears will break in and ransack the shit out of it. Don't leave windows or doors to your house open in the summer. Bears will break in and ransack the shit out of the place. They'll pull the fridge over, rifle through the pantry, and generally make a huge mess. Don't use the lever-style door openers instead of round knobs--they'll open those easily. Of course, they're just as likely to just smash the door in as not if they smell anything potentially tasty inside. You have to get locked trash containers. I watched a bear tip over a dumpster one night and man was he (or she--no idea) pissed when they couldn't get to the goodies inside.

Basically the repairs are just one more home upkeep thing you have to budget for.

Anonymous said...

^^B1^^ And people all up and down the east coast want the federal govt (i.e., you and me) to subsidize their insurance costs. And people are still buying up property all over Florida. Although, if I actually wanted to live there (I don't) I'd buy some fancy beach front property to enjoy in my life time, and I'm old enough to enjoy it for a while and will likely be dead before it washes away. And I have no heirs that'll have to deal with the inevitable destruction.

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