About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 4, 2022

FRIDAY #4818

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





*The one in France is much smaller than ours.



 Russian Child arrested for protesting war and separated from her mother.


It's going to get much worse before it gets better.

Watch carefully...

Here's the moment the tank fires at the photographer...


Belarusian president explaining how Ukraine will be divided up after it is conquered.


How to join the fight.

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While the current "post-truth era" has taken many by surprise, over the past forty years public interest has undergone an accelerating shift from rationality towards emotion.

My generation fucked your generation because we voted in people to give us what we wanted. Now it's your turn. You must vote for YOUR future.


I remain baffled that enslaved blacks accepted the religion of their enslavers hook, line, and sinker.


No matter how small you try to make the unsubscribe button at the bottom of your email I. Will. Find. It.




The upside of global warming.




Always stay alert.


And he will torture the shit out of you.



Looking at that, the old laser/cat trick would not be my first option.


I was once taken to a mural site inside a prison by the Assistant Warden and as we walked through the grounds several men hustled up to beg the AW to put them into solitary confinement. The reason for that was the daily rapes they endured. Now think about those three racist bastards above who murdered a black man living in an environment overwhelmingly black.


The moderator had to stop her before she broke his arm.


Remember this pro?

One of the side gigs I had in college was working in the University Procurement Office. These are the people who bought shit then delivered it where it was needed. One of my jobs was to go into a classroom or office and make sure the shit was still there. Many times a professor came into his office and found me crawling around under his desk looking for the item's inventory number. They were never happy about it.

Once I went to tag (apply the inventory sticker) to 20 brand new air conditioners only to discover they had already been stolen before they could even be unboxed.

Then there was the time a police car pulled up to my apartment and two cops demanded that I hand over the huge ring of passkeys I had mistakenly taken home with me. With that ring, I could have opened any door on campus and they weren't happy either.


Just my luck, my 250 million-year-old Himalayan salt expires this month.


To think that those fish are experiencing something that almost no other fish has ever experienced.

The fish are experiencing what these mammals are experiencing.


I'm thinking real embedded ladder and shaped and painted Styrofoam.


If you live in an old house, your bathroom wall might be full of razor blades

All medicine cabinets used to have these little slots for disposing of used blades.



Astonishing Image Captures The Epic Collision of Three Galaxies

Here are computer-generated images compared to the real events and I find it mesmerizing.


(I did not do the math.)


Walking the dog, Eddy de Azevedo (because)


I think we should all embrace the idea of making art out of items that would otherwise clog our landfills.


I have spoken often of preserving artifacts. Here's how that works...

The university bought a huge house right off campus with plans of tearing it down to make room for another high-rise. While waiting for its demise we graduate artists were allowed to use it for studios. The day before the bulldozers arrived I stripped as many artifacts as I could lay my hands on. I salvaged dozens of spindles comprising the ornate stairwell and have used them for projects for the next 50 years - like doubling two for the support of my kitchen booth.


Isn't that backward?



Have you ever wondered how they grow Spam?

Seriously, what the hell is that?

I'll go first:

Discharged intestinal blockage from livestock or toilet waste from an airliner.


Wake up, people! It's President's Day! These mattresses aren't going to buy themselves!






It looks like the old girl has a lot of mileage on her.



A golden oldie...


You go girls.


Just ask her for directions.


*Try not to visualize that.


They knew exactly what they were doing.



Can you think of any other phrases? I'll go first:

"Playing with the box the kids came in."

And I once heard a butthole referred to as the "downtown meat star".



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Anonymous said...

I only get to look at your blog once a day.

3/3/2022 A9
I didn't ask what the solution was, I asked how you planed to fix it. I know Medicare is wonderful I'm on it. Everyone should be so lucky.
How are you going to defeat the big pharmaceutical companies and the big insurance companies. They throw buckets of money at our government every day.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A9 Anon, Pray?

Anonymous said...

C5: Merging galaxies look like what atomic or quantum interactions seem like. Maybe not a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

-O- Not necessary. Just stop the war on domestic oil & gas. Stop importing dirty Russian oil. US carbon emissions are down while India and China are 10x ours and they continue to build new coal plants but never a word from you re that. You are oh so brainwashed. Regardless how stupid the leftist policy you are an automatic YES.
Don't you think it was nice of biden to let Vlad know in advance that US troops would not get involved? I believe biden would like to send more weapons to Ukraine but he gave so many of them to the Taliban. Oh and I can't stand Trump or most of the either parties leadership.
A1: Pot calling the kettle black.
C9: You’re woke. Why would it matter to you?

Anonymous said...

-O- Well, respect for posting that.

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