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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 5, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





To repeat: Those who are silent today will be cursed as accomplices.


Masada comes to mind. And Spartans against the Persians. The Tank Man in Tiananmen Square. The Vietnamese against the US. Emus against Australia.

But we can now add Ukrainians to the list.


Find someone to look at you like this Ukrainian woman looks at that Javelin Launcher.


These are some of the children Putin tricked into invading another country.


Captured Russian soldier calls his family.


"I'm warm, I'm fed. I can tell you, everything we've been told is bullshit. Were sitting here now, myself and the guys who brought me, and I can say one thing, I have no idea what the fuck we were told all this stuff for. Here, they have asphalt roads even in the villages, with lighting, everywhere. Fuck, I - [incomprehensible over the phone] - everything they are telling us on TV is bullshit, I am here myself right now, and I know what it's like, I'm telling you [phone chatter] In Kharkiv our own army is bombing the city, not the Ukrainians, our own army, they are walking through the streets [and bombing]. Just so you understand, we've been brought here and tossed out like fucking pigs."


It looks like Putin is organizing his own Hitler Youth




I think that's an art installation.


If that came out of a machine I would surely jam the coin slot.




Can we assume that is the first step in an expanded development?





Oh, hell yeah!


That fence fits around the vehicle perfectly.



I just noticed the sign on the fence. Had I noticed it earlier I wouldn't have used it?






There is a theory that the Loch Ness Monster is actually the ghost of an ancient dinosaur and since it affects nothing and nobody I've decided to believe it - as a treat for myself.





The smiles of humans communicate so much.


I'm not sure other animals smile even though it may look similar.

Baring teeth is usually a threat.


Have you noticed...

...that sometimes we laugh not at the comedian's words but because he/she is laughing.


If she thinks that will help her win then I want her in my game. I would not only win her money but also that silly mask.


I find it amazing that Snoop Dog has become an almost universally liked guy in America.

I credit it to his smile.


This took me much too long...


That reminds me of the way European men tie the corners of their hanky to make a hat.

Seriously, I saw them all over. Used mostly to keep the sun off of bald heads.



Whoever said money can't buy you happiness has never been bailed out of jail before.


Probably a service vehicle.


 Yeah, we all love the guy but when you really think about it he taught millions of children all over the world that it's cool to pick up very dangerous creatures.



We make heroes out of people who spend their lives learning how to shave a hundredth of a second off of their time sledding a course.

I think we should make heroes out of people who do something meaningful instead of meaningless.


A promotional event?


I read a study that compared the tipping rate of rolling chairs with 5 wheels as compared to 4 wheels. 5 wheels were MUCH safer.


That poor kid reminds many activities in a PE class that requires the kids to pair up and if there was an odd number then the PE teacher was forced to be the odd man out's partner.


I have never been in that much of a hurry.


You work with what you got...


I could never do this...

Not so much by the way he looks but rather the amount of preening it must take.


It took me much too long to realize they were posing for this...


Why would any spouse care if their partner watched porn? My wife doesn't care and nor do I.


I think she's tying her shoe.


When a crane operator gets bored...



-sound on-




-sound on-


Golf on ice

-sound on-


Silly Border Guards

Frayed Not

-sound on-


My hobbies include sitting out on my lawn naked absolutely devastated by the fact that I have a physical form.





When in Paris, my wife rented us a hotel room in a building that was once a nunnery. The stairs were about that narrow and low. Our room was in the attic and I spend most of my time examining the old world joinery of the massive rafters.


I am still in awe that we pulled that off.


It won't be long before it is no more.



Sardar Sarovar Dam, India


Goose Dog





Would you please explain everything you know about the Holy Ghost? Take as long as you need but no simplistic phrases.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C10: I think it would do a lot for your looks.

The administration along with the CDC and NIH lied repeatedly

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