About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 18, 2022

FRIDAY #4832

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com









I think they will live to regret that.



4 tanks of the Russian army got stuck in the mud.


A Russian supply convoy is wiped out.


Many people have recommended a Himalayan salt lamp for anxiety but I just couldn't finish it in one sitting.












Early in the pandemic, I asked the anti-vaccine Fauci haters how many people had to die before they would consider it unacceptable. I got no comers but I feel certain that the number would not have been one million.

Now I want to know what level of wealth disparity would alarm conservatives. What if a small handful of people hoarded, say, half the wealth. 60%. How about 80%. Or do you have no limit at all?




Boomers when everybody starts worrying about nuclear war with Russia...


I was led to believe that the name of that store is The - just The.

There is a great deli in my town named No Name Deli.




So, he's saying they are playing the same game only they are incompetent at it?

*Not all conservatives are Nazis just like not all liberals are communists. But liberals don't tolerate communist flags at their gatherings.


Why did Princess Peach choke? 

Mario came down the wrong pipe.
















All thing Anatidae...




It's okay, she's wearing a suit...


The Road Hazard

Extremely rare black fox in the UK.


OSHA Law 175643:

A turd over 6" must be hand lowered to prevent splashback.




I once countered a racist's claim that blacks run when under fire with the facts about the Tuskegee Airmen and he shrugged it off as made-up propaganda.


I thought that was a mural but look at how the hand sticks out. Anybody? 


At first, I thought that was some sort of water distribution then I remembered how in some places gasoline trucks are highjacked and drained with hoses.


I wondered where the photographer stood but I guess he could have used a selfie stick.


Those men are standing on huge chunks of ice that used to be above their heads. And yet they pose there anyway.


When in Germany my friends and I pulled off the road to watch a shiny new Mercedes sedan plowing a field.


Something tells me they should have placed it directly over the axles.


Can we assume by the crowd that this is a sporting event?


Years ago I swore off posting sand art unless it was something extraordinary. Well, that one is just that.


You use what is available.

My #1 Advisor did a lot of research at Arecibo.

One little white building is an optical telescope housed in a small building like this.
She was photographing a laser bouncing off the upper atmosphere and needed it very, very dark. So she rounded up dozens of cardboard boxes and a few rolls of duct tape and built a light-tight inner chamber that worked just fine thank you very much.

As much as I enjoyed carving when I was a teenager I now wonder why I quit. And, yeah, that's the type of thing I would do.


New, never-before-seen things excite me. I like that piece very much.

A sculptor friend of mine was once funded to create a structure very similar to the above and the strands hanging down were stips of 

microfilm on which was every possible combination to a lock that held the whole thing together.

BTW I don't understand why all of the chain links don't line up horizontally.


For two decades I watched over a couple of hundred K-5 students eating breakfast at school. I learned very early that they shouldn't be allowed to talk, sit together with at least one seat between every student, and none of them could sit directly across the table from another. One day the principal came in and wondered about my rules. So, I announced that today they were allowed to sit anywhere they so desired and that they could talk. There were three fights within the first 15 minutes.

First, they talked, then they got loud, then they got rowdy, and then one of them slapped the shit out of another one.


Unless that is a modern replica I would not want to fire it. I once bought a WWI Infield and the first time I fired it I tied a string around the trigger, wrapped it in a blanket, secured the butt against a large tree, and fired it with me on the other side of the tree.


Notice anything a little odd?


I found this foot rather odd...


See the oddness here?


Station to station, Sasha Maslov

Noted Ukrainian photographer

Why do you suppose they are all caged?


Musical Instrument

At Walt Disney World they had three musicians each with a slightly different kettle drum. They announced that they would take requests to mimic any instrument. And they did. I asked for piano and had I closed my eyes would have sworn it was real. They did horns, violins, banjos, etc, etc. I was quite impressed.










ponder said...

I thought that was a mural but look at how the hand sticks out. Anybody?

It's an illusion.

"Excellent illusion! There is no tunnel, see the right hand, a line runs across his pinkie knuckle."

ponder said...

Why do you suppose they are all caged?

Theft & vandalism?

The poison was in the ice, it did not have time to melt with the girl quickly drinking five.

Dr. WeTodd said...


ponder said...


How do you justify this?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder,
I know none of those people.

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