About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 17, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



"Can't we all just get along?"

- Rodney King










A protester crashed a newscast with a sign saying "Stop the war, Don't Believe the propaganda, You are being lied to here"

Nominate Marina Ovsyannikova for Nobel Peace Prize !!



Support from a fan...


Go back and watch the white car arrive at the intersection at the exact moment the missile lands.


It was stated that these are abandoned Russian equipment.

The lack of the Z tells me they were repainted or it's pure propaganda.


In Ukraine they are ready to meet Putler in person, they even made a tombstone.


Modified Porsche

BMW 6 series with an NSV 12.7x108 heavy machine gun.

And yes, the bumper sticker says "Russian warship, GFY".










I like to position myself face down with only my dick touching the bed, then I revolve around slowly like a car in a showroom.





Whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset.



In Die Hard 2 a doomed pilot tricked into landing 800 feet below the runway says, "Thank, God, we are running on fumes up here." Then this happened.

That's more than fumes.




How to survive a haunted house.

There's a much longer and funnier version of that that I lost. If you run across it please send it to me.


In Ukraine today ordinary people are doing things that will be stories that will be passed down for generations.


Tanks being tanks.

Tanks pretending to be anti-aircraft weapons.


Nowadays one of the first questions to ask on first dates is, "What do you think about Nazis?" just to get that one obstacle out of the way upfront.


If I post one of your insane comments and don't respond to it, please don't take that as me agreeing with you. The truth is that I am very busy and explaining to you how the vaccine is not fake just doesn't fit into my agenda.


I'm not an asshole. I'm hemorrhoid. I irritate assholes.




Guys will do shit like that every damn time.

There's a lot of that going around...


Remember this guy...

Could you watch that without taking action to stop it?


Star Wars Skit

Animal Sounds

The Wader

What did he say?

Seriously, what did the guy say that broke everyone up?


We Can't All Be Sane

That's not really funny. She needs help.


Finger Food

And There Was A Fire

Ice Fishing Bait

What it's like being over 30 and living at home...

Magic Trick

The Mourner


Samuel Beckett once said, "Every word is like an unnecessary stain on the silence and nothingness."


Being Trans is the new left-handed.



Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon, Patrick Swayze, Ralph Macchio, Emilio Estevez, C. Thomas Howell, and Rob Lowe on the set of The Outsiders, 1983

And to think, at that stage, none of them knew who would become a mega-star and who would not.


This is the animal that kills more humans than any other.

And they are FAST!


Hypersonic Sled traveling at Mach 8.6

10,620 kilometers per hour

6,599 miles per hour

1,833 meters per second

Holloman Air Force Base

*Or so I'm told.


I wonder if he gets paid extra for that.


Did you notice those tusks? I think they are for slashing side to side.



A live feed from a bald eagle nest.


I have met people like that. All of them suffered from too high expectations. Life owes you nothing. Just relax and take pleasure in the little things.


Inflatable Scooter

Bungie Mishap

Inertia Explained

Alofs Reloading Magazine



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Anonymous said...

C7 - What he said: "Thats a challenging wank!"


ponder said...

What did he say?
Seriously, what did the guy say that broke everyone up?

That's a challenging wank.

Meaning it would be hard to masturbate to that image of her.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time...
It seems to me the pink and blue sides must be opposite of each other when folded, and not share an edge (as are brown and green, and orange and red). Are any of the cubes representative of the correct folding?
Perhaps I am misunderstanding the puzzle.

Thorhees21 said...

Puzzle: C

Anonymous said...

Tessellated cube
All the others show pink and blue touching, which cannot happen.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: It seems like none of the above. It looks like the blue side could not touch the pink side but A, B, and C show blue touching pink. And it looks like green an brown sides could not touch but D shows green and brown touching.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Raul,
I tend to agree with you.

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