About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

SUNDAY #4820

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




As stated, the first casualty of war is truth.


Example #2

Why are the Ukrainians hailed as heroes for opposing an invading army but the Iraqis and Afghans were considered terrorists for doing the same thing?


Or so I'm told.


Or so I'm told.


Ukrainians won another trophy - an enemy mortar

Or so I'm told.




When I saw this I thought of Putin...

Some say that many people in Ukraine speak Russian so it should belong to Russia. So, I looked it up.

35 languages are considered official languages in various regions of Russia, along with Russian. There are over 100 minority languages spoken in Russia today.

So, should all those non-Russian speakers belong somewhere else?


If this upsets you...

Then you are a sick asshole who has bought into the whole demonization of differences conservative machine. A machine that is hellbent on exterminating a group of people for having sinned against their standards.

Example #1:

They are starting the "singling out the undesirables" part of Fascism.

Example #2:
We are straying farther from God's light by the hour.

How does anyone grow up in America and become so cruel?


I have had more than one commenter wrote:

"I've met some real stupid colleges educated people." 

Here's what that means:

He might know which drugs will kill you if combined but he can't change a flat tire.

Yeah, he might have redesigned a heart valve but have you ever seen him try to drive a nail?

Oh, please, he may have written four math textbooks but he doesn't know shit about the NFL standings in 1984.

Never stop learning. 

Only perfect beings don't need to change.


I only know one thing about crypto - the super-rich will not allow you to join them with this simple trick. It's either a scam or the moneyed people will find a way to rig the system in their favor.



I most certainly found it in a person.





Vaccine Skit


I haven't noticed any new Banksy paintings since Betty White died.






Two identical twins married two identical twins and their babies are very rare.

But I read in one account that they all lived in the same house. I found that odd.





You gotta love a man who enjoys his work.


Mom, "Hi Baaabyyy!"

Ski Ballet

Stories from our EMTs

The CDC just announced that it is changing all of its medical recommendations to "Whatever the boss needs".



Nice alignment.


I even did a Google Image Search and can't find out anything about that. It looks like a cave. Anybody?


Put me in the game, coach!

But it occurs to me that gay cooks would have a distinct advantage.



How clever.


See, I would be impressed with that except that now I shrug and assume they created it on a computer.

Anyway, what kind of game is played with all white balls except for one black ball? And who leaves the rack on the table?


This took me longer than it should have...


Now is the winter of our discotheque.

Are there still dance clubs?


Chongqing, China

Such a gorgeous country, a shame it's run by such truly awful people.


Maine to Newfoundland Ferry

I just flew in on Braniff Airlines.


The Room Illusion

(I about freaked out - honest)


Never ever wake someone up who is sleeping on the couch to tell them they have to go to bed. That's is grounds for divorce in 47 states.





I had a '49 GMC in 1975.

I did the math and that equates to owning a truck today that was made in the '90s. 


Hey, men, think of how wonderful it feels to walk around in a bathrobe with your balls swinging free.




Someone left this on the train...


I am included in the 0.14% of people whose names are etched into the Perseverance Rover which is currently on Mars. NASA even gave us digital tickets to track our ‘Space Miles’.

10.9M names are etched into the three squares on the top left using a very, very precise laser.

Perseverance has traveled over 313M miles through our solar system to date. That’s enough to fly around the world 13,040+ times. (I blacked out my name because.. privacy)

Note: In the future, I'm going to try and distinguish between my comments and the comments from the site source by using two different fonts - like above. I hope this eases any confusion.


Boob Light




Splinter - skip to 24





Do you believers actually read that shit to your children?





Anonymous said...

Do your research on this one. It's not about attacking transgenders. It's about protecting kids from their parents who are influencing them into doing something they may regret later. It should be the persons choice as an adult without pressure from their parents or anyone else. They've already found that some kids that started the process regretted it later and only did it because they were influenced by "woke" parents. There's a documentary on it.

Anonymous said...

^^B1^^ :

ponder said...


Anonymous said...

Puzzle: snowflake

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