About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

SUNDAY #4841

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




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Happier Times


The Russian Embassy in Prague.


2 volunteers from Georgia sacrifice their life in Ukraine during an airstrike near Irpin on March 18th.

If I remember correctly Ernest Hemingway volunteered to fight in the Spanish Civil War.


Tetyana Chornovol, a former nationalist member of parliament, swapped anti-corruption campaigning to be an anti-tank missile operator on the frontline.

-sound on-


My marriage has never been hard work. My wife literally lowers my blood pressure just by walking into the room. I tell her I love her and am glad she married me every day. Every. Single. Day.


I’ll always be here for you unless we run out of beer.


Almost nothing is black or white but rather multiple shades of gray. I bristle at marching lockstep to the government's orders, but, Goddamnit, sometimes they are right. Other than the health of the nation they had no motive in recommending you wear a mask and get a vaccine.



This plague has shown us who we really are and some of us have come up woefully lacking.

1 in every 334 Americans died from a disease that had a cure that people wouldn't take. 



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And their latest hypocrisy...


It behooves the powerful to keep us stupid.

My neighbor calls Trump: 

Beau (Gus) Fleeceman

And this from abroad...

Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.




Think Global Warming.



I hate it when I go to the kitchen to look for food and all I can find are ingredients.


In no functioning society should the sentence “Someone stole my ape cartoon” be followed by “now my life savings are gone”.




No dog was harmed in the making of this video.


When your fingers write a check your ass can't cash...


I love thrift stores.


Somewhere in America, there was an ER nurse with a hell of a story to tell.






I would place the dip directly behind and under the dinosaur as if he had shit it.


There was a lengthy thread about how he was going to hand her the puppy. I would think he would just turn around and let her take it from his hands.




Oh, how the turntables...

I would have kicked her in the throat while she was vulnerable.



No offense to Jesus but I would never in a million years attend an event called The Last Supper.


You guys, this guy on Dateline says I shouldn’t make friends with people on the internet because they might not be who they say they are. Is this true?



Northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan is characterized by a distinct periglacial belt that contains many rock glaciers with an area of 1 km2 or more.


Weighing in at about 8000 kg this Elephant from Tanzania is believed to be the largest in the world.



As stated earlier, this is a great idea not only for moving it into the sunshine but also moving it in out of the weather during a cold snap.

If and only if you actually take your wife's advice to roll it inside...which I didn't.


Want to guess what this is?

Ice through a polarizer



I'm thinking it's like a lawyer becoming a judge. With added power, a change of wardrobe is required.


Calling such programs "Defund the Police" was an extraordinarily stupid move.


I believe that I've mentioned how they finally fixed the absence of a line where the S is supposed to go behind the C.

So, now starting at the top the S starts out under, then over, then under, then over. But not the C goes, under, under, over. I don't like that either and it, too, could be easily fixed.


I loved every minute of this and strongly suggest you view it.

Skip to 1:37 and don't give up too soon.


Think how careful you have to be to make sure the right pieces are going in the right places.


That's called a silkscreen and I never liked making them.


Bike Course

I'm assuming they time the participants.


Glasses for Children

Let me ask you something: Regardless of whether you are Dem or Rep, do you think every child should have corrective lenses or just the ones whose parents have insurance?


Netted Turtle

Are there still people who could resist doing that?


Palm Climber

Put The Snake In The Basket

The Woodcutter Fun






Add swinging sticks to your list of things to avoid while drinking.





Ernest Hemingway; you are correct. Then in 1960 he spent each morning helping out Che Guevara shooting opponents of the Revolution. He was in his demented, bloodthirsty element there.


Re your comment about the suffering caused by Christianity.Would you say that about Islam? Would you tell that to your Democrat government?

ponder said...

Other than the health of the nation they had no motive in recommending you wear a mask and get a vaccine.

You forgot about the 5G tracking chips in the vaccine. /s

ponder said...

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Crude & gas prices are more or less accurate.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
Any religion that gets to make laws will ruin a country no matter what religion it is.

Unknown said...

PUZZLE TIME: Deer is to Expensive.(#Bdm Tish#)

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Cervine is a collective adjective for deer.

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