About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com







This Ukrainian newspaper from 2019 has some words regarding those false platitudes. The link to the newspaper's website is here.




*Does anyone know where I can buy one of those?


Translation: The food was great! Unfortunately, Putin spoiled our appetites by invading Ukraine. Stand up to your dictator, stop killing innocent people! Your government is lying to you. Get up!



The first casualty of war is the truth.


Dmitry goes around battlefields collecting Russian weapons and then putting them in the hands of Ukrainians. On a bike.


If our convicts can fight forest fires then theirs can fight Russians.


Russians open fire on a tank...

A War Memorial.

Notice that they gave her a shotgun. For people not used to shooting that is a point-and-shoot weapon with a wide pattern.


The Voice of a Child
Girl Drives Abandoned Armored Vehicle
Russian POWs
Ukrainian Soccer Player
Russian Tank Kill

This explains a lot.




I totally agree with that. As a 20-year teaching veteran, I have seen the stigma of children being denied lunch because their parents didn't pay up. Children shouldn't be punished for their parent's irresponsibility or poverty.


A few years ago we, as a nation, decided that old people should be provided health care at very little cost to them. We old people love it! So, why can't we, as a nation, decide that every child should be provided health care?


My wife is always amazed when she sees how the world has changed but I am amazed when I find something that hasn't changed.


Do you want to tell her?

I find it interesting that the number seven has that little mark through it like they do in Europe. Ummmm.


She's got my vote!

I do find the juxtaposition of the words "stripper" and "soft" interesting.



This is how it's supposed to be pronounced:

But I had only read it and never heard it so when I sprung it on my friend the newspaper editor I pronounced it "In-you-I". 

He found it hilarious anyway.



What the hell does that mean?


"If it ain't off-site, it ain't a backup."


I find it baffling that people with Alzheimer's can't recognize their children but will remember that they are racist.


Our parents really said, "Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about," and we all thought that they were doing a great job of parenting.



I've seen this movie too!

She has a tattoo of a naked sailor on her right butt cheek. And when that donkey gets warmed up...I mean, damn.


I think that could be a lot of fun.


East Germany showing off their computers in a State parade - July 4th, 1987.

And here they are showing off their steroids...


Proof that some Americans treasure money more than principal...

But he is far from alone in cowering to the Chinese because of income that could be lost.


And make of this what you will...


Speaking of...

Do you remember Republicans criticizing Biden for smelling women's hair? Well, I'm a father of two daughters and I will tell you that this would never ever happen in my house.

I'm not hinting that Trump was the worst president the US has ever had, I am saying straight up that he's the worst leader any developed nation has had for the last half-century. But that's just the opinion of a man who was glued to the TV on Jan. 6.


I pity men whose women don't react to their advances like they do mine...


I don't want to brag but on our first date my soon-to-be wife went down on me on the way TO the restaurant...in broad daylight...in heavy traffic.


Of course, I never stop until the job is complete if you know what  I mean...


NOTE: A commenter accused me of bragging about my sexual exploits. Ha!


Dickdos all.


Talk about clips that end too quickly!



-sound on-

Wait for it...


Being able to teleport must suck when you have ADHD.

"Why the fuck am I in Nevada?"




All things Anatidae...


English Black Walnuts

People say you can eat them like that. We call that green.


Now that we all have printers and access to clear plastic sheets that are a great enlargement tool. And it doesn't take a special bulb.


And before you say that tracing is cheating, know that artists have been tracing since the Middle Ages. They used the Camera Obscura.

There are several artists whose work feature only left-handed people. That is one of the drawbacks to using the device - it produces mirror images.


That came with no explanation and it baffles me. Anybody?







Now that I think about it, Venus de Willendorf could be used as a dildo if she were motivated adequately.



The little fucker had guts.


Powered Snowboard


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or anyone why their parents' names are blue on Wikipedia.




Wolf Lodge in Canada

All I can think about is the cameraman pretending not to be there.

What's the most exciting thing you've done braless?


What's possible with practice...


The practice...


I had to do something very similar crossing the traffic circle around the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Then we found the tunnel that we used for egress.


The physics involved is staggering.


They may not remember all of their guests who take advantage of their kindness but the guests will never forget them.


This man-made the whole world just a little bit better.

You can hear his song here:



Dad Powered Rollercoaster


*Viewer Adaptation


I like these soft rubber tips on my glasses.

They come in a bag of two that looks like this...

So, I spent all afternoon trying to get those little bastards shoved onto the arms of my glasses. I used tweezers, needle nose pliers, KY Jelly, and then asked my wife for help. She said she would look it up on the internet and I scoffed, "You think you can learn how to put these on from the internet?"

Two minutes later they were in place. The internet told her to twist and push at the same time and they slid right on.




I'll just leave this here...


-sound on-





Inchworm said...

puzzle HAND

Anonymous said...

D2: That chick has one hell of a gnarly hand.

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