About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




The World's Newest Hero

"There is no need to be afraid. The Russian army is not strong, it is just long. We will eat them slowly, like a salami."


Then there are the helpers...
The largest flood of refugees since WWII

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But all over Europe people are standing up.

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We should remember the companies that joined the fight.

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Professional fishermen giving people fish for free in the town where Russians shelled the power plant.

In the chaos and horrors of war, you can see the shining light of a good person’s soul.

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The Abetters

Fuck the companies who remained in Russia to make a buck.

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Said to be a captured shot-down Russian pilot...

He must have skipped camouflage day.

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The whole press conference with this Russian POW is worth a watch.

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In an attempt to help fix their broken logistics, the Russians are rushing civilian vehicles to the front in Ukraine

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Ah but that one guy says "with all due respect" so it's okay.



Said to be a college textbook.

If so, any individual who goes a half-million dollars in debt to receive a degree should be able to read the word fuck.


I've always felt that rules aren't made to be broken. They were made to break you.


Yeah, I missed it too. Here's a hint:



Here's an example:

He accidentally hit on a way to end so much suffering in this country...and he doesn't even know it.

Then there are these gems...

Logic need not apply.

PS: If you come across Democrats saying dumb shit please send it to me.



Again I am ignorant of an item's meaning but just like the arrangement of the words.



Karaoke is not about being a good singer. It's about letting prospective lovers know that you are an attention-seeking alcoholic.



My brother-in-law did that with a VW bus. He packed it full before he loaded it.


Russians and their squatting.



Is there a reason to keep it vertical?


My wife trying to take off a turtleneck.


I think that's really her all-grown-up.


The government of Iran hates those people. I know a young woman who spent 10 in solitary just for her faith.



Daniel Radcliffe as Weird Al Yankovic


I want to watch her eat fried chicken or pizza.


Not a single person asked me if I could run fast in my new shoes. Being an adult is stupid.




Do you think they use a long rod for that kind of alignment?


"Those scientists shouldn't have wasted all that time and money on college...should have stayed on the farm and helped his brothers with the soybeans."


How European borders have changed.

England remained remarkably stable.


The look on his face says:

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Skateboard who?

Skateboard vroom vroom, mother fucker.

That's not funny.

I never said it was.


I would love to own one of those.


It was stated that he custom makes those and actually sells them.

But do you remember that elephant drinking out of a toilet?


Do you eat it or throw one-dollar bills at it?


*But I would kind of like to see the trial run.


I spent a few days in there and didn't see near enough. I was in awe the whole time.


All things Anatidae...


Never let a puppy do anything you don't want an adult dog to do.





That looks easy enough for me to do.



Your dog doesn't know you can make a mistake so when you trip over him in the dark he thinks you got up just to kick him in the head.





Did that last big fish just decide to eat the one with its mouth open?


I thought it was a toddler seat installed backward.


Something you don't see every day.









^^D 9-12^^





"My God is the most merciful God."



Perfectly shaped feet.


A loyal viewer has sent me many picture puzzles similar to the ones used on IQ tests. Some are much more difficult than others so be careful.

The makers of IQ tests use such puzzles because they require no reading skills. I have amassed many such puzzles but many of them are not as easy as this one.


Suppe said...

It's a TV!! You cant watch properly if it lies flat on the floor.
Funny, would have thought that you knew that.

Anonymous said...

I did not have sex with that woman.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Suppe,
No, that's a box with a TV in it. Why didn't he lay it in the bed of the truck?

Dr. WeTodd said...

P-9 I was looking for similar signs in this Russian pow
Watch "Admiral Jeremiah Denton Blinks T-O-R-T-U-R-E using Morse Code as P.O.W." on YouTube

Wrekreation said...

"LED TVs aren’t supposed to be laid flat during transportation because the screen isn’t designed to support its own weight. You can lay it flat for a few minutes but should never transport it this way. If you lay it flat while transporting it, the screen on the LED TV could crack or warp."

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Wrek,
Thank you very much. I did not know that.

Anonymous said...

She has feet? I did not notice!

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